Last Dance
It was very quiet in The Garage after the disastrous almost–wedding. Dr. K had retreated back into her lab. Scott, Flynn, and Ziggy had gone out to see a movie and grab a slice of pizza.
Dillon and Summer had opted to clean up The Garage. Both were more than ready to put the day's events behind them.
They worked mostly in silence as they folded the chairs up and took down the strands of small golden lights. Every now and then, Summer noticed that Dillon smiled to himself. She would have loved to have asked why he was so happy, but she already knew the reason.
He was happy she hadn't gotten married.
The yellow ranger was happy about that fact as well, but for the life of her, she couldn't figure out why Dillon had fought the idea so fiercely. He didn't like her…did he?
Summer had to admit, if only to herself, that she harbored a crush on the black ranger. She had been right about him; she instinctively knew that there was a light in him. He possessed something so purely good, and that something had made him help Ziggy and then rescue her…
Now they were both facing the small stage that held the sound equipment her parents had rented for the wedding. She sighed audibly, an idea in her mind. Dillon turned to look at her, one eyebrow arched. "What's wrong?" asked the wolf ranger.
"It's not like I wanted to marry Chaz, but…" She looked almost wistfully at the speakers that would have played the traditional waltz had the ceremony not been crashed by Tenaya. It wasn't really a lie; she had always imagined dancing with her Prince Charming at her wedding…
"You never got to dance at your wedding," Dillon supplied. "I see."
Summer looked at him hopefully.
He looked her over. She hadn't taken off the wedding dress yet, and he was still wearing his semi–formal tuxedo. "I think it would be a shame to waste the stereo and these nice clothes…"
He was sure his heart skipped a beat as he watched Summer light up and then start fiddling with the sound equipment. He didn't think he would ever be able to tell her "no."
A slow, sleepy waltz began to drift out of the speakers. Dillon offered Summer his left hand and helped her down from the small stage. "I don't know how to dance," he warned the bear ranger, but he could tell it didn't matter to her.
She showed him where to put his hands and then slowly began to box step around the main room. He followed her lead easily. "And you said you don't know how to dance," Summer teased, looking up at him with a sparkle in her ocean blue eyes.
"I didn't know I could. It's not like knowing I can dance is a big help to me."
Feeling bad about her comment, Summer pulled back slightly. "That wasn't what I meant, Dillon. You know me better than that."
His response was to let go of her hand and put both arms around her waist. Summer reached up to put hers around his neck, smiling into his chest. Dillon whispered into her hair. "It doesn't matter Summer. I swear it doesn't."
They continued to swirl around the main room of the headquarters. They were so lost in each other that they didn't notice when the music faded out and their teammates returned from the night on the town.
"Think he told her yet?" Scott asked Flynn.
"Soon enough," the blue ranger answered. "We should give them a wee bit of privacy." He started to lead the other two out of the room.
"Wait a minute," Ziggy hissed as he followed the blue and red operators. "Did he tell her what?"