"The Challenge Already Started?"

Chapter 17

All fourteen losers lay on the veranda soaking up the sun and relaxing. Beth was reading a book, Lindsay and Zeke were holding hands while their feet were in the pool, Tyler and Trent were lifting together finally over the awkwardness, Harold and Eva were doing laps around the resort, Bridgette was relaxing in the hot tub, Noah and Courtney were both tanning, Katie and Justin were taking a nap on a towel and Sadie and Cody were romantically feeding each other fruit.

"So what's the next challenge again Cody?" Trent asked.

"Crap, let me go check. Be right back, babe." Cody said, kissing Sadie and running into the resort.

Five minutes later he appeared in a state of panic.

"They're gone." Cody gasped.

"What is?" Tyler asked.

"All my papers and someone trashed my control room." Cody said.

"Who would do such a thing?" Bridgette gasped.

"That would be me. I've had enough of you little shits messing with my game." Bruce said, appearing.

"I'll show you who's little. Eva, Justin, Tyler and me could easily take you out." Noah smirked.

"Now you're talking my language." Eva smiled and cracked her knuckles.

"Sthop it!" Beth yelled.

"Beth?" Justin asked.

"No Beth's right, what's this gonna prove? How fast you can beat up a jackass?" Bridgette asked.

"Just one punch?" Tyler asked.

"No, he'll get what's coming to him. All bad people do." Bridgette said.

"Thank you Bridgette." Bruce smiled.

"It wasn't for you, I just don't like violence. Plus the four of them beating on you, would not be pretty." Bridgette smirked.

"Right." Bruce chuckled nervously.

"Now you all keep your sneaky little asses at the resort and I'll be going." Bruce finished and left.

The fourteen of them sat around in a circle, debating their next move.

"Woah, Noah." Bridgette gasped.

"What?" Noah asked.

"I didn't know you pierced your nipples," she said.

"Yeah, long story." Noah chuckled.

"He did it for me." Courtney smiled and they kissed.

"Does it surprise you?" Noah asked.

"Kinda, you just don't seem like a piercing kind of guy." Bridgette said.

"Well Justin and Tyler convinced me that Courtney would like it and they were right." Noah smiled.

"Well before we start talking about Noah and Courtney's sex life, what's the plan babe?" Sadie asked Cody.

"I don't know if I don't have the challenge lists." Cody said.

"That's not a problem." Courtney said, pulling out her PDA.

"I didn't finish the elimination list, but I have the challenges," she finished.

"So what's the next challenge, eh?" Zeke asked.

"The Horror Movie Challenge." Courtney said.

"Oh, that was DJ's elimination." Lindsay said.

"Huh?" they all asked.

"She's not as clueless, as you all think, eh?" Zeke said.

"Well as long as it's not one of our allies, we can chill today." Justin said.

"Sounds good." Lindsay smiled at Zeke.

She took him upstairs and into her room. She smiled and began making out with Zeke. Then she went to remove his hoodie, but Zeke grabbed her hands.

"Umm, Lindsay I don't know if I'm ready yet." Zeke sighed.

"Then we'll wait." Lindsay smiled.

"Really, eh?" Zeke asked.

"I don't wanna rush you honey." Lindsay smiled and kissed him.

Zeke walked over to Tyler, Justin, Noah, Trent, Cody and Harold all hanging out.

"What's going on, eh?" Zeke asked.

"First off, what happened with you and Lindsay?" Cody asked, nudging Zeke.

"Nothing, we're gonna wait, eh?" Zeke said.

"Really?" Cody gasped.

"Yeah, I'm not ready yet." Zeke said.

"Good for you." Justin said.

"So what are you guys up to?" Zeke asked.

"We're about to have a belching contest, you in?" Tyler asked.

"I guess, eh?" Zeke said.

"Okay Harold as judge, pass out the soda bottles." Noah said.

Harold passed out the soda bottles to the six competitors and they unscrewed the caps.

"Okay begin chugging in; 5, 4, 3, 2, CHUG!" Harold yelled.

All six guys began chugging down their sodas and each slammed them down on the table, one by one.

"Alright, I got one coming." Noah said and belched.

"Liftoff!" Cody yelled and belched.

"Now for the real man." Tyler said and belched.

"Now the music man." Trent said and belched.

"Now for the champ." Justin said and let out a might belch.

"How do I know when….."Zeke was cut off, by an atomic belch.

"Gentleman, we have a winner!" Harold cheered, lifting up Zeke's hand.

The girls were all taking a spa day and were currently getting massages.

"Zeke is so adorable; he said he wants to wait." Lindsay smiled.

"You definitely got lucky, if your guy isn't horned up all the time." Bridgette said.

Katie turned to stare at her, because last night Bridgette was bragging about Duncan.

"Not that I'm complaining." Bridgette laughed.

"Justin's a gentleman, when it comes to the bedroom and very creative." Katie giggled.

"Well Cody's sweet and knows just what his lady wants." Sadie smiled.

"Harold knows how to treat his Valkyrie." Eva sighed.

"Whatever Noah's the best and probably the biggest." Courtney smiled.

"Prove it." Bridgette said.

"I already know he's bigger then Duncan." Courtney said.

Katie looked at Sadie and the two of them started giggling.

"What's so funny?" Courtney yelled.

"I have an idea, on how to determine who's the biggest." Katie giggled.

"Katie you are so naughty." Sadie giggled.

"Um girls, we'd love to know what you're talking about." Courtney said, getting annoyed.

"You tell them Katie; I won't be able to stop myself from giggling." Sadie said.

"Okay well for our friend Crystal's 16th b-day she had a man off." Katie giggled.

"Could u explain it a little more?" Bridgette asked.

"None of you have ever been to one?" Sadie gasped.

The other 4 shook their heads and looked at the BFFS in confusion.

"Well basically, we have our boyfriends come in wearing tight Speedos, then they rip them off and we get a clear answer on who's the biggest." Katie said.

"That is disgusting; I can't believe the two of you even brought that up." Courtney said and started to walk away.

"Scared are you?" Eva asked, grinning.

"Excuse me?" Courtney asked.

"You scared your man won't be big enough to compete with the others?" Eva chuckled.

"Ava you want to do this?" Lindsay gasped.

"You bet Harold's will shock you." Eva smiled.

"There's no way your nerd, could beat my Noah. Count me in." Courtney said, never able to back down from a challenge.

"So Bridgette, Lindsay are you two in?" Katie asked them.

"Well if everyone else is doing it, then count me in Kathy." Lindsay smiled.

"Fine, but my boyfriend isn't here." Bridgette sighed.

"Don't worry we'll make Trent and Tyler compete to, so you'll have something to look out without feeling guilty." Sadie said.

"How would I not feel guilty, my Spike would not be happy if he heard about this." Bridgette said.

"You don't have to tell him everything." Katie pointing, smiling impishly.

"Fine, so I guess Beth and I will set up the stage while you girls recruit your boyfriends?" Bridgette asked them.

"Of course." Katie smiled. "Now go get Beth and get started."

Noah looked at his girlfriend in disbelief and she had a very naughty look in her eyes.

"You want me to do what?" he asked.

"Come on Noah, please?" Courtney pleaded.

"You want me to walk around in thong in front of the girls and then rip it off so you can see which of our dicks is bigger?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." Courtney smiled, innocently.

"If I do this you owe me." Noah said.

"So what sex whenever you want it?" Courtney asked.

"You read my mind, my Caramel." Noah said, smiling the cynical smile of his.

Justin and Cody were starring at their girlfriends the same way.

"So babe you want to show everyone Justin Junior?" the model asked Katie.

"Exactly, gorgeous." Katie smiled.

"It might make the other guys feel insecure, when they see it." Justin said.

"I'll bet you 20 bucks mine is bigger." Cody said, getting in his face.

"You're on." Justin smiled and shook his hand.

Katie and Sadie squealed and high-fived with their success.

Justin and the other six guys walked into the room where the runway had been set up. Bridgette and Beth had done a good job of decorating the place in pink and purple streamers and over the top of the stage was a big banner that read: Man Off.

"Alright guys, get ready to lose." Justin said.

"Doubtful." Noah smirked.

The guys got backstage and got changed separately to not spoil the winner. They got into the make-up chairs, while Bridgette and Beth applied make-up to some of them. After the girls were finished, Bridgette and Beth joined the others outside.

Beth stood up on the runway with a mic in her hand and waved to the girls who were cheering.

"Hello Total Drama Lothers!" I am Beth Higginth and one of your MCth for the night. We have stheven sthcrumpcious men for you al to judge at Playa Des Losers, first Man Off!" Beth announced and the girls all cheered. "Now to announce our stheven competitors. Firstht up we have our favorite home sthcool teen, Ezekiel!"

Zeke came out in his pink robe Lindsay had chosen for him. He looked at Beth for what to do next and she told him to take off his robe. Zeke nodded and his face turned a deep shade of red, as the girls starred at him shirtless.

"Thank you, Ztheke." Beth said and Zeke left.

"Our sthecond contestant is our cynical bookworm now complete with piercings, pleasthe help me welcome, Noah!"

Noah came out with a smug look on his face and didn't even wait for Beth to tell him to drop the robe. He struck a couple poses and did a couple dry humping motions, causing Courtney to swoon.

"Your boyfriend really brought that egghead out of his shell." Eva said.

"I know I'm so proud of him." Katie gushed.

Noah walked backstage and Beth came back out to center stage.

"Our third competitor isth our bronzed, blue eyed, testht tube hottie. Pleasthe welcome, Justhtin!"

Justin walked out and winked at the ladies. He smiled at Katie and then ripped off his robe, causing his girlfriend to faint into Sadie's arms.

"I may be dating Harold, but you can't deny that man is one delicious platter of yum." Eva said to Courtney.

"I hear that." Courtney said.

"Next up ith everyonesth favorite sthports pro, even if he'sth a little clumsy, letsth welcome, Tyler!"

Tyler came out and winked at the ladies as Justin had done before him. He then took off his robe and got some whistles. He went to pose, but caught his robe and slid off the cat walk.

"Tyler are you okay?" Bridgette asked, running over.

"Yeah, I'm cool." Tyler moaned.

After Tyler was helped backstage, Beth took her spot again.

"Our fourth contesthtant isth everyonesth favorite ladiesth man, it'sth Cody!"

Cody came out in a purple robe Sadie had bought for him and waved to the girls. He pulled off his robe and flexed for the women, getting Sadie to scream for him. Cody took a bow and went backstage.

"Up nextht isth our red headed geek, who'sth dating the sthomeone sthtronger then him, pleasthe welcome, Harold!"

Harold walked out in a dark blue robe Eva had bought him and waved to the girls. He then flung off the robe in one swift motion and flexed while smiling at Eva, who purred at his movements. Harold took a bow and joined the others backstage.

"Our stheventh and final contesthant is none other than our dark haired musthician, Trent!"

Trent walked out in a green robe and winked at the ladies. They all squealed and he threw off his robe, exposing his chest. He flexed a couple times and went backstage.

Bridgette smiled and took over as MC. Beth took a seat and Bridgette turned to the crowd.

"Alright girls you've met the men, now to see who's the biggest man." Bridgette giggle, nervously.

"Alright guys come out her in those Speedos." Bridgette said.

The seven guys came out and the girls were going wild. They were standing side by side all flexing and posing, except for Zeke who was bright red.

"Alright men, on your marks, get set….." Bridgette started.

"Strip!" all the girls cheered.

Justin literally ripped them off his torso, like he did with shirts, Tyler caught himself in his and tripped, Harold and Cody slowly took theirs off, Trent slide his off and Noah did a strip tease.

"Come on Zekey, baby!" Lindsay cheered.

Zeke nodded at his girlfriend and slipped them off.

The girls were all cheering with nosebleeds. The judges then scanned the material for the winner.

DJ sighed as he got off the boat of losers. He wondered where everyone was till he saw the lights on in a room. Walking over, he smiled knowing the others would comfort him. He opened the door and saw screaming girls and seven naked guys.

"Okay yo, that is so not right." DJ gasped.

"DJ!" they all cheered and ran over, giving him a group hug.

DJ was feeling awkward, as he was hugged by naked guys. It wasn't as comforting as he wanted, but it wasn't half bad

~ That's it, DJ's gone. Now at the beginning of the next chapter Izzy will arrive and then it's onto the Final 6.

~Cheers to the individuals of the World, Con