Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate or any of the characters you recognize. I'm just borrowing them for entertainment. There is no monetary gain and no copyright infringement intended.

AN: You don't have to read my story 'Continuum Interrupted' to understand this, but it would help. It is posted on this site.

I have had so many emails and reviews demanding that Jack should be dead for stealing Sam's chocolate. I got a response yesterday by someone who had just read 15 and was demanding that Jack die. The response struck me as funny and I was in the right mood so here is a little 'side story' based on chapter 15 of 'Continuum Interrupted'. This is for everyone demanding Jack be punished for his chocolate thievery. It is a one shot and not actually part of 'Continuum Interrupted'. Hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 15 1/2

Jack O'Neill stopped whistling the moment he was out of earshot of Samantha Carter. Walking away from Sam after sucking the chocolate from her fingers was a testament to his willpower he decided. Making sure that no one was looking he reached down with the hand not holding the candy bar and adjusted himself trying to get more comfortable. Jack started picturing dead puppies, baseball, his 80 year old aunt, anything to try to get the image and feel of Samantha Carter out of his mind long enough for his testosterone levels to fall.

Something caught Jack's attention. He froze. Jack had spent too many years not to know that sound. The sound of a round being chambered in a nine mil was a noise he'd be able to identify anywhere. He only had a split second to wonder at the source of the sound before he felt a blinding pain in the back of his scull. Pitching forward uncontrollably, he felt himself caught by strong yet gentle hands. Someone was here to help went through his brain in an almost detached manner.

As if in slow motion Jack felt his rescuer brace to take his weight. It was Sam. He would recognize her scent anywhere. Relief flooded through him even as he felt himself lowered to the floor and rolled to his back. His lungs were filling with blood. From long experience he knew he didn't have long to live. Confusion hit him. Who had attacked him? Slowly Jack became aware of someone at his left hand. He tried to focus and realized with shock what was happening. Sam was prying the remainder of her chocolate bar from his fingers. As the last breath left his body, he could hear a distant off key humming. He could barely make out the words 'what would you do for a Klondike Bar'.