Ok this is my first twilight fic...thought I would give it a go. I have been reading a lot of fics from here and have been fascinated with the stories. So I thought I'd try my hand in one. I hope u enjoy.
Warning: Sexual situations and Language....don't say I didn't warn you!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight just this unusual storyline.
I am so fucking mad right now I could just… EEEERRRR!
I hate this town, I hate my friends, and I hate my so called music professor.
We were told to write a piece of music and perform it in front of the class for our senior project.
I was eager to do this because I had so many ideas floating around in my head. It didn't take me long to write something, and today after finishing what I had thought to be one of my best pieces I've ever composed. The stupid fucking professor told me that it lacked emotion and feeling.
What the Fuck!
To say that I was irate would be an understatement. The professor could tell I was about to rip his head off, so he offered me three days to compose something else and try again or fail the coarse.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.
I went straight to my brother Emmett's and found him on the couch smoking out of a bong.
Normally I'd never indulged but I was pissed.
I ripped it from his hands and took a big hit and felt like my lungs were going to explode.
I coughed so hard I felt like i couldn't breath. My dumbass brother just laughed.
"Dude...even experienced smokers don't take hits like that. Slow, steady, mellow man. That's the way to do it."
Shit I can't do anything right today. I grabbed my keys and ran out to my Volvo.
This car was my baby. I knew everything about it and treated it like my most prized possession, because in reality it was.
I turned the key , put her in gear and slammed on the gas heading down the old country roads outside Forks. The ones I've traveled so many times in high school to blow off steam or get away from the world.
No one was ever on these roads so I was traveling rather quickly, pushing my car over a hundred flying down the road.
I flicked on the radio and laughed when some good ole Rage Against The Machine came pouring out of the speakers.
Something to fit my mood.
I was in the zone. The music, the speed, and the buzz from my bong hit where making me feel good. That was until I saw the flashing red and blue lights behind me.
I am so fucked!
I could literally feel my heart trying to pound out of my chest. I took a quick look in mirror and cursed when I saw my blood shot eyes and heavy sweating.
I am so going to jail.
The sudden tap at my window made me jump, and when I composed myself I rolled it down and suddenly forgot how to breathe.
"License and registration please Mr. Cullen." asked the most beautiful voice in the world.
I stared dumbfoundly as Bella Swan, the girl I had crushed on in high school but was to chicken shit to ask out, was standing here in front of me in a police uniform.
Que the raunchy porn music and wild fantasies. Bow wow chica bow wow.
Maybe I could sweet talk my way out of it? I thought.
"Come on Bella. Cant you let me go with a warning just this once? For old time sake." I asked smoothly, batting my eyes and giving my signature grin which she fully ignored.
"Mr. Cullen. You were doing a hundred and ten in a forty five. That is beyond wreck less driving. I could arrest you and take you down to the station."
"And leave my car here? I don't fucking think so!" I shouted without thinking.
It was obviously a very stupid thing to do because now her eyes were transfixed on me. Studying me like the slides we had together in biology.
"Have you been drinking Mr. Cullen?"
I couldn't take it anymore...I snapped.
"No I have not been drinking Bella! I've just had a shitty day and it just seems to get worse. And stop calling me Mr. Cullen; we went to fucking high school together. I think that rules out the need for formalities." I hissed breathing very hard at the end of my tantrum.
"Would you shut off the engine and step out of the car please Mr. Cullen." she ordered.
I couldn't help the growl I released as I answered.
"What for?"
"Because your car reeks of weed and I fucking told you to. Now step out of the car and put your hands on the hood. NOW!"
Damn this woman! she was complicated in high school and she's even more stubborn now.
I did what she told me to and got out of the car placing my hands on my hood and waited for her next move. I saw her search inside my vehicle and I couldn't take the silence.
"I thought you were going to college out of state? How did you end up back here and a police officer of all things?"
She didn't answer me right away while she continued to look through my car.
"I did...well until Charlie got sick and needed my help to take care of him. So I moved back and needed a job. since I already knew a lot of stuff about police work I got a degree in criminal justice and got hired on at the station."
"What about all those plans you had about going off and becoming a famous writer and all that shit? You just gave it up?" I asked in amazement as I felt her walk up behind me.
"Some things are more important that others Cullen. Not like you would know anything about sacrifice. And how did you know what my plans after high school were? You never once said hi or tried to talk to me."
Oh shit....think, think, think.
"We talked a few times in school. I could have sworn you told me about your plans."
I lied through my teeth.
The next thing I knew I felt cold metal tighten around my wrist.
She had cuffed me and spun me around to face her.
"That is bull shit. I would remember if you talked to me back then. Now tell me the truth before I haul your ass in." she threatened.
Fuck it.
"Alright, alright. I asked Angela one day before graduation."
"Why? Why did you even care what I did?"
"Because I liked you....I was to chicken shit to come up and talk to you and I was to chicken shit to ask you out. You always used to be reading or listening to music...i wanted to ask you so many things and....."
"Shut up! This is not getting you out of trouble so just stop." She yelled.
"I'm being serious Bella. It would drive me insane when Mike Newton would hit on you. I would growl and piss and moan when you went to prom with Jacob Black. I wanted you on my arm, laughing at my joked kissing my lips. I wanted you!"
Shit I didn't want to tell her all of that but its to late now.
She just stared at me with a weird expression and I just stared back hoping she would see the truth and sincerity in my eyes.
"Well we're not in high school anymore and your still in trouble. Now spread your feet while I search you for contraband."
"beeellllaaa." I whined. "Could you at least take the cuffs off?"
"No." she stated firmly while bending down and started her search.
I whimpered and threw my head back closing my eyes.
I was in deep shit...and yet was happy as hell that Bella was searching me. This would be added to my spank bank.
With my eyes closed I was acutely aware of Bella's hands traveling up my legs and then slowing around my thighs.
I was curious to why her hands had stopped. Praying to God she couldn't tell how much I was getting turned on, then a second later I found out.
"Holy Fuck!"
I yelled as Bella's hand firmly stroked my cock.
My eyes snapped open and I looked down watching her hand caress my dick through my pants then looked back and watched as her lust filled eyes stared back into mine.
"Well, well, well Mr. Cullen. I believe I've found a concealed weapon. I think I need to launch a full investigation.
I nearly came as I watched her sink to her knees and start lowering my zipper. The cool air made contact with my skin and I felt my hard erection being freed from the confines of my pants.
"Do you know how many times I thought of doing this in high school?" she asked as she slowly stroked me. I couldn't even think straight.
"I would watch you at school to. You never talked to anyone besides your family. You were always so engrossed in your music and stuff. I was highly fascinated by you...I wanted you to."
Well fuck me sideways.
I looked down and stared into her eyes as she waited for me to say something. Her hand firmly wrapped around my cock and I swear to god I take back all the bad things I said about you today.
"well like you said...we're not in high school anymore." i said with a smile.
Her lips turned into a beautiful smile that I wanted to see every single day for the rest of my life.
"You might want to try and hang on to something Mr. Cullen." she said with an evil grin.
Before I could ask why her wicked little tongue flicked the tip of my cock making me feel weak in the knees.
"mmmm you like that?" she asked teasingly before taking the head of my cock into her mouth and sucking graciously on it.
Oh god her mouth felt so good...so warm and god I wanted her. What man wouldn't want a sexy as hell woman dressed in a police officer uniform going down on him? Add to the fact that I was still hand cuffed added to the kinkiness of the moment. I had to make her mine.
"ooohhh… Bella that feels so good." I said in encouragement for her to continue. I watched her head bob up and down my cock taking in as much of me as she could. I wanted to run my fingers though her hair and hold her head still while I thrusted my cock into her mouth, but she refused to take the cuffs off.
I could feel my balls starting to tighten and I knew I was close to my release.
"Oh god baby...make me cum...I'm so close."
After hearing my words she started moving faster, causing me to make some unusual sounds in the back of my throat.
I looked down to see her cheeks sunken in and with just the flick of her tongue I came in her mouth and felt her swallow me down.
I was seeing stars...never had I cum so hard in my life. Her mouth was freaking amazing and I so wanted to return the favor. But when I came back down from my high I saw she had already tucked me back into my pants and released my wrist from their restraints.
She was standing at the back of my car watching me very closely. I wanted her to come back over here and let her see what it felt like to be handcuffed while I ate her pussy for about an hour. but I could never form the words.
"You have yourself a wonderful day Mr. Cullen. And try to keep this car under seventy." she said with a smile and got back in her cruiser.
I shook my head disbelievingly thinking that Emmett's weed was causing me to hallucinate like crazy, but when I got back in my car there was a piece of paper on my dash.
It was a ticket, but instead of being an official traffic ticket it had Bella's phone number and a message telling me not to be such a chicken shit and call.
I smiled and through the car into drive.
Oh I will defiantly be calling, and I will make my new fantasy of fucking in the back of a police car come true.
Today has been a very good day.
So what did everyone think? I already have half of Chapter 2 done. I thought it would be good to have a Bella POV and see where I take the story from there. I hope you enjoyed it.