I know I have other stories I should be doing, but this just came to me and I wanted to do it D:
Anyway! Hope you like it :)
Chapter 1: I like...
5 Weeks to Graduation.
The upbeat music blasting through the house made it hard for anyone to hear, or be heard. A particularly blonde was finding this to be true as she made her way through the many people, all the while being offered various drinks and, well, other things, yes she still hadn't found what she was looking for. Slowly her eyes went over the people in front of her until her eyes set upon a brunette boy sitting by himself on a couch.
"Freddie," she shuffled past people until she was in front of him. His eyes visibly lit up, and a grin etched across his face. She smiled as well and then took another glance around, "Have you seen Carly anywhere?"
He shook his head and then shrugged, "No, not since Kevin offered her that 7th drink."
She nodded, "Neither have I. I thought the three of us agreed not to have too many drinks." Of course she had had a few as well, but not like Carly had.
He lifted the drink that was in his hand and shook it, "Lemonade."
She gave a light chuckle and then took the seat next to him. She gave a small sigh before glancing around again, "I swear, that girl can't handle alcohol so why does she drink so much of it at these parties?"
Freddie nodded in agreement, "I don't like girls like that."
"Like who?"
Sam laughed, "Of course you do! Carly is the only girl you do like!"
He shook his head, "No. I like someone else."
Sam poked him in the arm, "Who?" She poked him several times as he groaned and said it was a secret. "Come on! I'll tell you who I like if you tell me who you like."
He looked at her for a few seconds and then thought about it, "How about, we right down who we like and at the graduation we read it?"
She nodded her head enthusiastically, "Yes!"
Freddie looked around the room until he saw a stack of papers and a pen lying beside them. He got up from the couch and then picked the items up, taking them back to Sam.
Sam took the pen and paper from his hands. As her hand was about to write out the name, she looked up at Freddie, who was still standing and shook the pen threateningly at him, "You've got to swear on your life, on Carly's life, on my life that you won't read it 'til graduation."
Freddie took his seat beside her again and nodded, "I swear. I wouldn't want you to die before you read mine, would I?"
She laughed and twisted herself around so he couldn't see what she was writing, and then when she was done she handed him the paper, with her corner teared way, along with the pen.
As he wrote down the name, hesitantly while he did so, Sam took to glancing around for Carly again. She finally spotted her by the kitchen. She spun herself around to Freddie and then placed her folded paper on the table.
"Carly's over there, hand over the paper boy."
He looked up and indeed saw Carly, and so he quickly folded the paper and handed it to her, "Remember, not until graduation."
Sam nodded and put it into her pocket before getting up and heading for Carly. Freddie watched as Sam shook Carly's shoulder and spoke to her. Carly was definitely drunk, as seen by the way she flopped over Sam and supported herself on the blonde.
"Let's get you home," With a final glance and wave to Freddie, she left with Carly wrapped around her neck lazily in attempt to stay up right.
Freddie sighed and leaned against the couch before looking at the paper left on the table. He reached over and held it in his hands for a few seconds before putting it in his pocket and heading for the front door to the house. He didn't like parties all that much, but Sam always managed to convince him to go. Sam could convince him to do anything, and he had no idea why. Or maybe he did, but just didn't want to say it or think it. At least he could write it.
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