Inspired by the fun had by DireSphinx, 66ButterflyOfDarkness99, s2lou, and katiesparks. Full credit to you!
Yay! My turn to join the randomness and attempt a CRACK! fic.
I do not own Detective Conan/Case Closed, Magic Kaito, or any other anime mentioned.
Summary: If it had been a normal day, I wouldn't have minded one of my favorite characters appearing on my desktop.
It had been an off day, to say the least. It was like my good luck had withered and died to be replaced by misfortune. I hissed as I slid off my backpack, that thing seemed heavier every time I picked it up.
I cannot say how lovely it was to come home and bask in the air conditioning. With that and a bottle of green tea, I was well on my way to relaxing in my room. Then I had to be stupid and get on the laptop. In my defence, it had been a few days since I last checked my email.
There was one in the box that was from an unfamiliar address. I thought it was one of my friends who constantly changed thiers. The subject only said "1412". These numbers seemed so familiar, but I just couldn't place them. Where had I seen that particular combo before?
"Oh well. Who are you?" I murmured, clicking the email.
Instead of opening and loading a regular email my screen was suddenly filled with an expanding cloud of pink smoke. I blinked before my automatic reaction, trained into me by my friends, kicked in.
"GAH!!! Evil pink cloud! Begone!" I yelled at the screen.
A rather amused chuckle reached my ears. I turned to glare towards the entrance to my room, but there was no one there. For a few seconds I was very confused, then I got up and checked. My door had not been touched since I'd come in. The only person around was my little brother, but he was reading fanfiction on the main computer. Three rooms away.
I shrugged it off and climbed back onto my bed. That's when I saw that the pink smoke had cleared and in its place was a grinning white-clad male. Having landed but a few inches from the screen I looked at the very detailed figure for a few seconds before it clicked.
'Oh. OH!! Wow. Okay, don't switch into fangirl mode. It's only---oh rats-'
"Kaito Kid!" I squeed.
The Kid figure grinned wider and bowed slightly, raising his hand to his hat.
"The one and only," came Kid's voice.
"Oh cool! How did they make such a life-like Kid icon?"
I scooted the mouse over to him, intending to download and save the file. What happened instead was when the mouse icon's point touched him in the side he let out a high pitched sound and jumped. Kaito then proceeded to bat at the arrow, making it fly to the other side of the screen. I stared, stunned, before I remembered something I'd found out earlier this week.
Some of my favorite authors had posted that they had been visited by what at first had appeared to be a Kaito Kid icon. Only he would react to what you did and said, plus he could mess with your files. A few had gotten Aoko as well, though now that I looked she wasn't on my screen. However, they had come because of some of the fics the authors had written. But I didn't have any of my Detective Conan fics posted yet, so why was Kaito Kid on my screen?
"That's a very good question," the thief stated.
...Right, I forgot they mentioned the ability to read minds. I frowned slightly at Kaito while I tried to clear my mind. Then I asked him out loud the question from earlier.
"Why are you on my computer?"
"Funny story that. See when I left the last computer with Aoko I got sent out a different way."
"...You got lost, didn't you?" I deadpanned.
Kaito froze and twitched. He had been looking around my email page and room. His reaction confirmed my suspisions and made me grin.
"Careful Kid. Your poker face is slipping."
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Where am I anyway?"
Oooh, dilema! If I told him my real name I'd be exposed, and if I said my username he'd be back for vengence once I'd posted some of my fics. What to do, what to do? Stall, of course!
"You're in my computer, obviously," I said, humor coloring my voice.
"Very funny. You a comedian?"
"No. I'm part of the Black Organization."
It was with no little amount satisfaction that I watched Kaito's face become almost as white as his suit. I hadn't meant to say that, but my brain-mouth filter wasn't working due to the type of day I'd had. The thief started slowly shifting towards the edge of the screen, prompting me into action. I didn't want my fun to end so soon.
"Oy. It was a joke. You know, funny ha-ha?"
"That was NOT funny."
"Sorry," I soothed. "I didn't exactly have a good day."
"And this explains you saying something that threatening, how?"
"Eh. Stress equals broken brain-mouth filter. I tend to say things I'd never say otherwise after a bad day."
Kaito tilted his head slightly. Then he put his trade-mark grin back on, poofing up a white rose from nowhere.
"For you," he stated.
"Aaw, you're so sweet! How come you're not like this towards Aoko?"
"Wh-what? I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Come on, everyone knows you have a crush on her. You're just as bad as tantei-kun."
"You know tantei-kun?"
I mentally slapped myself. Of course the thief would perk up at the mention of his favorite victi--er.... detective. This could go bad, very quickly. Kaito didn't know anything about me since I normally only write fanfiction and don't post it. If he were to find out about those...
'Argh! Not now, concentrate!' I thought desperately.
"Er... Yes... No... Sort of..... Hey, what's this I hear about you having candy?"
"IT'S A LIE!!! It's all a lie!"
Kaito shivered, I could tell by he way he blurred for a few seconds, and muttered something that sounded very much like "pinata". I smirked briefly before looking over my shoulder. The thief had been very loud just then, I was a bit worried that someone had heard him. I located my headphones and plugged them in, turning the volume down a bit.
"Just to be clear, you're not here to mess with any of my files?" I asked, leading the subject astray.
"No. Why would I want to do that? You have something I should see?" Kaito asked.
"N-no! Nothing! Why would you even think that?" I laughed nervously.
Dark-pixel eyes narrowed dangerously, and I realized I'd just dug my own grave, put the coffin in it, and jumped in. The male turned and walked to the right side of the screen, reaching upwards. I paled when it was obvious that he was going to minimize the window.
"W-Wait! You don't want to do that!" I squeaked.
"Sure I don't. Let's see what sort of things you have here..."
I grimaced and yanked the headphones out of my ears. It was with sorrow that I watched the window minimize, the passing making Kid's cape flutter. There was a brief, stunned, silence. Then all of his visible skin blanched, and even without the headphones I could clearly hear his tramatized scream.
In an instant he was gone, having run off the side of my computer. I sighed dejectedly, silently cursing my luck. Then again, it seemed Kaito Kid currently had even worse luck.
After all, what were the chances of him arriving in a hardcore yaoi fangirl's computer? And one that had a rather explict fanart backround of Kaito Kid and Hakuba to boot.
I sighed again and went to change the backround to something else. Maybe he'd come back if he saw that it had changed. I did have that rather cute one of Kenshin Himura.....
I turned off and closed the computer. Any other day I would have been estatic to see one of my favorite characters stroll onto my screen. But it had to be today, a bad-luck day. I picked up my tea and sipped at it, thoughtful. He'd probably come back once some of my fics were posted. That was a good thought.
And this time I'd let the mouse stay still. Just to see how he'd react to my aquarium screensaver.
THE END (or is it?)
Please review! It's my first attempt at CRACK!
Written to Lady Gaga's Poker Face and Britney Spears Circus. Me no own.
p.s. Should I add another chapter? With Aoko and maybe Conan? Tell me what you think!