Hey you guys! I'm so sorry. I know, it's been pretty long. (silence) ok fine, it's been VERY long. I really apologize. Annnd, I hope you'll like this chapter. : ) I'd appreciate any suggestions or questions or whatever sooo, review~! : )

The Block Estate: The Spa

8:01 pm

"Gosh, I'm so friggin' tired", Massie huffed as she sat on the suede couch.

"Well then, you better rest then. Tomorrow the final count for the auction", Claire said as she winked.

"Gawd. I hope some hawt awesome guy had placed in a billion for me" Massie said as she propped herself up.

"Oh Massie, chillax" Alicia said as she dabbed some toner on her perfectly tanned cheeks.

"How the hell can I?!" Massie groaned, "Any rich bastard could just…win." Massie shuddered.

"At least he's rich" Kristen joked.

The PC laughed.

"Anyway, you should really relax. It'll be totally fine. We promised you we'd take care of it, remember?", Dylan reassured as she turned on the massage chair. "O-o-ohh t-th-ii-i-sss i-ii-s g-g-ooo-oo-dd"

Massie giggled then sighed. "I hope so". In her mind, she knew who she wanted to win. Him.

BOCD Office

8:23 pm

"Come on, Jeffrey. You know you want to" Nina purred as she sat on poor Jeffrey's lap.

"Ok ok" Jeffrey said as he pushed Nina off his lap. I'll tell you who has the highest bet."

Nina smirked as she waited for Jeffrey to say her name.

"It's..", Jeffrey started as he squinted at the computer screen.

Nina's faced started to fill with pride.

"..Massie". Jeffrey finished.

Nina's jaw dropped. "Whaaat?! Impossible!", she screeched.

"Uhm…yep. Really is Massie. She's leading by thousands." Jeffrey said as he stretched.

"What do you mean thousands?" Nina asked.

"Thousands of dollars" Jeffrey said.

Nina pursed her lips in anger and stormed out of the office, cursing in Spanish.

Sorry this had to be short. :D Don't worry. I'll keep it coming. I promise. : ) I'm sorry for whatever errors you encounter. I'm too tired to re-read. Thank you, and i hope you review. : )