AN: No, I didn't die, yet... though I did just use up all of my health savings account funding to get Invisalign braces… yippee . Now if I do get into a wreck or something, I will die… but at least I'll have nice teeth 8|b.
The Frailty of Trust
Chapter 10
[Friday Night]
"We're pretty silly." Shinobu muttered as he pulled his jacket on.
"Yes… we should have more faith in our lovers." Nowaki reiterated with a warm smile as he grabbed up his things, as well.
The two had just finished paying their tab, and as they walked out of the restaurant, both their eyes fell immediately on their lovers, who were exiting a restaurant across the street.
Both Shinobu and Nowaki flushed, hiding quickly and hoping they hadn't been seen.
Miyagi and Hiroki crossed the street, both talking and laughing.
Shinobu listened in and Nowaki prayed they wouldn't be caught.
"Well, a business trip is the perfect excuse to go with you, anyway." Miyagi was saying.
"I agree…" Hiroki muttered, distractedly.
"What's wrong, Kamijou?" Miyagi blinked.
"It's nothing…"
"Boyfriend troubles?" Miyagi smirked and Kamijou glared.
"I've told you a thousand times, I leave work at work and home at home! Quit asking about him!"
"Well that certainly can make things easier…" Miyagi muttered. "…But if you're that concerned about your boyfriend, just tell him. Do you think he won't take it well?"
"Why don't you tell that high school brat?"
Miyagi's brow twitched. "…Maybe it's best we keep quiet, then."
"Yeah." Hiroki huffed.
Nowaki and Shinobu both stalked behind them, listening intently.
"And he's a university student." Miyagi muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Whatever. He better not go to our school."
"Of course not." Miyagi huffed.
"Hmpf…" Hiroki huffed. "…So… professor… if I go with you… will you swear- give me your word- you won't tell anyone?"
"It's nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of people-"
"If it's nothing to be ashamed of, are you telling your bratty UNIVERSITY boyfriend?"
"That's different. He wouldn't get it. It's not like it's embarrassing."
"Then call him up right now and tell him."
"I can't." Miyagi folded his arms. "I'm missing my phone."
"Yeah, me… too..." Hiroki sighed.
"What a strange coincidence. When I was watching my niece a few years back, I was reading her a book, and in the book, there was a plant that ate socks. I wonder if there is a phone-eating plant." Miyagi pondered, out loud.
"Do you listen to yourself speak?" Hiroki huffed as the two rounded the corner.
"Well, we'd better head home before our lovers get suspicious." Miyagi sighed. "I'll give you a lift."
"I'd rather just take a cab. If Nowaki sees me with you-"
"Kamijou!" Miyagi grabbed Hiroki's arm when he went to leave. "The more suspicious you ACT, the more suspicious he'll get."
Hiroki sighed. "…But my house is far from yours."
"It's not bad. Come on."
Nowaki and Shinobu watched the two make their way toward a parking lot.
Both stood, just watching. Shinobu felt a rock forming in his chest and throat- as though he could very easily begin crying at any given moment.
Nowaki shuffled his feet after a short while and muttered, quite pathetically:
"It… it could still be a misunderstanding… if they were together the way it seems, they'd have been more affectionate in parting, right? Though Hiro-san hates affection in public places… and it's not like they've really parted ways, yet…"
"MMMMMmmmmmm…." Shinobu's vision began blurring as he glowered at his lover who was getting into his car.
The teen turned away, storming off to go find something to kick, some things to throw, and maybe someplace to hide and cry.
Nowaki followed, worriedly. "Takatsuki-kun, wait..."
"I'll kill him! I'll-!"
"It may still be a misunderstanding." Nowaki reassured him, catching Shinobu by the arm and turning him, placing his hands comfortingly on the teen's shoulders. "Things aren't always as they appear."
"It was nice to meet you, but that we met obviously MEANS something." Shinobu snapped, head lowering.
"Means something?" Nowaki blinked.
"It means we both have REASON to be suspicious, right?"
Nowaki frowned, giving that concept some thought before sighing. "Or it could just mean that there's something going on between them that we're both misinterpreting because we're both… a little… insecure…"
"Rationalize if you want- I'm NOT putting myself in a position to be hurt." Shinobu muttered, pulling away. "Again, it was nice meeting you. I'll take my leave."
"Listen…" Nowaki sighed, writing something down and handing it to the teen, forcing it into his hand and closing the younger male's fist around it. "I understand not wanting to be around another person when you're embarrassed or upset, because even though it doesn't seem like it, I feel the same way, but if you need or want to talk… if you find out anything really is going on… please call me."
Shinobu stared up at Nowaki, confused, his hand still held in Nowaki's.
As luck would have it, Miyagi and Hiroki drove by at that exact moment.
"…Professor…?" Hiroki blinked, pressing a hand to the window and peering out, squinting hard. No way were his eyes working, properly… that couldn't be…
Shinobu appeared to be saying something to Nowaki, cheeks flushed and gaze averted, slightly.
Nowaki gave him a smile- the one he usually reserved only for Hiroki, and ruffled the teen's hair.
Shinobu blushed, glaring at the ground and muttering something back.
"…What the FUCK?" Hiroki turned and socked Miyagi in the arm.
"Oww! What? I always run them!"
"The red light?"
"…No, you idiot, didn't you see?" Hiroki pointed and Miyagi stared at him, stupefied. "You are the most INOBSERVANT person in the WORLD!"
"WHAT?" Miyagi whined. "I was watching the road!"
"I can't believe this." Hiroki folded his arms.
"What was it? An author?"
"Just take me home." Hiroki snapped, sourly. He folded his arms across his chest and sank down into his seat, furious.
He had half a mind to have Miyagi turn around, but it would be impossible in this traffic.
"…Jeez." Miyagi rolled his eyes and continued toward Hiroki's place.
Nowaki opened the door to his apartment sadly, heading inside. He had to confront his lover.
"Where the hell were YOU?"
Blinking, Nowaki glanced over at Hiroki, who was sitting on the couch, giving him a grouchy look.
Nowaki felt insulted. Where the hell was he? Where the hell had Hiro-san been? Hmm?
Annoyed, the taller of the two headed over, sitting down and sighing.
"I was out. That's all." Nowaki muttered. "…Hiro-san, I wanted to talk to you…"
"Where. Were. You?" Hiroki demanded, and Nowaki blinked, frowning.
How could he tell his lover he'd been stalking him…?
"…I was… well, I was here for the most part, but then I went and did some shopping…"
"Bull shit." Hiroki snapped. "I waited here for you since earlier."
Nowaki glared. "…Seems like we're both lying, Hiro-san. You were out with that professor of yours, weren't you?"
"You're still suspicious of me?" Hiroki snapped, gritting his teeth. 'No wonder he's so suspicious! If one person cheats, they think the other could just as easily do it!'
"You've given reason to be."
"What about you? I act 'suspicious' and suddenly it's a-ok to go palling around with some kid? I mean, I know you like children, but I didn't think you were sexually interested in them."
Nowaki's eyes widened and he glared at Hiroki. "…Are you referring to Takatsuki-san?"
"Yes, I am!" Hiroki snapped.
"…So…" Nowaki fell silent for a moment, registering his lover's words.
That insinuation that he was a pedophile had stung, especially since he loved working with children, so that was probably the worst insult anyone could ever deliver to him… one of the worst, anyway.
More importantly, how had Hiroki known who Takatsuki-kun was…?
"You saw him and me together?" Nowaki surmised, at last.
"Yes, I did." Hiroki continued glaring.
"…Just as we saw you and that professor together."
"Are you still going on about that?" Hiroki sighed, annoyed. "What is it going to take for me to convince you I have no interest in professor Miyagi?"
"At this point, you would have to quit your job and move." Nowaki muttered, folding his arms. "Because it's obvious there's something going on between you two."
"Oh is it?" Hiroki arched a brow. "…Nowaki, I can't deal with this cynicism. I don't understand why you don't believe me… but it's beginning to get on my nerves."
"…You can't always bully me into agreeing with you, believing what you have to say, or going along with whatever, Hiro-san." Nowaki muttered and Hiroki blinked.
"I'm not-!"
"I'm done for tonight." Nowaki stood with a sigh. "You drained me."
"…Nowaki!" Hiroki stood, angrily, but Nowaki headed to his room and closed the door- locking it.
Hiroki glared, storming into his own room and slamming the door closed, loudly.
Miyagi was reading a book, merrily, at Shinobu's.
He'd come by, expecting the teen to be there, sleeping, or getting ready to sleep, but his lover hadn't been there… nor had he been at his place.
Sighing, he glanced at his watch with a frown.
He put his book away, and suddenly Shinobu entered.
Smiling, he stood to greet Shinobu.
"Shinobu-chin! You sure are getting home late. What've you been up to?"
"Why're you here, in my apartment?" Shinobu muttered, tossing his jacket over the back of a chair and heading to his room.
His face and eyes were red from crying.
Needless to say, Miyagi was shocked. "This is like the first time I've come over of my own volition. Shouldn't you be thrilled? Hey… what's the matter…?"
"I'm not thrilled. What do you need?" Shinobu asked, grabbing something to change into for bed.
"Well… I just wanted to see you, because I haven't seen you in a while." Miyagi headed over to touch Shinobu's head, but the teen avoided his touch.
"Did you get your fill of 'a real man' and now you're ready to go back to touching some brat, then?" The teen demanded, quietly.
Miyagi blinked, stupefied. "Do what, now?"
"Why were you with him? You said there's nothing going on between you two."
Confused, Miyagi stared blankly at Shinobu before blinking, again. "Oh… did you see me and Kamijou out, tonight?"
"Yeah. You were chumming it up in a restaurant."
"What about it? We're co-workers and good friends. Well, I'M a good friend, Kamijou is a jerk."
Shinobu sighed. "…Is that how it's going to be? You sure seemed happy with him."
"…Did I...?" Miyagi smiled. "It's a lot of fun to get him riled up and piss him off, that's true."
"Then you must be having the time of your life with me! Get out!"
Miyagi blinked, startled at the teen's sudden fury. "…Shinobu-chin,"
"I said get out!" Shinobu snapped, pointing at the door, tears welling in his eyes.
"...What's going on?" Miyagi reached for Shinobu but the teen jerked away from his touch. "Don't touch me! Just go!"
"…Shinobu!" Miyagi snapped. "What's your problem? If this is some bratty fit of jealous rage, then it's completely unwarranted. Kamijou and I are simply superior and subordinate! Even tonight was work-related. I'm glad that at least you came to confront me about it, but if you're going to come this far, don't you at least want to hear my side?"
"…Fine. This should be good." Shinobu snapped, folding his arms.
"Your anger is completely irrational-"
"Strike one." Shinobu glowered.
"…Cut it out!" Miyagi barked. "Stop being jealous of Kamijou! It's stupid!"
"Besides, he's gay!"
"GET OUT! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET! OUT!" Shinobu pointed repeatedly at the door, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"Alright, alright… but your anger and jealousy are based on groundless-" Miyagi turned to finish, once out the door, but Shinobu promptly slammed it.
Miyagi huffed, staring quizzically at the door. Maybe if he texted Shinobu, the teen would calm down and read it… He headed into his apartment to look for his cell, some more.
He hadn't been able to find it in nearly two days.
AN: Yeah, leaving things off all peaceful for now. Hopefully you'll get another chapter within the next 6 months-ish. Maybe sooner- who knows.