Hikaru POV

It was a slow day at the club. Not many people were coming in to see our little show. Usually Kyouya told us we had to stay till the club hours were over, but for some reason he let me go. 'Karou can take care of the costumers for now, go take a walk'. It confused me to no end. But looking out the windows frosted with ice I felt the urge to talk a walk outside. All the trees were covered in ice. The ground was blanketed with an endless supply of white fluffy snow. It crunched under my boots as I strolled through the snow covered grounds. As I walked pass the towering golden gates at the entrance of the school I realized I had no idea where I was going. But I couldn't stop myself from walking along the sidewalk. I didn't know where it went, and I certainly didn't decide to go this way. My feet were leading me somewhere and I was powerless to stop them.

It was when I got the low rickety gates that led into the cemetery that I had a sudden pang of fear. Why had I come here? Who made me come here? My mind was screaming at me to turn and run back to the school, but my body pushed the gates open. I slowly walked forward into the cemetery. The cold, harsh wind was whipping at my face as I stared jogging toward a destination I was not sure of yet. Fear enveloped my whole body, yet I kept running.

Finally I stopped in front of a tombstone. The headstone read Chiyo Ikeda. I found myself kneeling at the foot of the tombstone. MY hand reached out hesitantly to scrape the surface of the smooth black marble. My hand trailed down, till my mitten was lodged in the snow. My fingers started grasping for something. I was trying to get up and leave. I didn't even know this person. Some of their family was going to show up and wonder why I was kneeling in front of their loved ones grave. My fingers found purchase on a leather object. I pulled it out of the snow. It was a book. No, more like a diary. I opened to the middle of the book, expecting to see some entries written to Chiyo telling her how much they loved her. But I found…nothing. I started flipping hastily through the pages and I found nothing. Finally I flipped to the cover of the book. Inside the front cover there was an inscription. It read, "Believe in the diary, and anything you write, will come true."

I bit my lip. What did I want? More than anything I wanted her.

I scribbled on the first page.

Make Haruhi fall in love with me.

I closed the book, then my eyes. While I was dreaming of a future with Haruhi, my whole life was changing.