Disclaimer: I own nothing. blah blah blah : )

AN: Because yall are so awesome here's an outtake of EPOV of all of the different proposals he used.


The Proposals

-x-x- I -x-x-

"I know you're awake," Bella nuzzled into me.

"How do you do that?" Edward asked surprised.

"Because you're not snoring," she smiled turning to face me.

"I don't snore," I gripped her leg pulling it over my hip. I didn't. "And someone needs to shave her legs."

"You better get used to it because when were married, I'm only shaving my legs once a year," she laughed as I stopped rubbing her leg. Did she just say married? "What?"

"Are you serious?"

"No," she stammered. "I'll probably end up shaving them everyday. I tend to miss random spots and not even near the ankle but like-"

"You really want to get married?" I asked making sure she was serious.

"Wait, what?"

"You want to get married?"

"Of course, I want to get married... don't you?"

"Yes," I answered slowly.

"Fine then let's get married," she shrugged, and I couldn't help myself. I laughed which later I would figure out would be the biggest mistake of my life.

"No Love, wait," I held her closely.

"Great, I'm proposing and you just laugh," she growled.

"No Love, it's just that not a month ago you said you weren't ready for marriage, and I remember very clearly that marriage was one of the reasons why you didn't want to be with me -"

"I've always wanted you."

"It's just... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," I apologized.

"Well like you said, that was a month ago; things change. And I know you think I have commitment issues-"

"I never said that," I interrupted.

"But I don't have any issues if you're the commitment," she nodded.

"You really mean that?"


"Marry me," I asked.


"I'm serious! Marry me," I asked her seriously.

"I am too. You laughed at me so no. Ask me again later, and we'll see how it goes," she said slipping away from me and locking herself in the bathroom.

"Bella, open the door." I pulled myself out of bed.


"Well… at least shave your legs while you're in there…"

-x-x- II -x-x-

I stared up creating invisible designs on the popcorn ceiling. Faces, trees, and animals, I could see them, but the idea of marriage kept creeping back into my mind.

"Bella?" I whispered hoping she was still awake.


"Can I ask you something?"


"You know I was serious about yesterday."

"That wasn't a question... And you call yourself a teacher?" she mocked me.

"I'm-" I tried telling her I was being serious.

"I was too... Still am," she smiled softly cutting me off.

"So will you marry me?"

"Not today..."

"One day though? Youll say yes?" I questioned.

"One day, she smiled."

"Do you know how long that'll be? Could you narrow it down to a week or a calendar date?"



"Just shut up and kiss me good night and-" I silenced her.

-x-x- III -x-x-

I felt like the smartest man in the entire world. I had revelation and it was brilliant. There was no way she was going to say no to this. I waited patiently in Emmett's classroom across the hall ready to catch her expression. Would she come running out? Or would she send another student next period to make me wait?

"What are you doing?" Emmett looked up from a stack of papers.


"For Bella's reaction."

"For what?"

"Nothing just a note."

"You probably shouldn't be passing each other dirty notes in school. Meyer might get jealous," he joked as I cringed. Principal Meyer did have some kind of strange affection for me. Someone needed to remind her that I was still a student here only five years ago, though I wouldn't dare use that argument in front of Bella. I never intended to remind her of our age difference.

"Hey!" I popped up from the student desk I was sitting on and hurried into the hall. "Is that for me?" I asked Angela Webber. I admired her a lot for keeping our secret.

"Yep," she smiled softly before turning a little pink and going back into the classroom behind her.

Will you marry me?

Check [] yes or [x] no

You can't ask me

while we're at school!

But I still love you.

No? She was still mad at me? This had been the best proposal ever and she said no... I didn't care we were at work. We were actually together because of it.

"Told ya Bella doesn't like dirty talk," Emmett laughed.

-x-x- IV -x-x-

"You need to whisk it faster."

"I'm whisking it as fast as I can," she laughed.

"I know for a fact you can go faster," I grinned.

"Ugh, here you do it," she handed me the large bowl.

"Giving up already?"

"You make them better anyway," she pouted.

"Yes, but I'm supposed to be teaching you how to make them," I poked her nose leaving a little dab of chocolate. Before I could wipe it off, her hand came up my cheek slathering brownie mix on my face. "You are in so much trouble," I grinned.

We both struggled for the bowl as we splashed each other with chocolate. Her jabbing elbow sent the bowl flying, spilling chocolate all over the floor.

"Look at the mess you made!" she giggled, stepping over the mess to pick up the bowl.

"The mess I made?" I gawked.

"Oh shoot," Bella slipped landing on her back. "Oww...!"

"Love, are you okay?" I looked down at her, genuinely worried stepping over her. "Do yoooou-" I slid against the linoleum floor, slamming into the cabinets and falling onto the floor.

"Edward?" Bella choked out as she laughed. "Edward are you alright?" she asked leaning over me with a huge smile on her face. It was times like these when I truly loved Bella, and I knew she reciprocated the same from just seeing her smile.

"I have a boo boo, right here," I groaned as she leaned onto my chest.

"Do I need to get the first aid kit?" she asked seriously.

"No, but I think a kiss would do," I pointed again to my cheek.

"Oh... Just one?" she asked kissing my cheek and then my nose. "Mmm, you taste good."

I groaned rolling her over, my lips finding hers. "I love you so much."

"I know," she grinned breathing heavily.

"So will you marry me now?"

"No because I'm still mad at you," she laughed.

"Still?" I pouted.

"Plus I don't want to have to tell people that you proposed while we were doing dirty things with brownie mix on the kitchen floor. Think how Es-"

I silenced her quickly, tasting Bella and chocolate, and proposal rejections were forgotten.

-x-x- V -x-x-

"Okay, you can get whatever you want," Bella waved down the cereal aisle.

"Whatever I want?" I questioned because she usually always made me put back the Cookie Crisps for her Cheerios.

"Hmm, whatever I want..." I took my time looking at all of my options up and down the aisle.

"Edward," Bella whined. "Just pick up whatever."

"Okay," I grinned walking behind her and lifted her up.


"You said I could pick up what I wanted, and I want you Isabella Swan."

"Put me down Edward," she yelped.

"Only if you say yes..."

"Yes to what?"

"Will you marry me?" I asked her. A tleast this time I knew she was going to say no.

"No!" she snorted.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm so annoyed with you right now," she shot back at me.

"Okay, so I guess I'll just carry you around forever then?" I started to swing her around.

"Well I don't think I can make my lasagna if you're carry me," she told me as I dropped her legs - her feet landing heavily on the floor. "Oomph, thanks a lot."

"You're welcome," I leaned down kissing her quickly.

-x-x- VI -x-x-

I sat back in my chair fiddling with my food.

"Is your steak okay?"

I looked up at the woman across from me and smiled "Yes Love?"

"Is there something else that's bothering you?"

"Nothing's bothering me. There's just a lot on my mind," I tried to be reassuring.

"Like what?" she asked worried.

"Like how much I love you," I grinned at her. "How much you amaze and surprise me - how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. It's ridiculous the way I just fall over for you, but I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Oh," she blushed and I reached for her hand.

"Bella, I can't live without you. Will you marry me?"

"Edward..." she sighed, and the smile slipped off my face. "I want to say yes but this just doesn't feel right."

"I know," I nodded reassuringly. "I had to try everything."

And I would keep trying. Proposing to Bella for the rest of my life would make me the happiest man in the entire world.

-x-x- VII -x-x-

"Bella?" I whispered. "Are you awake?"

"Umnumuffin," she mumbled, digging her head into her pillow.

"Hey Bella," I smiled. Was it weird that I thought she was so adorable?

"Yeah sir," she slurred still sleeping.

"I love you sooo much. You know that?"


"Well I do. I love you Isabella Swan," I kissed the back of her neck.

"But I love Edward…"

"But I am Edward," I told her trying not to laugh.

"Oooh gooood…"

"So will you marry me?" I prayed she would say yes, even though I knew she wouldn't appreciate it. But she wouldn't remember and I would. It wouldn't have been official, but at least I would get one yes.

"Nooo," she yawned. "I wanna marry…" she yawned again.

"Who? … who do you want to marry Bella?" I waited for her response but she stayed silent – breathing heavily.

Even when she's asleep, she still says no.

That night I promised myself no more proposals until I knew she was definitely ready.

-x-x- VIII -x-x-

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch lately," she whispered. "You've done nothing wrong… It's just that I've been waiting for something, and it hasn't happened yet, but I don't want to force it. Now that I'm telling you it's just going to make this whole situation worse… Everything's okay, I swear it," she promised as I gaped at her.

"Okay… but something is wrong though." Something had been bothering her lately and I was torn because part of me didn't want to know. I'd learned that asking questions was not a good thing sometimes.

"Nothing is wrong. See this is so stupid and embarrassing. I'm being so childish and ridiculous…"

"Just tell me; I won't judge you. I promise." I urged her to go on.

"Okay well… I was just expecting a proposal for Christmas because you were acting so weird, but really it was because of my mom's visit; and then New Years passed and we're back in school and you still haven't proposed. I guess it serves me right for making me wait because I said no seven times. Seven times! I mean who does that? What kind of person says no seven times to the perfect man? And I would've asked you, but your words from our fake fight keep replaying over in my head. Proposing is supposed to be the guy's right in a relationship, so I've been impatiently waiting since before Thanksgiving… And I've just been so mean to you because I haven't seen a ring...

"I told you I was being selfish," she finished, releasing a deep breath.

My brain was going haywire and I couldn't decided whether to be excited or relieved or happy or all the above. She wanted to get married – she was ready for me to ask her. All of those times I had been itching to ask her – I could have. The ring I'd been carrying since we'd been officially dating felt heavy in my hand. I'd taken it out while she was ranting and I was so going to do it now before she – or myself – chickened out.

"You mean this ring?" I grinned holding out the small box for her to see.

"Edward," she gasped covering my hands.

"What's wrong now?" Jasper looked over at us.

"Don't you ever learn? She's going to yell at you again, so just leave her alone," Emmett told him in a loud whisper.

"Marry me."

"Whoa what?" Emmett and Jasper whipped their heads at us.

"Marry me, Isabella," I repeated trying to keep her focus on me.

"I duh-" she stammered.

"Don't. I don't care we're at school. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am sorry I haven't done it sooner, but I've been carrying this ring in my pocket for months waiting for the best moment to do it. So I'm asking you now, will you marry me, Bella?"


"Yes?" I asked again making sure I'd heard her.

"Yes!" she smiled as I slid the ring onto her finger.

"Yes!" I laughed leaning over to kiss her.

"Bella! Congratulations!" Emmett shouted pulling her away from me.

"Emmett!" I yelled at him as he and Jasper took turns hugging her.

"I love you," I heard her mumble as she stumbled into me before kissing me quickly.

As I wrapped my arms around her, I realized I had been wrong. Proposing to Bella for the rest of my life would have been horrible. Being married to her was going to be way better.

AN: Voting for the All Human Twilight Awards has begun and Passing Notes has been nominated for two awards - 1. Best Ending and 2. Fanfic you couldn't stop reading.

so if you feel like voting - under my favorite author list on my profile, there's a link to get to the voting page. im not sure how it all works and i wanted to thank whoever nominated me. :)