A/N: I need to say that in here all the characters know the other characters 'secrets'. Like the zodiac transformations, alices, Haruhi actually being a girl…just so you guys understand.
Mikan: *skips into view* Hey there! I guess you got the invitations we sent you! She sent invitations to lots of people but I'm not sure who else is coming aside from you guys, me, and the gang. Oh! Here they come now! Hiiiiiiii guuuuuuuuys!!!!!
Koko: Hello…
Tsubasa: Hey chibi!
Misaki and Narumi: Mikan-chan!
Sumire: Hmph…
Ruka, Natsume, Hotaru: *just walked in*
Mikan: Hey guys!!!
Ruka: Hi Mikan…
Hotaru: Mm…
Natsume: Hn…pink and blue stripes…
Mikan: Natsume you pervert!!!
Hotaru: *brings out baka gun and points it at Natsume*
Ruka and Natsume: *sweat drops*
Sumire: Imai! Put that…that thing down! You are such an ice queen-"
Hotaru: *redirects baka gun at Sumire* If you value your life I suggest that you quit interfering, you never know what may happen to you 'mysteriously' tonight…
Narumi: You can put the gun down Imai, there will be more guests arriving…Ah! Here they come now!
Tohru: *walks in*Uuuuummm…
Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, Ayame, Hatori, Hiro, Momiji, Hatsuharu, Kisa, Kagura, Uo, and Hana: *walk in and stand beside Tohru*
Haruhi and the rest of the host club: ….
We're gonna need to break the ice soon…
Everyone: *talks amongst themselves*
Me: Hey everyone!!!
Me: What?!?!?
Me: Good God! What have you been doing for the past hour?!?! Talking amongst yourselves?!?!
Me: *shakes head and groans* Why do I have to be the ice-breaker for this thing?!?! Ok, I'll group you guys that have stuff in common ok…first will be Mikan, Tohru, and Haruhi.
Mikan, Tohru, Haruhi: Me?!?!
Me: Just talk amongst yourselves ok? Ok, next will be Narumi, Ayame, Shigure, and Tamaki.
4 of them: Me-
Me: Yes you!!! Next: Hotaru, Hana, Kyouya, and Hatori. Then Sumire, Kagura and Renge, Mori and Honey and Hatsuharu and Momiji.
Honey and Momiji: Waiiii!!! I've got a look-a-like!!!
Mori and Hatsuharu: Hn…
Everyone else: *wondering why the pairs are almost exactly alike: Two loli-shota, blonde-haired boys who don't look their age having companion who are actually the same age as them and usually silent, PLUS are both experienced in martial arts.
Me: Ok! Next up is Hiro and Kisa with Shiro and his friend, cute couples, hmm? Then there's Hikaru and Kaoru with Koko-
Hikaru: Before we start talking-
Kaoru: -We wanna ask you one question-
Hikaru: -Do you like-
Kaoru: -Pulling pranks or jokes on others?
Koko: Is it especially useful if you can read minds?
Hikaru and Kaoru: Yup!!!
Koko: Well then…Hell yes!!!
Me: God Bless his about-to-be-corrupted soul…anyways back to the groupings: Uo and Misaki, Yuki, Ruka, Tsubasa-
Tsubasa: Hey there Yun yun!
Yuki: *slaps forehead and sighs defeatedly* You sooooo remind me of…of…*groans*…Kakeru Manabe…
Me: -Then, FINALLY, there's the last 2 guys out there who have a lot in common but are 'too tough' to speak, isn't that right boys? *Sticks tongue out at them*
Kyo: Tsk…
Natsume: Hn…
Me: May I also add that one big thing they have in common is that they have a HUGE crushes on 2 girls named-*dodges fireballs and punches*
Kyo and Natsume: SHUT IT!!!
Everyone: Oooooooooooooh….
Me: Ok! I have to go but if you guys actually start talking to each other you will find a lot of things in common…*runs off*
Mikan: Waaaaaaah!!! *lumps grow on her head*
Hotaru: Crybaby.
Kyouya: Uuumm…excuse me, but what do you call that?
Alice Academy gang: The Baka Gun. Trust us, you do NOT want to get her angry when she's carrying that thing around.
Hotaru: I don't disagree.
Kyouya: I see, well, I was wondering if you're selling that…
Hotaru: NOT for sale. This is for my personal use only.
Kyouya: Saa, it would be nice if I had something like that. *looks at Tamaki*
Hatori: I second that notion…*looks at Ayame and Shigure*
Narumi: Saki, are you sure you don't have an alice? You may have one you know, from all these things I've been hearing about you…
Ayame, Shigure, and Tamaki: *don expert scientist outfits with round glasses,* Nod nod*
Hana: Alice? What alice?…*BEEP*
Narumi, Ayame, Tamaki, and Shigure: *jump from an electric current that just ran through their bodies*
Narumi: WHAT-
Ayame: -WAS-
Tamaki: -THAT?!!?!?!?
Shigure: ...
All of them: GYAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Hotaru, Kyouya, Hatori: Idiots…
Kyouya, Natsume, Kyo: *run like hell*
Twins and Koko: Mwuahahahahahaha!!!
Shigure: What did you guys do to?
Twins: Nothing really-
Koko: -We just wanted to hear what an evil laugh sounds like when we do it.
Twins and Koko: *high five* All riiiiiiiiight!!!
Shigure: *walks over to Haruhi* *licks hand and runs it through his hair* so…I heard that…you were actually a girl…
Tamaki: GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!*uppercuts Shigure's chin*
Shigure: Uwaaaaaaaaaaah!!! *flying through the air*
Haruhi: *confused* Huh?
Tamaki: Don't worry, Daddy will protect you~!
Hatori: Hn…serves him right…
Tsubasa: So, Yun yun d-
Yuki: Who gave you permission to call me that? *eyes shining dangerously*
Tsubasa: *catches Yuki's shadow*
Yuki: What the?!!??! What are you doing?!??! Why can't I move?!?!?
Tsubasa: I have the Shadow Manipulation alice…
Yuki: *looks at Tsubasa* You know, you make Kakeru look like an angel sometimes…
Tsubasa: Oi! Trio over there! Over here! *waves to twins and Koko*
Trio: May we be of annoying service. What can we not do for you?
Tsubasa: Call the Yuki fan club; they'd be happy that he can't run away…
Yuki: The what?!?!?! NO!!! WAIT!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *trampled by screaming fans*
Uo: Tsk…
Misaki: I second that.
Kyouya: Hey, Dad, this might be a good place to sell our merchandise…
Tamaki: Ah, yes, you are correct, mom…hmmm…now to choose some lovely ladies who could fall for this smile: *flashes sub-zero degree smile*
Fans: Eeeeeeeeee!!!! *swoon*
Tamaki: Ah! I see some beautiful ladies over there that would surely fall for my graceful charms! *prances over to Uo and Misaki*
Tamaki: Hello there beautiful ladies! May I happily indulge you in some Ouran Host Club merchandi-
Misaki: *Eyes shining dangerously* GO.
Uo: *Eyes shining dangerously as well* AWAY.
Tamaki: *Runs away screaming like a girl*
Yuki: Honda, have you found anything in common with your partners yet?
Tohru: Yup! My mom and Haruhi's mom passed away, Mikan-chan never met hers, but that can be almost counted, Mikan-chan and I are both close to our grandfathers, we all have learned quotes and what-not from our special ones, and we all have a big group of friends. *smiles and laughs with Haruhi and Mikan*
Yuki: That's….great!!!
Mikan: Also, as an added fact, Tohru-senpai and I are both clumsy, a wee bit air headed, smile a lot, and both have best friends with purple eyes and dark hair.
Ruka: That's great Sakura-san! *smiles*
Hotaru: *SNAP!* More money for me…*Rides away on duck scooter*
Ruka: Imai! Give that to me! *Runs after Hotaru*
And so the party continues….
Next Chapter: Surprise guests are coming!!! Read on to see who….