"The Super Ice Babies"

I never will own Bleach.

I will never own Hitsugaya either. sob:(

Chapter 1: Ichigo's support

It was night and Ichigo felt dreary. It was finally time to fall asleep. He had been through a lot of detentions that day for missing so much school. How pointless.

Then, there was a tapping from his window. He looked up. It was Rukia.

"Ichigo, open up!" she said. Ichigo opened the window and Rukia jumped into his room.

"What brings you here at this time of night?" asked Ichigo, although he was so happy to see Rukia again that all his sleepiness left him.

"It's n-not exactly important…," said Rukia. She did not sound as confident as Ichigo was used to. Something's strange, thought Ichigo.

"What's up?" asked Ichigo more firmly.

"Well,…" started Rukia. "You know how Byakuya Nii-san and I are Kuchiki nobility."

"Uh-huh," interrupted Ichigo. He did not need any reminding of that.

"And… as the head of his family Nii-san has a lot of control over the personal affairs of its members." She said this very fast and Ichigo could not catch everything.

"What do you mean?" asked Ichigo. Rukia is usually understandable as long as she did not use her sketchbook.

"Ichigo," said Rukia. She looked into his eyes imploringly. "I need you to support me. Please." Ichigo was taken aback. Rukia has never looked at him like that.

"What's going on?" asked Ichigo.

"Nii-san is arranging me a marriage," said Rukia.

"WHAT?!" cried Ichigo, loud enough to wake up the entire block. "THAT BASTARD!"

"Ichigo, please…"


"Ichigo, he's doing what heads of noble families do."

"How can you say that Rukia?! This is so medieval. Who you marry is your choice, not his!"

"Ichigo, remember that Lurichiyo princess and her noble friends at the tea party? They were all bound by arranged marriages. I am also from a noble family. Did you think I was exempt?"

"Yes," said Ichigo bluntly. "And I don't see why you were going along with this. If I were you, I'd leave Soul Society."

"I can't leave Soul society!" retorted Rukia. "Nii-san is my only family, and I'm going along with this because I don't want to mess up my relationship with him."

"Who's your guy?" asked Ichigo.

"I don't know yet," said Rukia very fast. "But…"

"You don't know yet?!" interrupted Ichigo. "You're going along with this and you doing even know what you're going into?!"

"Ichigo, I'm going to meet him tomorrow morning. It'll be in the Kuchiki manor and I want you to come. Nii-san is allowing me to bring one friend."

"That's rare," said Ichigo. "Even me?"

"Supposedly yes, despite how impudent you can get," said Rukia. "He didn't give me any terms for which friends I can and can not bring. But don't cross him, Ichigo. He'll still have every right to kick you out any time he wants. Please, just stay by my side. And don't make him mad."

"He's making me mad. What if your guy has fish lips?"

"Ugh," groaned Rukia. "Nii-san would never marry me to a guy with fish lips!"

"What if he has double chins?"

"Ugh, Nii-san would never marry me to a guy like that!"

"What if he has a buck teeth?"

"Okay, that's enough," said Rukia, irritated, "Nii-san would never marry me to a guy with fish lips, buck teeth, pock marks with hairs, crossed eyes or anything like that."

"What if he's really, really old?! Like Yamamoto!"

"He would never…!"

"How do you know, Rukia?! I didn't think he would marry you to some guy like this, did you?!"

"Well,…no," confessed Rukia.

"This must suck."

"Ichigo! You are not being very supportive!"