So everyone, I am very sorry that I haven't updated in like forever. I have had lots of time to think about the way this story should end and I think I came up with the perfect ending. I have went on a journey writing this fic and I hope you all liked or loved this fic and went on a journey too. Since starting this fic I have improved my writing skills (some may not agree) I have loved this story with all my heart and I have hated this story with all my heart also. So here is the final chapter and I hope you enjoy it. :)

I sat up in my bed, covers bundled all around me, to look out my window. The tress were staring to bud out and begin a new cycle of life. Its been almost a year since the wreck that turned my life upside down, Owen and I are still strong as ever maybe even more so since finding out about the baby. Mallory is has been in a relationship for almost a year and Owen has tried to put the fear of god in that boy, but Chase is just as stubborn as Owen is. I like Chase. He is good for her, he is very protective and sweet with her. He kind of reminds me of Owen but if you mention that to Mallory or Owen you get an earful. According to Mallory, "Chase is nothing like Owen. He is not an angry music obsessed weirdo that listens to chirping birds and people chanting for fun." And according to Owen "That cretin is not like me in any way shape, or form. He clearly has no taste in music, for gods sake he bought a Miley Cyrus album last week, and he can not play, tune, or strum a guitar if his life depended on it. He is nothing close to being like me or vice versa." As I remembered these conversations I got up and went to my closet to find some clothes. I decided on jeans and a t-shirt Owen had giving me that says "enlightened". He had them made up and gave them to people he thought had good taste in music. I told him he should get one that said "the enlighten-er" which he agreed and actually had one made. So like Owen. We accidentally wore them on the same day a few weeks ago and Rolly said it sounded like something sexual. Now we make sure to never wear them on the same day. I slipped on my clothes and pulled my necklace out from under the shirt. It was the same necklace Owen had given me to put his ring on. I never went anywhere with out it now. The one day I didn't wear it I ended up in horrible car cash. I took that as a sign and it stays around my neck at all times. I am in college now. I am studying to be a journalist. Owen is in college too, he is in music management a producing. He really wants to open up his on radio station and stuff like that. I applied a little mascara and headed for the door. As soon as my hand touched the door my phone rang. I slipped it out of my pocket and headed out the door.

'Hello." I said making sure my door was locked and headed for my car.

'I need you to stop and get me something on your way over.' A panicking Owen said.

'Okay. What do you need?" I said starting up my car and pulling out of my dorm room parking lot.

'I need you to pick me up an iPod. Rolly ran over mine with his damn car.' Owen said half shouting I heard Rolly yelp. I sighed into the phone.

'Owen. Don't hurt Rolly, I will be there in a little bit. I expect to see Rolly in good health when I get there. Okay?' I heard him whisper death threats to Rolly.

'Owen Armstrong! I will be there as soon as possible. The world isn't going to end. your getting a new one and everything will be okay. I will be there later. Love you.' I said switching lanes so I could go to Walmart.

'Fine. Love you too.' He said. I clicked the phone off and threw it in one of my cup holders.

As I turned into a parking space at Walmart my phone rang again.

'Hello.' I said getting out and locking the car door. I started walking into the stores front doors.

'Pick up a pack of gum to please.' Rolly said in a whisper. I laughed at him. He is so goofy.

'Why are you whispering?' I asked as I headed to the electronic section of the store.

'Owen don't know I have his phone. He is getting everything set up and is in the other room. Just pick up the gum please.' He said and the phone clicked off. He hung up on me. What on earth was Owen setting up? The thought slipped my mind as I found the iPods. I picked out the 30 some GB black one for obvious reasons. He would have that thing nearly full.

I walked up the walkway to Owen and Rolly's dorm, iPod in hand when Rolly jumped out of a bush. I would of screamed if he hadn't put his hand over my mouth. When I calmed down he uncovered my mouth.

'What in the hell?' I asked looking at him in shock. He just ignored me.

'Gum?' he said sticking his hand out. I looked at him oddly.

'You did all that to ask me for gum? For gods sake you could of just stepped out form behind the bush, said hello and asked for it.' I said handing him the gum. He took it said thanks and ran off. What in the world was his problem? I guess its just Rolly. He is weird in general. I was getting ready to open the door when Owen swung the door open scaring me yet again.

'What is it with people and scaring me today?' I said looking up at his green eyes. He pulled me up to him and kissed me lightly on the lips.

'Sorry. I didn't mean too…who else scared you?' He asked kissing me again then sitting me down. I handed him the iPod and sighed as he took my hand and walked me to his Land Cruiser (yes he still had that thing).

'Rolly jumped out of a bush when I was walking to your door. Where are we going?' I said. Owen opened the door for me to get in. He walked around to the driver side and got in.

'The car wash.' He said simply as he hammered my seat belt in. I just stared at him.

'The car wash?' I asked eyeing him. He nodded yes and pulled out.

'I have something I want you to hear and since everything sounds better in the car wash I figured what you think of what you hear will be positive.' He said as he turned into the car wash and inserted money. We pulled in and the water started. We reclined our seats back last the first time we ever went to one and listened for a moment. There was nothing but the sound of water rushing.

'I thought you had something you wanted me to hear? better not be techno.' I asked looking over at him. He smiled.

'Close your eyes and you will hear it.' He said. I did as I was told and I heard him shift around then lay something on my leg. I went to grab it but he held my arm back.

'No. Not until you listen.' He let go of my hand and I left the object sitting on my leg alone. Owen pushed a button and I could hear his voce in the speakers.

'Annabel, I love you with all my heart. Even if we don't agree on the same music sometimes. I want you to know that I will always be here for you and here with you and nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. That's why I want to know if you will be mine forever….will you marry me Annabel?' I was stunned at the words coming from the speaker. Because Owen was not one to be mushy like this. I heard him push a button. I opened my eyes and looked over at him. He was looking at me with a serious face.

'Well?' He asked. I looked at him wondering how he could even doubt my answer. I smiled and jumped across the seat to lay half on him.

'Of course! Yes!' I said and kissed him. We sat there for a little while just kissing. He stopped and looked at me.

'I love you.' He said smiling at me.

'I love you too.' I said back laughing then kissing him once more before moving off him and back into my seat. I saw that what he had placed on my leg was a ring box which was now laying on the floor do to my leap across the seats. I leaned down and picked it up, before I could open it Owen had it his hand and was opening it. He slid the ring out and took my hand in his. He kissed my hand where the ring will be then slid it on my finger.

The ring was beautiful and was not to small and not to big. It was the perfect size. We laced out fingers together and waited for the car wash to end. This was the beginning of my new life with Owen. I looked over at Owen and saw he was watching me. My eyes drifted up to the roof of the cruiser where a drop of water was dangling. I watched it as it fell and landed on Owens cheek. He laughed and whipped it off.

'Still haven't fixed the ceiling as you can tell.' He said. I laughed and remembered the first time we was in the car wash and the drop fell on him. This was going to be a wonderful life with Owen.

Thank you all for the reviews on this story. And thank you for those who have stuck around from the beginning and waited for me to update. You guys rock! I hope you liked the ending and I shall see ya'll around.

This is for fluffyduck,

thank you for your wonderful words. really spiced up my day? :) I would just like to state that i do not care if you dont want to hear about my brother because im going to write about him anyway, i do not care if my writting skills bother you because i do not write to please you or anyone else. I would also like to state that people would probably take what you say and learn from it IF you signed in and would let them PM you back so you could talk about it more. Also, it isnt your place to say the things you say. No one on this website has the right to flame anyones story. This is a site where people can write fics. They dont have to be skilled at writting to post anything. So thank you for your reviews. I will continue to use all the ,c,,o,m,,,,,a,,,,'s i want to, and i will continue to spell my words wrong. Oh, i almost forgot. I want your "expert" opinion on one more sentence. :) Suck my balls you prick. :) thanks again for reviewing.

Peace n Luv,
