Disclaimer: Don't own NCIS. That's all I gotta say.

Well, I just got bored during school and thought, 'Hey, why don't I write a fanfic?' So, that's how I ended up writing this during my 30 minutes at lunch. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and sorry for the sucky title. Couldn't think of anything…. -_-

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Another Long Day At Work

By: kiomirebel

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Tony Dinozzo sighed as he leaned back in his chair. The team had been working nonstop for nearly a week with little to no sleep at all. Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, and McGee weren't the only ones working on the case nonstop. Abby and Ducky were working on the case just as much as the team. Ducky stayed in autopsy for hours at a time trying to find something he could've possibly missed, but still, he found nothing new. Poor Abby was in her lab every second because of all the forensic evidence found. She spent the whole time analyzing, running DNA, running fingerprints, and anything else she could find.

The silence in the squad room was interrupted by Gibbs' phone ringing.

"Gibbs." He was silent for a moment before nodding. "We'll be right there." He hung and started towards the elevator. "Abby's got something." He threw over his shoulder.

Everyone scrambled toward the elevator to make their way down to Abby's lab.

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Gibbs frowned as he walked into Abby's lab. It was quiet, too quiet for Abby. The said lab rat sat in her chair at her computer with her head down. When she heard people walk in, she stood without any of her usual enthusiasm.

"Alright, I'm gonna skip all the forensic mumbo-jumbo and just tell you that the blood and fingerprints on the murder weapon belong to a Mr. Jeremy Jamenson."

"You got an address for me, Abs?"

"Don't I always?" Abby picked up a sheet of paper from the printer and handed it to Gibbs.

"Hey, Abby? Where's all the usual music?"

Abby gave Dinozzo an uncharacteristic glare, "It was giving me a headache."

Dinozzo smiled, "So, you know how the rest of us feel, huh?"

Before Abby could respond, Dinozzo winced as Gibbs slapped him on the back of the head, "Thanks, boss." At Gibbs' insisting glare, he continued, "Sorry, Abby."

Abby nodded.

"Alright." Said Gibbs. "Let's get Jamenson so we can finally go home. Abs, go home and get some sleep."

Abby nodded, "No arguments here. I just have to finish a couple things."

Gibbs nodded his approval and gave her a small kiss on her cheek, "Goodnight, Abs. And good job today."

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Gibbs and the team caught Jamenson and arrested him without any problems. When they got back to get their stuff, Gibbs went down to make sure Abby went home. When he got to the lab, all the lights were still on. When he walked in, he smiled as he saw Abby asleep with her head down on her desk. He went back up to the squad room and a blanket from his desk, "Dinozzo."

Dinozzo looked up, "Yeah, boss?"

"You still got that pillow?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Our little lab rat never went home."

Less than half an hour later, everyone agreed that they'd rather sleep with Abby down in her lab than have to wake her up to take her home. The next morning, Abby woke up and saw everyone scattered about her lab still asleep.

"Why's everyone sleeping in my lab?"

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