Okay I looked this story back over and I want to apologize to anyone who has read it for my mistakes. I have been going back and fixing things so from chapter 2 on is redone. I would bow and scrape and offer you tons of excuses on why I haven't been writing but I'm sure you don't really want to know.

They managed to stumble upon their first sphere. They had asked for rumors of them and instead had been sent to a traveling merchant with one for sale. It was even on sale simply because no one else seemed to want it. They bought it with bright smiles and headed back to the ship.

Shinra creeped him out. Here was a kid that was a genious and some how he had decided that the suit was a good idea. It didn't help that he knew someone named Shinra who happened to be crazy...

He babbled on about the sphere then showed them another small scene with the man Yuna thought might be Tidus. In it he was listening to someone singing. They couldn't see her face but the man was watching her intently.

Finally Shinra turned back and offered the sphere to Yuna. She slipped it into her garment grid and switched into the outfit. Fluffy and purple and still not something he would have worn to a battle. The girls exchanged the same look Tifa got when she was allowed to go shopping with Yuffie. He shifted back carefully. That look had never done him any good.

Yuna and Rikku ran off taking Paine with them to 'try it out'. When he had first come on board they had offered him a grid but looking at the girls he opted out. What if it decided it needed to strip him down to nothing too?