Disclaimer: Twilight and the other books in the Saga are owned by Stephenie Meyer
"Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way - that is not within everyone's power and that is not easy."
Isabelle Marie Swan Cullen
Just then a woman with caramel hair came in through the front door. She almost knocked the door into me with the force she was using. She slammed it open, catching it with her hand just before it hit the wall.
"Who did this to my Window!?" The woman yelled in anger. It was strange but I was frightened by her. I suppose because I was the one who caused the window to be broken as it is.
Everyone was silent as she looked from face to face around the room. When her eyes landed on me and widened in surprise.
Why was everyone so surprised to see me?
"Oh, my...," the woman gasped while covering her mouth with her right hand. It seemed that she could not resist hugging me as Alice had so she ran up and covered me with her arms. My instincts were going off like a siren telling me to get away from the smothered feeling, but another side of me loved it. It felt so good to be in her arms, she reminded me of my own mother.
My eyes opened wide as a memories of my harebrained mother Rene and I filled my head. I remembered the many activities that she would try, only to give up and try something new after a week or so. I particularly remembered the time that she and I went to a weight training class. Every movement was stiff and painful during that time.....
While I was thinking of that, another memory was triggered. I quickly let go of the woman I was hugging. I was more surprised by what I saw than what I felt in this memory.
I was standing in a bathroom, in front of a mirror. At least I was pretty sure it was my own reflection in the mirror, as I have never seen myself. It was strange to see myself look so...weak. I felt so powerful as the moment. Was it possible that I was not always like this?
I was covered in bruises. Dark, ugly purplish spots covered my entire naked body. I remembered thinking at the time that it was only as bad as weight training with Rene. That was most likely why I was reminded of this now.
The mirror image of myself was staring in shock. I suppose it was because of the bruises, but at the moment I found the way feathers were stuck in my hair to be humorous.
"How did you keep from laughing at this?" I heard myself ask referring to my hair. I was curious as to who I was talking to while naked like this. I could not have just walked around like this around everyone. Then I remembered that I was married and I was probably talking to my husband. In the memory I had my same wedding ring on so I must be married.
I waited for a voice to return my question, but it never came. I started to turn around to look at someone......
"Bella," I heard Alice's voice call to me, bringing me out of the memory.
I opened my eyes to see that I was lying on the couch now. I had been so distracted with the images going on in my head that I did not notice being moved. Their faces were all around me staring at me anxiously. They were probably wondering why had zoned out like that.
"Are you alright dear?" The woman asked. I realized that she must be Carlisle's wife Esme.
I did not know if I was truly alright. Ever since I had awoken it felt like there was something missing in the pit of my stomach. It had eased tremendously now that I had met the Cullens, but there was still the absent feeling.
I was overwhelmed by the feeling. My hand went to rest on my stomach, and I realized that I expected to feel something. It felt as if it was second nature to feel something moving there with the touch of my hand. I realized that nothing was there other than the perfect shape of my hard stomach. I started to feel very uneasy.
"Something is different about me," I said since I had not yet answered Esme. "I don't know what it is, but I feel as if something…..a part of me is missing." I was hoping that she would give me the answers I needed.
Esme, and also everyone else in the room looked sad, as if they heartbroken by what I just asked. I tried to wait patiently for someone to say something. After no one did, I was overwhelmed by the feeling to find what was missing. As my emotions increased I saw Jasper look at me suddenly, and the feelings started to ease.
No! I thought as I started to forget what I yearned for. Though the emotions of loss were crippling, I did not want to forget them. I had already forgotten and lost so much I did not want to loose anymore. If I forgot about the aching feeling, I would also forget that there was something I needed to find.
I started growling at Jasper because I somehow knew that he was the one that was doing this to me. As I was fighting back the emotions, something began to change.
"Stop Jasper", I growled out loud towards him. I was a little shocked with the lethal sound coming from my voice.
I let out a gasp of surprise when a blue sort of bubble formed came quickly around my body. It stuck to the curves of my body for a split second before reaching out and wrapping itself around Jasper so that we were both covered with it.
That was when Jasper became completely immobile.
Aro Volturi
The sound of quick footsteps became evident as their sound travelled from the halls that came from behind the rooms that were two over from the one we were occupying at that moment. The sounds of these footsteps were quite graceful compared to the twenty or so pairs that shuffled and tripped along to their fate behind hers.
It was Heidi back from "fishing for her pray" as she liked to call it. The dim-witted humans were easily attracted to her beautiful look and so, they followed her. Just like a fish would follow its food. I found it quite comical that Heidi "fishing" would imply that she would provide the bait, and in this case become it. When in all actuality, these fish were now the prey and not the predator.
The humans were settled in the room right to ours while they waited for our arrival. Many pieces of art from our history here in Volterra were arranged in the room as to ease the minds of our prey for the time being. Most of them had probably thought that this was just a tour of the ancient castle that we occupied. They would experience so much more than just a tour.
"Are you prepared for the feasting my brothers?" I asked of Caius and Marcus that were seated next to me. I rose from my seat and turned to face them as I waited for an answer.
Before I got one, we were interrupted by the opening of a door from the left, which was unexpected. When I saw the face of our new company I was instantly again joyful.
"My beautiful Jane, it is so wonderful for you to join us once again," I told her. She had been sent with Demetri to check a situation over in the American continent.
"As it is to see you, my masters." She said as she bowed toward my brothers and I.
"It seems as if you are just in time my dear. The feeing is about to begin. Would you care to join us?" Marcus asked. I already knew that she would. I was very surprised when she refused.
"I am sorry master Marcus but there is something of importants that I must share with you all if I may," Jane told us. It was unusual for this sort of thing to happen. I started to think that it may be a problem concering the shapeshifters that she and Demetri were sent to look at.
"Of course you may dear Jane," I spoke.
She held out her hand as she began to walk over to me. I understood that she must want me to see for myself what she had seen.
When she placed her hand in mine I was shocked.
"It seems as if Edward Cullen is till alive..." after a long pause while I checked to make sure that Jane nor myself had mistaken what we saw I continued. ".....and so is his daughter."