
Life's been quite hectic lately and I'm sorry that I didn't respond sooner to your letters. Wow, your life is everything but a bed of roses. I always knew that there was something special about Valissa and this confirms all my suspicions. Victor is quite a character for treating his own niece that way. How could he? He's royal scum if you ask me, totally unfit to be Moroi let alone royal actually. I hope Queen Tatiana finds him to be guility. Anyways, it seems as if you're really confused over your feelings for Roza. I really cannot tell you how you should voice your opinions, or whether or not you should continue this infatuation with her. All I can say is that you should be aware of everything and everyone around you. It seems as if you really love her, but there are so many things barricading your relationship with her. Do you really want to lose her? How badly do you want to be with her? I know she's your weakness Dimka but do you ever think that there could be some way around that, some way in which you could still love her, but not be distracted if someone was to use her against you. You life's really complicated right not, and I wish you the best. Just know that I'm always here for you when you need me, even though I'm a million miles away, I'm also just either a phone call or letter away. I love you Dimka, and I know that you'll always make the best choices in the end regardless. Good luck!


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Love it, hate it? Let me know, I welcome all comments. If you've got any advice on which parts of Frostbite I should focus on, feel free to PM me. Thanks for all the support! ~Michelle.