52- balloon
very OOC.
Sonny&Tawni friendship.
She couldn't take her eyes off the thing. The thing in bright colors, that usually had happy messages written on. Her eyes were fixated on the letters. The sparkly neon pink letters, that stood out from the background oh so well. As her brain processed the words, she had read over and over again, she couldn't help but think. How the hell can a guy be such a jerk? A balloon. A freaking balloon..
She bit her lip and looked down as she heard Sonny's chatting fill the dressing room. Sonny was talking with an angry voice, a huge smile plastered on her face. Tawni rolled her eyes a bit as she pretended to be staring at herself from the mirror. She took out her lipgloss absentmindedly and started applying it, at the same time wanting to break down so bad.
Tawni didn't know when Sonny hung up the phone. All she knew was that at one point Sonny had suddenly dragged Tawni out of her chair, into the couch and just hugged her. Tawni tried to struggle ( she wasn't a hugger) but Sonny had some strong arms, so she gave up and let herself sob into her best-costars' shoulder ( 'cause Tawni didn't have friends.. ).
After a while, Tawni calmed down a bit and laughed weakly '' sorry.. '' she said in a humble tone, while drying her red and puffy eyes. Sonny shot her a smile '' no worries. Want to tell me who's the jerk? '' Sonny asked and motioned to the balloon with the huge banner ''Tawni, I think we should break up '' on it. Tawni bit her lip and studied the face of Sonny. She could clearly make out the sad , worried look in her eyes. Tawni smiled a bit. No one had actually cared about her like that. Not ever. Sonny noticed the doubtful look in Tawni's eyes and started talking again '' you don't have to tell me. It just helps. To tell your best friend whose ass she has to kick. '' Sonny smiled and Tawni found herself grinning at Sonny as well. '' No, I want to tell you. '' she said smiling sadly again.
'' His a prince. From some country I have never heard about. We went out for a month.. '' Sonny squeezed Tawni's hand and motioned for her to go on. Tawni took a shaky breath and shook away the tears, that were appearing again and started talking again '' everything was going okay. I think.. but today I came here and this was here '' Tawni motioned to the balloon again. '' there isn't even an explanation.. ''
Sonny smiled sadly and bit her lip '' i'm sorry.. '' she shrugged.
Tawni smiled gratefully and the brunette and stood up slowly. Tawni flipped her hair, and bit her lip. She felt weird. She had broken down in front of another person.. who had called herself her best friend. Tawni's head snapped at Sonny, a huge smile on her face. Sonny looked horrified for a moment, before relaxing and smiling back again. '' I'm your best friend? '' Tawni muttered quietly a questioning look in her eyes.
Sonny smiled and stood up '' yes. I'm yours aren't I? ''
and then it happened. Tawni said the words she had sworn she would ever say to another person.
'' Yes. You are my best friend. ''
The smiles on both faces broadened a bit as the atmosphere in the room started to lighten up. Sonny grinned big '' and you know what best friends do? ''
Tawni looked at her, a curious look on her face '' what? ''
Sonny smirked and grabbed her hand before eying the balloon evilly.
10 minutes later
She couldn't take her eyes off the thing. The thing in bright colors, that usually had happy messages written on. She grinned as she saw the wind carry away the small pieces of what was left of the balloon. She gripped the scissors ,in her hand, tighter and looked at Sonny, who was standing next to her, in the empty parking lot, with scissors in her hand too. Sonny flashed her a smile '' so. How about some fro-yo? ''
Tawni smiled, looking at the flying remains of the balloon for the last time, and linked her hand with Sonny's before walking to the commissary.
For those of you who read Ps Im alive, there are some information on my profile. CHECK IT OUT:)