Okay, I know I took forever to update, I got major writers block for Other Wybie for some reason, anyways I'm probably going to keep the poll up for one more chapter before taking it down, because it's getting confusing to delete the choices and then re-write them, and finally thank you to all those who reviewed: bhut, Nicktendo Squad, Archery Shooting Star Bright, invader. invisible, BeccaSucks, pingypong101, and Coraline Pevensie.

Disclaimer: I don't own Coraline.

Other Wybie

He is tired of taking orders from the other mother, one day he's going to stand up

He wishes he could talk so he could give Coraline a warning or at least a hint at what was going to happen. He'll just have to help her some other way.

He reached into the mirror and pulls Coraline out, she struggled until she realized who it is. "Wybie?" She whispered her eyes widening, looking horrified, "Did she do this to you?" He realized she isn't horrified at him, but at the other mother. She pulled the strings out and he frowned, signaling that they don't have time to waste. He started to make his way to the door.

Cat was the one who warned him of the Other Mother's plans for Coraline. He just helped Cat as much as he could.

He wonders what Coraline's world is like…

"Come on," Coraline whispered, not understanding why he wasn't coming. He shook his head and took off his glove, to see his hand being blown away like it was made of sand. Her eyes widened. Then the Other Mother screamed "Coraline!" And she scrambled through the door, giving him one last look, full of sadness, before she shut it behind her.

The Other Father seems to be the only one besides him who actually genuinely cares about what happens to Coraline.

If he's the "Other" Wybie he wonders what the "Real" Wybie is like.

He disobeyed direct orders; "Do not frown in front of Coraline" He knew he would pay for it later, but it was worth if it if it gave Coraline some warning of what was to come.

"You helped her didn't you?" The Other Mother asked, glowering at him, "Why?" He crossed his arms, determined not to show he was terrified. "Oh, I forgot, you can't answer can you now?" She sneered. He glared at her as if to say "I don't need words to show how much I hate you" Whether or not she understood what he tried to convey through the glare she started to advance on him…

Okay, that was chapter seven, once again there is a poll on my profile for which character I should do next, and I'm taking it down when I'm done with the next chapter. Thanks for read this story and please leave a review.
