Ok, so I had a long chapter written (& it was pure genius too) & I was literally 1/2 a second away from saving it...& my power went out...& the whole thing was gone, so here is the best recreation I could do.
"Mail call!!" Emmett shouted as he barged in the front door. "Alice! You've go mail!" A high-pitched squeal came from upstairs and the sound of Alice running down the stairs.
"What is it?" She squealed, not as high as before, but still deafening. I wonder how Jasper puts up with this 24/7.
"A fashion magazine." Em sounded completely bored by this. "Bella, you have something from Esme."
"Really?" I got up off the couch and walked over to them in the entryway. Em handed me a normal sized envelope, but it seamed too thick to just have a few pieces of paper inside. I tore it open and found another envelope with a note wrapped around it.
Call when you get this.
Carlisle & Esme
The outside of the other envelope had the address of the court house I remember Charlie having to go to on occasion printed on the top left corner.
Oh my gosh! I cannot believe Esme sent the new issue of Vogue to me here. Thud. Bella had collapsed back onto the couch. That immediately calmed my excitement.
"Bella?" She was staring at the papers in her hand, looking paler than usual, and wasn't moving. "Bella?" I sat down next to her and started shaking her shoulder, trying to get her attention. "Bells?" She seamed to snap out of it.
"Wha-where's the phone?" As she got up the long forgotten papers fell onto the floor. She looked disoriented as she looked for it.
"In the kitchen." Em said with a somber expression on his face.
"Esme?" I looked over the back of the couch to see Bella standing in the kitchen staring blankly over the half wall that separates the two rooms. "Do I have to?" She sighed, clearly unhappy with the response on the other end. "Ok, bye Esme." She set the phone on the counter in front of her, turned around and slid down the cabinet doors so that she was sitting on the floor.
"Oh Bells." I got up and sat down next to her, wrapped my arms around her and let her cry on my shoulder. Em sat down on her other side; his huge arms could fit around both of us.
It took me a few minutes to stop crying. And that's when Alice decided it was time to question me.
"What was in that letter that made you so upset?"
"I have to testify against him in court next month." She gasped and hugged me even tighter, if that were possible. "You know what guys, I think I'm just going to go lay down for a while." I said as I weaseled my way out of the group hug. I picked up the letters off the living room floor and went up stairs. What stopped me in the doorway of Edward's and my room was the scene playing out in front of me.
The floor lamp that had once been in the corner was now standing about a foot and a half from one of the bedposts, without the lampshade or bulb which were tossing out of the way. There was a small pile of rocks on the bed that were about the size of my fist. Jasper was holding the lamp in place. The window was open. Edward was finishing their apparatus by taking one of my bras and putting one of the straps over the bedpost and the other over the lamp. He picked up one of the rocks and was about to fire their makeshift slingshot when I spoke up.
"Whatcha doin'?" They both froze and simultaneously turned their heads to see me leaning against the doorway.
"Uhhh..." Jasper let out before running out the door, down the hall into his room, shutting the door behind himself. I raised an eyebrow at Edward, who was standing there trying to look innocent.
"Did I tell you how pretty you look today?"
"Sure. Stop trying to distract me."
"I'm serious." He sighed. "Because...Jazz and I were using your...um, thing." He pulled my bra from behind his back and held it up. "To make a slingshot."
"Ok. Just one question though. "I paused for half a second. "What were ya'll trying to hit?" He pulled me over to the window and pointed to...something.
"See those palm trees over there?" He pointed to a group of three palm trees right behind the neighbor's house about fifty yards down the beach from the house we were staying at.
"We were trying to get the one on the far right." I thought for a minute, biting my lip. "I know that look. What are you thinking about?"
"I might let you and Jazz finish your little experiment. On two conditions."
"Which would be...?"
"If either of you mess up anything, you have to pay to get it fixed or for a new one." He nodded. "And two, I get to watch."
"I think that can be arranged." He smiled. "Hey Jazz!" He called as he walked out the door. I sat down on the bed, near their pile of rocks so I could hand them to him. I put the letters behind me, faced down.
"Hold it steady Jazz!" Edward's shout could be heard from upstairs and then what sounded like a window shattering. I looked at Em, he shrugged and we both started up the stairs. Rose came out of the room she shares with Emmett and followed us. We were outside of the room Edward and Bella were staying in when we heard Bella laughing and Jasper say,
"Man do you have bad aim."
"Shut up." Came Edward's brilliant come back. I stopped suddenly in the doorway, startled at the sight in front of me. This caused Em to run into me and Rose to collide with him.
Bella was curled up in a ball on the bed, trying to stop laughing. The guys were standing a few feet away at, what I assumed to be, their roughly put together slingshot.
"What did you two idiots do?!" Rose exclaimed from behind me.
"We broke a window." Edward said, and Jazz added,
"Next door."
"I'll be right back." Em said before running down the stairs. We heard the front door open and then close. Bella stood up and walked over to the open window while Rose started lecturing the guys.
While Rose was basically yelling at Edward and Jasper, without actually raising her voice, I looked out the window to see Emmett running across the lawn towards the house next door. "What is that lug head doing?" I mumbled to myself. Everyone stopped what they were doing and crowded around the window. Em disappeared around to the front of the house. About two minutes later he reappeared at the window the 'two idiots', as Rose likes to refer to them as, broke. He bent over and when he stood back up he showed us the rock that had broken their window, waved at us and then disappeared again.
"The dumbie actually broke in!" Rosalie fumed. "He is really gonna get it this time!"
"Don't you know that breaking into someone's house is illegal?! And that if you were caught, you would have gone to jail! You're eighteen now, it's time to grow up! How do you think we are going to take care of a kid, if you can't stay out of trouble long enough to help me!"
"Look, Rosie, I'm sorry. I just didn't want the guys to get into trouble. I made sure no one was home before I went in and I locked the door behind me."
"Well sorry just isn't good enough this time Em. You're going to have to prove to me that you're responsible before I let you anywhere near our baby." When Emmett had come back inside Rosalie was waiting for him and dragged him into their room. The rest of us were in the living room listening, Alice and I were sitting next to each other, Jazz on her other side and Edward was next to me. I heard a door slam and Em came out the their room.
"She locked herself in the bathroom." Emmett sighed as he plopped down in between Alice and me.
"You really messed up this time Em." Jasper said.
"Yeah I know." he sighed again. Alice thought for a second.
"You know what you're going to do Em?"
"When those people who are staying next door get home, you're going to go over there and tell them that you accidentally broke their window," He looked like he was about to object, but Alice gave him a look that said 'you really want to interrupt me?'. "And apologize and offer to pay to have it fixed."
"And where am I going to get that kind of money?"
"Tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb."
& in the next chapter...Edward finds out about Bella having to testify against Charlie...how do you think he should react?
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