Disclaimer: right now i'm writing you from a courtroom where I'm with Kishimoto. We are fighting over the ownership of the Naruto characters. … So I'll tell ya in the next chapter if I own them or not after we receive the final decision so wish me luck ^__^

Author: Krystal Angel 17 (well I'm not seventeen anymore … but that's beyond the point here ^_^)

Genre: Romance, comedy…. And maybe some angst here and there ^__^

Story: Sakura found the perfect man with who she intends to even get married (Geez women _) but what will happen when her boyfriend meets the younger brother??? Don't ask X_X

Pairings: Sasu/Saku (sorry minna-san T_T, but don't worry too much … I don't like the pairing so you will see only a little interaction between those two …or ….who knows? ^__^) and of course, the unforgivable Sasu/Naru


~Let the game begin~

If I only knew from the beginning what cruel joke the gods planned for me I would have never done that favor for my older sister in the first place.

But how would've? Who would've even guessed that in that fateful summer, in that fateful day I would've meet my first and true love, an prohibited love from so many points of view.

I tried so hard not to reveal my feelings because I knew that my sister will be once again in pain and I swore that I will never see her crying face again, to see her heart broken due to a boy ….

But I couldn't help it.

My feelings were already too deep, in the moment I realized it, so I couldn't stop them.

All of my life I lived in my older sisters shadow, she being the first child, and a girl above that (my folks both wished for a girl) and as an ado to that, the day I was born my mother died.

When I was old enough to understand all of these things I also started to understand the meaning of dad's cold, icy glares that were always directed towards me.

I sincerely couldn't blame him because I also felt at quilt even if my father never said nothing directly to me concerning that day I knew that he was thinking the same way.

Sakura resembled my mom very well and for this father loved her very much and cherished her. My aunt from my father's side, Tsunade, once told me that because sakura looks so alike my mother he once tried to rape her.

Even if he was drunk in that day, confused and heart broken due to the loss, my aunt never found the power within her to forgive his actions and even today she avoids speaking and meeting with him.

Sakura doesn't seem to remember anything, probably due to the shock, but nor Tsunade nor I dare to say a word about the incident.

After seven years of solitude my father remarried a younger woman.

She was beautiful, with blond hair, blue eyes, slim body, slightly tanned delicate and long arms, warm features, gentle and caring and so so on. She was the quite opposite of my mother and that was probably one of the main reasons father married her. He wanted to get over my mother.

And if the chosen one would be alike her, it would only be a replacement and his heart would never heal and so he would never get over her, or so my aunt said

My "mother" noticed father's awkward behavior towards me, and focused most of her attention towards me than my sister, filling this way the emptiness that she sensed in my heart.

But, hey let's just return to the fateful summer thingy already ….. Thank you very much.

As I was saying before I started to get in an angsty mood …

Two moths ago my sister was in pure bliss because she found the prince charming that all the girls are searching for … pfff... weird creatures these women .

I'm pretty sure that our whole lineage knew about the "perfect, beautiful, talented, smart, well-built Sasuke –kun "even if none of them meet him. Even the relatives with who we didn't get so often in contact were aware about his presence in my big sis's life. Jesus!! I already started to hate him.

One day , 22 June , I remember the day perfectly , she asked me for a favor , which I know now, I shouldn't accepted .

But if we were aware of the (bad) consequences when we do something, then we wouldn't do it to begin with (if you get the jig)

I didn't want to do it from the start but she kept wining and begging me so I had no other choice (plus she offered me a box full of ramen! who would deny an offer like that?? I mean... HELLO! It's ramen we are talking about here people)

She asked me to go in her place at the date with the oh-so-perfect because she didn't want to meet with him due to a bad ……… hair day!!?? As I was saying

….. Women _

"Come on Naruto!!! You just go, say "hello "as I learned you "

'Thanks sis, but I'm not a kid anymore _ '

"And then you introduce yourself, because it's polite this way y'know "

'I'm starting to get tired of this '

"And you say that I can't meet him today because I'm sick and we'll meet again tomorrow! Got it? "

"Yes" I sigh

"Then repeat what I just said "

'The hell?? '

"Give me a break"

"Well I gotta make sure that you don't mess things up "

"Bye sis!!!"

"Oh and Naruto he has dark ey- "

'As if I didn't know how he looks by now '


"What's with the attitude? My ears hurt! Little boys these days "


'So could someone please refresh my memory and tell me again what the hell I'm doing in the middle of the summer, in the middle of an extremely hot day, heading towards the middle (ironic) of a stupid park, where is the so-called sanctuary of the lovey-dovey birds (yeah right) instead of being at home, in my big, soft and cozy bed, sleeping? (Hey don't give me the looks now will ya? Some of us treasure a lot their beauty sleep ; even if I'm kinda like the only person that's "treasuring it " until 2 p.m. …. But hey, it's a free world dudes) '

'Geez I swear that there are over 40 degrees outside and I'm melting more and more by the second …. Even my organs are starting to heat up (don't think about naughty stuff now people; I wasn't referring to "her" … "she's" a good and educated "girl" and it's asleep … for the past decades … but that's beyond the point right now) and I'm sweating all over like a damned horse and it's a high possibility that I even smell judging by some of the looks I received.

I hate summer , I hate high temperatures , I hate my sister's boyfriend ( for unknown reasons of course ) and I even hate her for making me do this thing in this shitty weather .

Yup …. I'm finally here … so now what?

I can recognize him even if I catch a glimpse of his face ( trust me on that one *roll eyes* ) but I don't see even a single person that even might resemble the prince charming .

Right about now I think it might be useful a gigantic flag with his name on it so he would notice me from wherever he is or maybe I should use the methods one uses in the airport when meeting with someone unknown.

That would save me in these moments.

Don't know really why but I'm started to get excited for some reasons. It's like a date of some sort and I've never been on one before. No, don't get me wrong now …. I haven't been on a blind date until now … but on real dates with people I know , precisely girls in this case , I was and many times . You have here in front of your eyes the ultimate Casanova. * smirks for himself *

Some butterflies have entered my belly and I close my mouth to prevent some others from entering (yea I sure know this is a damned cliché thing, but us guys use it all the time! I guess it can't be helped) …. And so I have to ask myself … why the hell I'm feeling like a damn girl now? Why am I nervous anyway? This date isn't even for me and among all, the person I'm waiting for it's a bloody boy, for God's sake!!!

But, oh my fucking God. What the hell did happen now? Who, and let me ask you, who turned of that damned light?

Did I forget again to pay the electricity bills or what? I don't get it … usually its "normal shutdown "(1) when you have four unpaid bills (2) and I only have three (hey at least I admit it. I'm sincere; I don't know if I can say the same thing about you) .

Or…. Is it possible that … Oh Jesus … please , oh please ,oh please ,oh please tell me that I didn't die … I don't want to die .

Not here , not now and not at this young and fragile age … for Christ's name I didn't even had the time to leave something behind me as a wife that would mourn my death , a bunch of kids , liabilities ( wait .. I already have those _) and common things like these.

Please God give me another chance, I'm at your mercy, I beg you …. And I know you can because I saw you many times in movies giving random peoples another chance to life.

And if you do that I promise I won't swear again in my whole fucking life …uh sorry about that… the custom was at blame , and I'll be a very good boy from now on , I'll never lie again to my father , like the time when I lied that I was going to the library and instead went with uncle Jiraiya at a whorehouse , I'll eat even my veggies so I won't leave any leftovers from now on , I'll brush my teeth every morning and evening , like a good kid that I am , and never , and I said never , will I give Sakura's make up to our dog instead of chewing toys .

Eh?? Whatd'ja say? I'm not dead?? I just fainted?? Well what do ya know?? Keh!!

I mean … hehe … I knew that. I was just trying to kid you all! Gotcha there didn't I?

Oh and about the tooth thingy. So I clear things up. I already do that. Everyday. It's just a figure of speech y'know?

Hey it's true dammit … don't cover your nose on me.

"Oi …. Wake up! Are you alright? "

Uh-la-la who owns that sexy voice that's calling for me?

"Oi, dobe do you hear me? "

On second taught I'll first smack her and then inspect her face (3)

"Hey, can you hear me?"

I can hear you idiot! Loud and clear actually. I just can't answer, my damn mouth isn't opening can't you get it? Sheesh, like you need a doctor to tell you something so random as that! Let me tell you that you must a really stupid person for not knowing at least this one (well that is not really true , but I like speaking bullshit most of the time as you will see in the future)

My, my, my it seems I am being picked up, princess style. This chick is strong, no shit! It's a very pleasant feeling really, so I lean more on the…flat…well built abdomen??

Wait! Stop it here! Where are the soft, juicy bobbies?? What in the world is with these women these days? Jeez!

The next thing I know is that I am being laid down on a soft bed? Or something among these lines. The air is kinda chilly and that gives me a hint that I am not outside anymore. But that popes up the next question. Where the hell am I anyway? O-oh… someone is taking of my clothes! What the fuck are you doing pervert? Trying to rape me while I am unconscious? And this is another dilemma… how come can I speak to myself if I'm supposed to be unconscious? Heh… how should I know?

I feel a wet cloth running all over my body and face and then I found myself under a blanket! Now really man…its summer! Why in the world are you covering me with that? Maybe my hot body is turning you on and you can't resist jumping me, no? Heh…I just know it!

"Hello! Sakura it's me! Look, I know we have been planning this since last week, but something came up and I can't come!"

Wait! What was that? Sakura? My Sakura?

"Are you sure you are not mad? I promise I'll make it up to you another time!"

"Sorry, once again and thanks for understanding! Yea, talk to you later! Bye!"

Ah…and then it clicked! I was in the house of thy Sasuke! Heh … some luck I have!


: If someone didn't get it  when you are left in the dark... No lights, no electricity no nothing ^__^! Just in case taught to clear it

I don't know if that's true __

Baka Naruto, ne?? what a surprise he'll have ^__^

A/n: Well I know its short … maybe a little too short, but hey bear my idiocy! I wanted to know an opinion or two about this fic so I know if I should continue it or not _

'Til next time guys,