Hey guess what I own, I own a crappy laptop, too many shoes&clothes, and a cat that hates me, but as for the characters, they all belong to Stephanie Meyer, I only wish.

It all started when Bella met Mary Alice Brandon, but everyone called her Alice, in third grade, right after she moved to Forks to live with her dad after her mom had a nervous break down, and couldn't take care of Bella anymore. Alice was everything that Bella needed in a friend, she was carefree, nice, energetic, smart, and she understood Bella more than anyone had ever.

To say that Bella didn't have many friends before she moved to Forks would be an understatement, kids back in Phoenix just didn't get her, they thought of her as weird, and too quite. It also didn't help that Bella would fall down while walking on any flat surface.

In fifth grade Jasper and Rosalie Hale moved into town, and Jasper and Bella just clicked. Since Jasper is the quite one out of his family, they understood each other. They knew that there is no need for small talk, and that they could just be. Rosalie on the other hand couldn't get Bella, she found her strange and reminded her too much of her brother, and she "didn't need another Jasper in her life" as she put it thousands of times.

Half way through fifth grade Edward and Emmett Cullen moved to the small town, and everyone was fascinated with how beautiful and smart the Cullen boys were. They were instantly popular and were friends with just about everyone. They were from money so they had nice clothes and they were able to get the nicest things. The reason why they came to Forks is because their mother, Esme, wanted to move to a small town, and her husband, Carlisle, would do anything to please her. He found a decent hospital where he could work at and moved to the small sweet town that Esme wanted for her family.

This is their story

I know this was a really short chapter, but I wanted to do a background of the people. I hope that you enjoy this story, I'm still not sure what all with happen with it, but I'm looking forward to finding out :) Oh and the next chapter will be out soon, I promise. If you didn't do sotry alerts then keep checking back, I just have to fix a few mistakes I made, since I'm no where close to perfect. Thanks :)