Chapter 1-Interview
A classy black sleeveless high top covered up by an equally black classy jacket that hugged the body perfectly along with a reasonably short skirt with matching high heels.
That was what I was wearing at the moment as I wriggled in my leather seat, waiting to be called up next for my interview. Damn these felt uncomfortable, I can't believe I was actually interviewing for a job that made you wear these god forbidden stuff every single day. And don't get me started on the shoes, I mean, how can anyone wear these things?! They have got to be crazy, that's for sure….
But first, I should at least introduce my self; my name is Yuuki Cross; I'm the second adopted daughter of Kaien Cross who lives by herself in a 2-story building. My father has passed away a month before, just right after my graduation due to serious lung cancer while my two adopted brothers, Zero and Ichiru, has decided on taking architect courses in Egypt. It gets lonely sometimes, but at least I got Sayori Wakaba, my bff~
Save the sorry's for my dad later when I fail this interview….
Stupid Yori forcing me to take the stupid interview…..
"Ms. Yuuki Cross, you are up next, please step into the room."
Great, that's my cue. And here comes all hell…
I got up and nearly fell thanks to the stupid unstable high heels. But other than that, I tried to fix my hair, -which was in a pony tail, but I guess it just got messier as I noticed that some people were looking at me funny. Pfft. They shouldn't be talking with their bucket loads of make-up on. I walked through the huge oak-wood door with the weird knob-thing-a-majig. I think it's one of those things that you got to press something or swipe a card to get through. Let's see…since it got lots of numbers, why not try it out? Let's try…5?
Ok, that didn't work…. Then how about 9?
Fine then, may be 1?
Alright… Then how you like these numbers, huh?!
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Note to self: Never get a ring tone with a 'Beep' sound anymore….
"Uh, miss? I think you just have to turn the knob?" A voice called from behind. And when I tried it, what you know? It worked!
"Um… thanks!" I giggled slightly to cover up my fake nervousness, but I think I just look stupid now…..
So I turn the knob, stepped into the room, and next thing I know, I was facing one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. He has one of the most beautiful brown eyes with eye lashes that weren't too long or short. And his hair, his hair was curly, but not messy. Definitely not messy, but almost neat somehow. His suit showed off his great body structure; and he smelled sweet, must be using some high-class perfume or something…. I could get used to working with people like him! I swear I was drooling if he hadn't raised his eyebrow and snapped me out of my day dreaming.
"You are Ms. Yuuki Cross, I presume, right?" Not only great looks, but got a nice velvety voice too.
"Yes, Mr.…" Right now, I'm feeling real stupid now; I must look like an idiot that hardly knew anything at the moment. Strange, that's what my classmates in grade school said about me, well….until they saw me walking from Harvard University. Those suckers, should've took a picture of their faces, it was priceless, he he….
"Mr. Kaname Kuran. Now take a seat as to begin the interview now please." Got manners too it seems, what a gentleman.
"Oh yes…" I quickly walked to the seat that reciprocated his on the other side of his desk. And what you know, his window is the entire wall; you know, those really cool glass walls that showed you the whole entire thing that the wall was suppose to cover. Sweet, and the people down there look like little ants now… Man they're slow. Oh, and his got those really cool revolving chairs!!! Weee!!!
Snap back Yuuki, this is serious! It's a matter of life or no job and Yori's wrath!! "So what do you want to know about me?" I flashed the guy one of my most positive smiles that didn't seem so fake, but could pass well enough as optimistic in a way.
"I know everything right here, just need you to answer some questions if you can at least do that," he said smugly. You know what, scratch that, he got no manners. "What do you do during your free time?"
"I tend to visit my friends and chat with them. But most of the time, I am either shopping or reading and writing. And rarely, if ever, go to some events that might be happening around the corner, but nothing wild." I sounded confident and cool. Awesome; hope I'm doing a good job, because I really need this stupid job, it pays good and I look cool working here with the square glasses and office and all.
"I see… Next question," he took a breather, as if looking a bit off after hearing something a bit surprising, but continued, "What languages do you speak?"
"I speak Japanese, French, and English (Duh, I'm speaking to the guy in English anyway)." Hope three languages give a good impression….
Kaname grunted, but continued on, so I guess that was a good sign…. "Why do you want to work here?"
I wish I can be truthful and just say that my best friend forced me to work here with her, because the offices are cool and the furniture's are brand-named, the pay is awesome, and there's a humongous Starbucks coffee shop at the corner. The guy is now looking at the paper as if afraid to meet my eyes or something, almost it the guy…. The guy was trying not to chuckle, I swear it; but he couldn't have laughed at my age or anything, because I just graduated!
Ugh, my shoes are going to be the death of me…
I can see it now, my dead body getting buried with these shoes on and everyone will laugh at my disfigured feet one day when my body gets dug up after a century for archeological purposes! I mean, I can't even pronounce archeological right, what's wrong with that?!
I know, I know….randomness, but you got to love that about me! And you know it! Ha!
OMG, the guy's trying not to laugh again…. Something's up and I'm groaning on the inside now. Better get this over with or it's never, "Let's see…. I want this job because it's been my dream to work for a good company and do what I like to do at the same time, while achieving the best for my hobby, and that is designing everyday accessories/necessities and organizing accounts."
"An organized person I see…." His eye is now criticizing the piece of paper, poor paper, getting criticized at for nothing. But part of his expression told me that he wasn't believing it or anything; ugh, looks like I partly failed already….
But there's hope! Still some hope! That little tiny bit of hope! And you know what they say, never go near the light! But that's probably because they want to steal it for themselves but…. W00t! Go for the gold then! The Olympic Gold!
I know I know, I'm probably going crazy now…. So snap back, Yuuki!!!! Snap back!!!!!
A few moments went by and I swear I was going deaf because everything was so quiet; it was like one of those dramatic moments where everyone was being so serious!
He's opening his mouth to say something, and I knew what he was going to say!
WTF. My jaw dropped inwards, and if he wasn't giving me such a quizzical look, I knew my jaw dropped literally. I mean, if anyone got such an awesome job here, why would their jaws even drop? Usually they'd be jumping and dancing around by now…..
Wait… I got the job… I got the job!
I mean, OMG!!!! Yay!!!! I got the stupid job!!!! Awesomeness. And now I'm gonna do my inward dance!!!! W00t!
Anyway, back to Earth Yuuki! Back to Earth! The hot guy's still looking at you!
"Really? Oh, um… gosh, thanks so much!" I sounded optimistic, but then I remembered about these shoes…. I just couldn't with the idea of suffering for wearing these shoes and clothes every single day! Ugh, note to self: get new shoes that don't hurt. I mean, why the fudge did I even get them if they hurt so much?! Oh yeah, that's right, Zero nii-chan got them for me after saying that I was too short… Hmm, thanks dude….thanks…. Can you hear the sarcasm?
Now this Kaname guy is quirking an eyebrow at me. Gosh, one of them is a perfect arch, grr, I can never do that for some reason!
"When do I begin?" I asked optimistically in a partly sugar-coated voice… Ugh, I sound horrible and cheap, bleh. At least not as cheap as those people in those cheap fur coats and who are under those bucket loads of make up!
"Read the packet by tonight; you begin here at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow; no more later than that to get yourself started and introduced, as well as to take a look around. Got it?" He slipped a packet from across the glass desk as he spun his chair around.
"Aye aye, sir!" I added cheerfully, but realized that there was something wrong with that, and quickly corrected myself... "I mean, yes sir! See you tomorrow!"
"Yes…. See you soon," His back was still to me, and I walked away, barely able to contain my excitement. Then he quickly added: "Oh, and try to get more comfortable shoes and clothing if necessary." I knew there was a smirk in that sentence somewhere, half mocking, half teasing. I looked back at him, but he was still facing the window, and was about to ask him how did he know, but before I could ask, he quicking shooed me out with a careless gesture of the hand.
And so, I did as I was suppose to, walk away with my Gucci purse in hand while trying to tolerate the pain in my feet…. Note the stressed word of tolerate… It'd be a wonder if I could even show up tomorrow without feeling sore. I looked at my Guess watch, and realized that it was indeed 6:00 p.m.
Today was Sunday, and the mall closes early today. Better hurry and get shopping before it closes, I can not feel my toes now; is this even normal? Maybe it's the side affects of aging and graduating college early…. OMG, noooo!!!!!! Wait, I'm still in my early 20's, I'm still young and groovin'!!! w00t!
Anyway, I as I go down the very, very, very long and slow ride on the elevator with the red carpeting and glass window that mainly shields it from the outside, I couldn't help but also feel excited about my first job. Even if I did just get interviewed by some weird psychic guy, nearly got killed by my shoes, and nearly fainted from the stupid nervousness. Heh, wow was right…..
And I'm back on the first floor, a.k.a. the gorgeous lobby; but without looking, I bumped into a strong and lean figure.
Authoress Note: I'm really nervous about this fanfiction. I always wanted to do something like this but it either always sounded too stupid or just plain…. Stupid. ._." I hope I didn't do so poorly of a job ^^; BTW, sorry for the short chapter since I'm only seeing how people will respond to this fanfiction… :x