A/N: Okay, now, we'll be invading wolfram's privacy at Covenant Castle…he's out patrolling the borders so that shouldn't be a problem.
1. So boring… nothings so different at his walls. It's the same at the other rooms of the castle.
1. It's neat. It has a purple tint of pink. It's nice and soft.
2. The bed is smaller than in "their" room.
3. Okay let's have peek under the bed. It's a dust bunny paradise…ACHOO! Sorry about that. Wait! I saw something! It's a box. Of course! Not a forbidden box you ninny! It's a small box. Oh, it's protected by dust bunnies. Okay, I got a hold of it. Here. Let's open it. Oh look, a small painting of wolfram when he was little. How cute is he. (Of course they don't have cameras in the middle ages don't they?) And here is his Pacifier, his old dress. Hey, he also gets dressed like a girl! He and Yuri have a lot in common. And a wooden sword. How cute. I think he was trained by Conrad. Of course, a baby couldn't possibly use a real sword or they'd get themselves hurt. How sweet, a painting of him and Elizabeth. Though, I want it to be Yuri... T^T...and a letter from Elizabeth. Let's read it.
Dear Onii-sama,
Please come and visit me agane at spixtpeg castel. Come and play agane soon onii-sama.
…LOL… now that's what I call a spelling bee champion!!!! Okay, no more. Let's go to the drawers and cabinets.
1. Opening the main drawer (the big one) WOW! A lot of abstract paintings! I wonder what this is. It looks like a pig riding a donkey. Let's see the note at the back. It's (Eyes widen and pupils dilate) IS THIS YURI?!?!?! He is uhm…how should I say this…impressionistic? And this one, it looks like the sunrise between two large mountains. Okay, let see… (goes pale) IT'S LADY CELI?!?!?!?! Okay, last one. Let's not see other impressionistic works. This one, it looks like the sun above two trees by a lake. Okay, let's figure out who is this… (pukes) IT'S WOLFRAM???? Okay, I don't like to do this anymore.
2. Now there are only two drawers here. So, let's see what's in here. The small drawers. What is this? A lot of papers in here. It's all love letters from different guys from…the Bielefeld Cavalry?! Let's read one.
Dear My lord,
Did you know that you're most beautiful and so great in maryoku? Can we have a date some time?
insert name here of the Bielefeld Cavalry
Okay, that guy has gone gaga over Wolfram. What can I say, he's beautiful! No wonder many falls for him…* super mega ultra guilty*
3. And at the desktop, is a big mirror. And COSMETICS? He wears make up?!
1. Let's open the cabinet and invade his dresser. Over at the top one, are his uniforms. The military uniforms he wears everyday. He has a lot of them. And the other side, are his special uniforms. He has this very formal one. It's the one he wears at parties.
2. There's also the type for a long journey or an expedition. And there are also the ones that match his hair. Its color is purple. It's the one he wore when they went to Francia. And he has one peasant uniform which he wears to disguise himself. There's also a hooded cloak. Ooh, this one is from Earth, I think Miko gave him this one. It's Lee Pipes Jeans and Jag Jeans. And also a black and purple checkered tee with a necktie.
3. And at the bottom shelf are… A COLLECTION OF NIGHTGOWNS! Nice! The nightgowns are so beautiful! There's the one that he wore the first time, and an orange piped one, a yellow frilly one, and a lot more! Well, you can imagine your own nightgowns because whatever you imagine, it's here.
Uh-oh, Wolfram already arrived. Let's get outta here before he enters his room with his horse and burns us into ashes by a fire lion. NEXT STOP: GWENDAL'S ROOM!