New Story! Got the idea from Featherpen 13 (Hope you don't mind!)Basically, movies/fairytales performed by the Teen Titans. This is the first of a series of six. Cinderella! By the way, I've called myself 'Flare' in this, just so you know. If you have ideas for other fairytales/movies, tell me please!
The Super version of Cinderella!
Chapter 1: Organised!
Flare was not happy.
"They're late!" she complained, pacing around the large hall she had rented for the week.
"Who's late?" said the cheeky voice of a red headed teenager as he zoomed in with inhuman speed.
"You and all the other titans!" Flare answered. "It's bad enough that the others are late but how come you're late?"
"I forgot." He said simply.
Flare put her face in her hand. This was not going well.
"Then go tellthe others!" she ordered
"I'm on it!"
Five seconds later he was back.
"Robin, BB, Rae, Star and Cy will be here in a moment, they had technical difficulties. Argent and Hotspot have a few things to take care of first. Bumblebee's making sure that her team don't trash the tower, Kole lives in the Arctic and is having trouble persuading Gnark to let her go, I couldn't find Jericho and Jinx is right here!"
Kid Flash put a scowling Jinx on her feet. Jinx dusted her self off and looked around.
"What do you want us for?" she asked Flare.
"All shall be revealed when the others come." Flare answered. At that moment, there was a large crash. Three voices where arguing form outside the door. She went to the door and threw it open. The Teen Titans were standing outside. Robin, Beast Boy and Cyborg were arguing, Starfire was trying to make them stop and Raven looked slightly annoyed.
"Are you guys done yet?" Flare asked irritably, glaring at them. The five of them turned to face her. She pointed to the studio. The five trudged in. "Where are the other five?" she wondered aloud.
"Sorry I'm late!" Bumblebee apologised as she flew in, "Hey Sparky!" she greeted. Cyborg growled at his pet name.
"Four left," Flare counted, "I guess I'll give you a rundown of the rules while we wait for the others. Rule 1: You must do everything I tell you to do!"
"Why?" Kid Flash asked.
"Because if you don't then I WILL KILL YOU!"
The 8 titans nodded their heads.
"Rule 2: Make sure you say your lines with meaning. ACT PEOPLE, ACT!" a confused murmur broke through the teens but they were silenced with a glare from Flare. "Rule 3: Don't ruin you costumes. Okay, that wraps up everything. Now, where are the others?" Someone tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to jump and turn around. "Oh, it's only you Jericho. Don't do that!" he signed something and sat down.
"Dude, this place is big!" Beast Boy marvelled. "What's in those closets?" Without warning he ran to one of the doors and pulled it open. Exited, he ran inside and came out a few minutes later wearing a hat and an eye patch. Cyborg and KF ran in the closet and came out wearing various costumes. Raven, Bee, Jinx and Flare all put a hand on their face and shook their heads. Boys were idiots. Just then, a silver coloured girl came in wearing a black and red dress.
"'Ello! Sorry I'm late! Had a bit of trouble by the dam." Argent apologised in her cockney accent.
"Now we're just waiting for Kole and Hotspot." Flare informed no-one in particular. Hot spot chose that moment to walk into the room.
"Hey!" he greeted, raising a hand.
"Make that just Kole." Robin told Argent and Hotspot the 'rules', Raven was meditating, Starfire was talking to Jinx and Bumble Bee. On the other side of the room, KF, BB and Cy were 'playing dress up' and Jericho was sitting in a corner, playing his guitar.
10 minutes later, they were all sitting down, bored.
"WHERE IS SHE?" Flare practically screamed. The others flinched. Then, the doors burst open.
"Sorry!" a pink haired girl apologised, she was panting. "Gnark didn't want me to go and then I got lost." Flare sighed.
"Kole," she said, "we are in an enormous building painted lime green and I gave you a very detailed and clear map. HOW COULD YOU GET LOST?"
"Err, well, Gnark kind of accidentally ate half the map."
"So, you're saying a caveman ate the map." Kole nodded, "a caveman ate the map!" Beast boy snickered.
"Dude, that's an even worse excuse than 'a dog ate my homework'!" Kole pulled out something from her pocket and handed it to Flare.
"He didn't eat all of it." In Flare's hand was a small, soggy piece of paper that had been ripped off of something. On it were a few pencil lines.
"Oh. Well, go sit down," Kole sat down between Jinx and Jericho.
"Good, now let's begin! We are going to do 6 classic fairy tales starring you guys! We will do a different one everyday and on Sunday we'll watch them!" The titans stared at her blankly.
"Fairytales." Robin said in disbelief.
"Fairytales!" Flare confirmed.
"Fairytales?" Beast Boy asked.
"Fairytales!" Flare replied.
"Fairy tal-" Hotspot started.
"Yes Fairy tales! Now, today we're doing Cinderella. Everyone, pair up!"
There was a huge scramble as the titans started running around. When it had all calmed down, they were in these pairs:
Robin and BB.
KF and Hot Spot.
Cyborg and Jericho.
Jinx and Kole.
Starfire and Raven.
Bumble Bee and Argent.
Flare slapped her face.
"I meant girl boy pairs!" The titans looked at her in horror. "It would look a bit odd if Cinderella was a boy or if prince charming was a girl!" the look of horror changed to confusion. Flare sighed. "Each pair is going to be the main characters of one of the fairytales."
"Oh." The titans chorused (apart from Jericho).
"So, re-sort yourselves." There was once again chaos in the studio. The pairs ended up like this (with a little help from me!)
Robin and Starfire
BB and Raven
KF and Jinx
Hot Spot and Argent
Cyborg and Bumble Bee
Jericho and Kole
"Good, so, who wants to be Cinderella?" all the girls stayed silent. "Thanks for volunteering Starfire!"
"But I did not do the volunteering of which you spoke!" Starfire complained as Flare dragged her and Robin to their feet.
"I volunteered for you. So, who wants to be the stepmother?"
Not much really happened in this chapter. Oh well!
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