Of Kings and Queens

Chapter 1:Her Boys

"Everyone up!" the caretaker of the Brooklyn Newsies lodging house yelled, the sound echoed and bounced off the walls, groans were emitted form the sleeping boys throughout the bunkroom as the only girl newsie in all of Brooklyn walked out of the bathroom and smiled at 'her boys' as she liked to call them

"Wake up sleepy heads" she told them

"Yeah easy for you to say Sparks" one of the boys said walking past her into the bathroom

"What's wrong Shadow, late night last night?" she asked referring to his not so stealthy attempt to get into the bunkroom after curfew, a result of staying out to late with his girl from the Bronx

"Shut up" he told her playfully as he splashed some water in his face effectively wiping the sleep from his eyes and all they boys 'ohhed' at him

"Yeah, yeah pipe down, at least I got a girl" he told them somewhat grumpily

"Yeah what about you Sparks" Roller asked and gazed at her eyes sparkling with mirth

"Sorry boys, but the details of my love life are not public information thank you very much" she said and turned to walk out of the bunkroom and down the stairs

"Sure it's not Sparks" she heard one of the boys yell

"What's that supposed to mean" she yelled back at the voice while trying not to laugh

"It means we all know who you're sweet on, so it's no use to try and hide it" the voice said

"Oh really if your so knowledgeable, then go ahead, enlighten me who exactly am I sweet on" she asked sweetly

"Me, of course" the voice said as he stepped out of the bathroom drying his still wet hair with a towel

"Ha, you wish!" she replied

"Don't I ever" he laughed and grinned slyly at her and stepped up really close to her, sufficiently catching the eye of the rest of the boys in the dorm, he moved even closer to her practically emitting no space between them and just as he was about to close the space completely she put a hand on his chest and pushed him backward

"Get over yourself Conlon" she whispered to him and promptly walked out the door, and with that she heard loud shouts and wolf whistles and she smiled to herself, yup those were her boys.