Chapter 2.5 : Happy Late Halloween!


The pale white full moon waned over the city, as if the spirits will come out of the deep depths of Hell and haunt everyone in their paths. Despite this, the two adult's jaws were wide open, as they went around the corner and witnessed the sight in front of them.

"What theā€¦" Kaito whispered before dropping his pumpkin in utter shock, even though he was in a ice cream cone costume as Meiko looked on, and rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

In front of them, the two blonde children were on top of a yellow steam roller and were riding it down the streets before making a slight detour. Jumping on the dashboard, Rin pointed at the pumpkin patch next to their parents as Len smiled and, controlling the levers, started smashing the pumpkins one by one, turning them into flattened orange pulp and seeds, before crushing a ten feet tall pumpkin to it's end.

"NOOO! NOT THE GREAT PUMPKIN!" The giant ice-cream fell to the floor and sobbed as Meiko simply shook her head, hoping this was a bad dream that was caused by the fifteen bottles of wine she drank.

In the end, Len and Rin got a steam roller, Kaito got a bag full of rocks with the shattered dream of meeting the Great Pumpkin and Meiko has a hangover to end all hangovers.

You got to pity them.


Author's Note: Sorry for the crackish chapter! Had to find some way to celebrate Halloween, even though it was over three days ago! Read and review!