Country Girls and Southern Boys

Chatper 1- Southern Boys


It was a day that was unlike any other, it was the day that I first meet him. The day will forever be etched into my memory.

It was the beginning of summer and I was in the blaze of the George sun working the horses in the open arena. "That's it Romeo… Keep it up… and whoah. Good boy." I motioned for the young caramel colored halflinger to join me in the center of the arena. "Good boy let's go get you cooled off."

I clipped the lead to his halter and we walked to the wash area. As I wet his long flaxion main he shock his thick neck, getting me soaked in the process. A laugh escaped my lips and he whinnied in response. My Daisy Duck cut off jeans had drips of water on them and my cream and red plaid short sleeved button up top was tied, showing my toned abs. The long blond locks that adorned my head were pulled up into a messy bun, with my red-brown leather cowboy boots on my feet.

I scratched Romeo o his flanks and he rolled his lip up in an affectionate gesture, "Wow, you really have a bond with him." I heard a masculine voice say from behind me. When I turned around I saw the most handsome guy they I have ever seen.

He had loose fitting jeans that were ripped in various places, a loose shirt that was adorned with an "Ed Hearty" design. His brunette curls were covered by a fox brand hat, and his eyes looked like butter scotch. The guy looked to be about 17 and he was smiling at me, just like every other guy that I have ever met. The thing with his is that I wanted him to look at me.

I went to say something but I was interrupted, "Rosalie, are you finished with…" my mother trailed off as her eyes settled on the guy, "Emmett I thought you were supposed to be arriving tomorrow?" she had a puzzled look on her face, 'So mister handsome name is Emmett.' I thought.

"Yes ma'am, I was. My father sent me a day early since he had to leave a day early. I really appreciate you letting me stay here for the summer Mrs. Hale." He's Tennessee accent sent shivers down my spine.

"No problem Emmett, though I do have a bone to pick with you father now. He knew to call me if there were any changes that way I could pick you up from the air port." she ranted for a moment, "Well anyways like I said before we could use the help for the riding camp this summer so its no problem. Let's take your stuff to the house and I will show you your room. The you can come and help Rosalie with the horses and she can show you the ropes." My mother aid with a smile on her face, she could tell I thought he was hot. "And Rosalie can you work with Smirnoff once you're finished with Romeo?"

"Sure mom." I said aloud before I mumbled, "I guess I get to work several stallions today."

Emmett must have heard me since he was now grinning like the Cheshire cat.

It was about fifteen minutes later and I had been singing along to someone of the songs on a playlist wile I cleaned Romeo up and bristled him.

"County road 233... under my feet
Nothin' on this white rock, but little ol' me
I've got two miles till... he makes bail
And if I'm right, we're headed straight for hell

I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door and light a cigarette
He wants a fight well now he's got one
And he ain't seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll
Don't that sound like a real man?
I'm going to show him what a little girls made of:
Gunpowder and lead!

Well it's a half past ten... another six pack in
And I can feel the rumble like a cold black wind
He pulls in the drive... the gravel flies
But he don't know what's waiting here this time

I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door and light a cigarette
He wants a fight well now he's got one
And he ain't seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll
Don't that sound like a real man?
I'm going to show him what a little girls made of:
Gunpowder and lead!

His fist is big, but my gun's bigger
He'll find out when I pull the trigger!

I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door and light a cigarette
He wants a fight well now he's got one
And he ain't seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll
Don't that sound like a real man?
I'm going to show him what a little girls made of:
Gunpowder and, Gunpowder and lead

Gunpowder and lead, yeah, yeah!


I was dancing and singing, shaking my butt and the brush went through Romeo's main.

"Well I like gunpowder and lead." A voice that shouldn't be tat familiar yet it was said and I turned to face Emmett. Bushed slightly and he grinned a sexy crooked grin.

"We need to go get Smirnoff." I latched the lead black on Romeo.

"Your mother lets you drink?"

"Smirnoff is a horse." I giggled out as I pout Romeo in his stall and walked down to another one. A large white Percheron stood in front of me.

Before I could open the stall someone called my name, "Rosalie." It was jasper my brother.

"Hey Jazz where's Alice? I thought you two were watching a movie." I said.

"She is changing so that she can help clean the stalls and feed the horses."

"Okay, well that means I can work with Smirnoff a little longer." I then turned to Emmett, "I have a question for you, have you ever been on a ranch before?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"You're wearing an Ed Hardy shirt. Anyone who has been on a ranch before would know that it could get ruined easily." I said as I grabbed Smirnoff's extra large blue argyle halter and stud chain. I opened the stall door enough for me to get in and the large pure white Percheron came to great me, "Hey there baby boy, ready to go for a little run?" I asked as he lowered his head into the open halter and I closed it, "Hey Jazz open the door all the way for me."

"Sure." He opened the door and I walked out with the stud chain fastened securely around his nose so he couldn't get away from me.

"Why do you have that chain around his nose?" Emmett asked, "Doesn't it hurt him?"

"No, not really. It's there to keep him under control since he is a fully grown stallion and could drag me and you combined." I said as we made our way out to the round pin.

"Oh" was all he said but I could feel his eyes on my butt so I let it sway a little more than necessary. With a simple click Smirnoff was off the lead and running around the edge of the ring. The whip was in my hand and I positioned myself so that I was square with Smirnoff's shoulders.

He slowed to a walk until I made a clicking so9und with my tong and cracked the whip to signal that he should move to a fast trot.

"Why do you do this?" Emmett asked.

"You lunge them so that their muscles can get worked." I said before I said, "Whoah." And Smirnoff stopped, "Emmett come here."

He climbed over the fence and walked over to me, "Ya?"

"It's time to learn the ropes." I handed him the whip, "Now stand with your shoulders even with his shoulders." He did as told. I placed my hand on his and he shivered, "Now bend your wrist and crack the whip." I helped him and once he got it I stepped back and watched him try to control Smirnoff.

"Rose, Emmett!" Jasper shouted.

"Whoah Smirnoff." I said as my brother named it over to use, "Ya Jazz?"

"Do ya'll wanna go to the party out at the Newton's ranch?"

"Hell ya." I said as I clipped the stud chain back on Smirnoff.

"I guess." Emmett spoke from beside me.

N/A: Well that's Country Girls and Southern Boys. I will be posting a chapter as soon as I can.

Also I will be posting Soldier once I finish typing it up.

Well tell me what you think.