Title: For Now…
Chapter 24
Bella's P.O.V
I knew whose laugh it was as soon as the shock had worn off. It was unmistakeable, the same laugh that haunted my dreams… evil and accomplished. It belonged to someone evil and determined so of course my first thought was to do another runner, and not come back this time… then I thought of Edward and Jake and all the Cullen's who have been so kind to me. I couldn't see where Dana had gone; she was just too fast, so I didn't know if she'd gone inside or not. If she had she may have ran straight into a trap, so I had to go in and save them, before I could change my mind I ran straight up the stairs and through the front door.
Whatever I had expected… it wasn't close to what really happened.
Dana's P.O.V
I ran around the back way, hoping Bella would follow. When She didn't I rolled my eyes and went back around the front… she wasn't there. Great she just ran right into the mouth of the dragon (I always wanted to use that phrase and now no one is around to hear it 'sigh'). Well I guess it's up to me to get them out of whatever trouble their in. I ran back around to the other entry to the house, all the while thinking up a game plan in my head.
Just to see what I was up against, I peeked through the window and…
Whoa… this chick is good… how the heck did she do that? That's totally not what I expected.
Paige's P.O.V
I could hear everything going on down stairs; Carlisle was down there… along with the rest of the family. Ellie surprised them all… all 7 vampires AND 1 werewolf… is it possible to sneak up on all of them? Carlisle was the smartest at least, he knew something was wrong and threw a sheet over me… so now I literally look like a dead person on a table. Great.
I had to do something… I had to help them. Stupid wound, stupid werewolf. Urgh I'm so mad I wanna bite someone in the face.
Okay, calm yourself Paige… oh great now I'm going insane talking to myself. Well could be worse. All I have to do is heal myself, I need to go back in time and reverse the effects. Concentrate Paige… reverse… reverse. My mind became a familiar dizzy and the white sheet over me was turning slowly into a gravel road and a car wreck… yes… it's working. Ow… ow it hurts!!
I must keep going… have to help the others.
The car is spinning off the road, I'm trying to get it back in control but it's spinning out. There's a tree up ahead… STOP! Too late… CRASH! Bugger! Dana looked at me. 'What the hell just happened?' I shrug. Thump… someone's on the roof of the car. Suddenly I'm being pulled out… It's a werewolf! No wonder it smelt so bad! She throws me out of the car… Dana screams. Now the wolf is coming for me… wait… no, not this time. I leapt away right before she landed on me… instead she landed face first in the dirt. YES! Now I just have to get back to present time and go save the others… but… I can't. Something's wrong… and now the werewolf is coming for me again! Think Paige… concentrate. Forward… forward… back to the present…
Edward's P.O.V
The incredible—and unbelievably—strong chains wrapped expertly around each individual vampire in the room were binding and an annoyance. It's not often we are this easily contained. I didn't know how Ellie had obtained such a thing as vampire binding chains. And even more questioning was how she managed to restrain each of us without getting killed by at least one of us. She had done it so swiftly; we hadn't expected it at all. She held the werewolf captive… if you could call it captivating at all. She seemed more interested in caressing him then to be threatening to the rest of us. It was still unclear what her full intentions were—whether it was to grope the wolf—or kill Bella.
Though all these thoughts flowed through my mind… my main concern was for Bella. I wanted her safe, and I really hoped she kept running… as far away from here as possible. Even if she were, though, I wouldn't have known it, because I felt as though she were somewhere close by. I could have sworn I sensed her presence.
Bella's P.O.V
I gasped as I took in what my eyes were seeing, all the vampires, were all chained and sitting in a huddle. Some looked angry and others looked embarrassed. And all those emotions seemed to change when all eyes turned to me and noticed I'd come back. One persons face in particular caught my attention, Edward… well two actually because it was hard to ignore Ellie. Edward had so many emotions running across his beautiful face it was hard to tell them apart… surprise, concern, desperation, anger etc. Ellie's on the other hand was looking at me with so much pleasure I thought she may have been eating a gallon of chocolate.
'Bella,' she said, and I shivered from my toes upwards 'what a lovely surprise, I was hoping you cared enough for these leeches that you'd return to rescue them'
I noticed she hadn't chained Jake with the same stuff she'd chained the vamps. In fact, Jake was barely contained at all; the only restraint on him was Ellie's firm grip on his arm. He seemed to realise this the same time I did, though maybe he just didn't want to get out of her hold until I showed, I don't know. But he pulled his arm from her grasp and thumped her one on the head.
To my astonishment, she barely even stumbled. Jake had always been incredibly strong, even more when he became a werewolf, this seemed impossible. And on top of that, Ellie didn't look happy… or injured at all. She turned to frown at Jake.
'I thought you were better then these pathetic abominations, but no matter, when I rid the world of them perhaps you'll come around'
'Never' He replied sharply.
Then quick as a flash Ellie did a full spin, her leg came up and she kicked Jake square in the head… he flew through the air, hit a wall and slumped to the ground.
She turned back to face me, and I swear I lost all hope there and then.
'That's it,' she sneered 'no more small talk'
And she pounced at me, it was so swift I couldn't even think to react, then we were both on the floor and I was wrestling for all my dear life. Literally.
I heard Edward scream 'No!' in his deep, intense sexy voice and I could've sworn I heard Emmett yell 'Hell yeah! Two chicks wrestling!'
If I weren't fighting for my life I would have rolled my eyes at him.
She was surprisingly strong, and she had quite the advantage since I didn't expect it and because she obviously had so much more experience in fighting then me. Her teeth were nipping at my neck, so I held her neck tight and squeezed. I was so damn tired of this 'I'm gunna bite your neck' crap!
With that small amount of anger I rolled and landed on top of her, I leapt up still holding her throat spun her around and flung her at a wall. Similar to what she'd done to Jake. I heard a loud crack and she—just like Jake had—flopped to the floor… however, regardless of the loud crack and the force of the throw she was back on her feet before I could say 'boo-yeah'.
And now she looked even angrier, fuming actually; great. I blinked and when I opened my eyes again she was flying through the air toward me… this time I ducked. Instead of clawing of my face she went straight over my head, landed behind me, did a kind of army roll and was back up in a crouch ready to pounce again.
I reared around expecting to see a furious crazy werewolf coming at me and was pleasantly surprised to see Edward standing calmly and unharmed in front of me. I uncoiled all my muscles and relaxed instantly, naturally.
'The others will take it from here' he told me softly.
I could only nod.
'Are you okay?'
I answered him by kissing him sweetly on the lips, everything inside me exploded… like fireworks.
Gosh that's so corny, but who could complain with someone who could kiss as good as Edward?
Once we broke apart and I caught my breath again I was finally able to speak.
'How did you—?'
'Dana was hiding around back'
I realized now it probably would've been smart for me to have followed her. But then again… I must have been a darn good distraction while she broke through all those chains.
Thinking of good distractions…
'Is perfectly fine, he is a werewolf, even if Dana had thrown him… he would heal quickly' Edward smiled his gorgeous crooked smile at me. I forgot all about what had just happened when he did that.
The moment was ruined when Jasper cleared his voice from behind Edward. We both turned to face him.
'We got some information from her… I won't say how,' and he glanced at me as if to say 'for the sake of her innocent ears' when he said the last part 'but we found out that she was sent by the Volturi, planned on killing you, and… has taken some VB to make herself stronger'
I knew most of that already but I was a little confused by the last bit.
'Alcohol makes her stronger?' I asked, totally clueless.
Edward and Jasper exchainged a glance, then Jasper looked at me with an expression that said 'Wow, she really is innocent as a woolly lamb'.
'By 'VB' he means Vampire Blood' Edward informed me.
'Oh, eww,' I said, finally understanding his sentence 'so she drank blood from a vampire? That's just weird'
Once I was fully caught up, Jasper continued 'She also confessed to being the reason for the car crash… said it was to make sure you couldn't be changed to either a normal vamp or were or even human and furthermore… she got to kill you for it'
I knew this already, but I nodded like it was new information… after all, god knows what they did to get this kind of information.
'This won't be the last assassin sent to try and kill you once the Volturi find out that the last has failed, just so you know' And with that Jasper left as suddenly as he'd came.
Edward turned back to look at me, both my hands surrounded by his large beautiful cold ones.
'He's right,' he said grimly, with a hint of anger 'there will be others'
'Well what can I do to stop that? I haven't done anything wrong'
'Maybe you should consider… having Paige reverse the affects of one species anyway.'
'Are you telling me I should just become a full vampire?'
'Perhaps, or a full werewolf,' he said werewolf with distaste and it of course was not what he was hoping for but he still wanted it to be my choice 'or even back to a human'
The way he said human made it seem like he would love that idea very much. I studied his face for a while.
'Well, I'll have to think about it' I told him.
'You're not certain whether you want to change at all?' he asked. 'Do you like being a target because of what you are?'
'Mmm, for now' I answered with a smile spreading across the face.
He wasn't too happy about that decision but he let it slide, and I reached up on my tip toes to kiss him again… long and intense.
He kissed back, arms wrapped around me… and I was quite contempt to stay in that exact position for the rest of eternity.
THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING GUYS!!!!! This is the last chapter, just so you know. I'm not sure if I'll follow through with a second one... I'll let you all decide that. So if you liked it send me a review telling me whether or not you want more and yer. And another thing... I'm writing a book at the moment. Like a real.. full on... book. It's about vampires and other mythical creatures and its called 'Enya'. I'll write the details about it on my profile page if you wanna read more. Keep your eyes open for it sometime next year... if you see it on the shelves you'll know I wrote it. Okay, Hope you enjoyed the fanfic, LOVE YA's xx.