Disclaimer: I do not own anything, although to be fair if I did own Edward I wouldn't leave my bedroom ;) don't judge, you would do exactly the same :oP

I know, I know, it has been forever... but to make it up to you I present you with the first ever EPOV of PP. I never thought I would or could do this so thankyou so much to Roslyn1213 (my beta) for encouraging me and for helping me out...so so much. I really couldn't have done this without her.

As ever please review! Let me know what you think about our little player here...

I have kept you all waiting so I'm not going to keep you any longer...

Last thing... Happy Holidays! Hope Santa brings you everything you wish for...

Chapter 15

I stood in the hallway watching Bella's retreating figure in total disbelief. Did she really just say what I think she said, then dismiss me like I'm some little groupie that follows her around like a lost puppy? Oh hell no! No one, especially a chick has ever or will ever treat me that way and get away with it. I never would have thought after seeing her this morning, that our interaction would end this way. Us making out in the back of my Volvo yes, her telling ME off, hell no. Now I'm pissed, which is never a good thing.

How does she get to me like this? She's just another girl, a very hot one I must admit, but why am I so pissed off right now? Sure, we didn't start off on the right foot but, I could have sworn something was there. I'm not used to having meaningful conversations with women but something about her kind of draws me in. Immediate sexual chemistry! We would be brilliant together in bed and I am certain that she is just as attracted to me as I am to her. I thought back to how she looked in the fucking dress today and believe me, some parts of my anatomy were screaming 'I want! I want!'. I took a deep breath. Calm the fuck down little Edward, we'll eventually have our way. But first, we need to teach little Miss Sunshine a lesson in respect. She needs to understand who runs this and I am a very able bodied teacher. I just need to come up with suitable lesson plan that she'll never forget. Yes, this should be fun. It's time to start making life just a little uncomfortable for Bella Swan. She cannot treat me like that.

Speaking of which, isn't her class in the other direction? From the way she just abruptly stopped walking, she must have realized the same thing. Okay yeah, I have her class schedule memorised and to some that might be deemed borderline stalkerish; but I have to keep the locations of any and all shag possibilities current just in case of a personal emergency if you get my meaning.

Oh God this is classic and I could honestly piss my pants right now. Why don't I save my hysterics for the moment she has to walk by me again in order to successfully make it to her class! A Dr. Evil laugh would be so useful right now! Okay, she's coming back my way and I can tell she's trying her hardest to keep her head held high and not look in my direction, trying to hold on to the little dignity she has left. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest. I just have to time this perfectly. So I don't have any effect on her at all, huh? Yet she goes in the wrong direction to class? Hmm, pretty damn funny. Okay she's in position, time for the kill. Just as she began to pass me in the hall I conveniently developed a very loud and nasty sneeze.

"Cocktease! Cocktease!" I said as I 'sneezed' and she froze. A couple of guys in my vicinity heard me and fell out laughing drawing everyone else's attention in our direction. Bella's eyes widened in fury and her mouth opened in shock, but what made this moment even better was the flaming blush that stained her face. God she was beautiful. She huffed and started to walk off but ended up tripping over her own feet which made her stumble and almost drop her backpack. Now the whole hallway full of people were cracking up laughing including me.

"You…tripped….over…your…own…feet!" I said through my hysterics. Bella righted herself immediately and walked off but not before shouting "Wanker!" in my direction.

I honestly felt a little better, but it was kind of bittersweet. Yes I was victorious in getting back at her, but I was also no closer to winning her over. I pretty much shot myself in the foot. I was not in the mood for History and for Jessica to be all over me. I shivered. It's like they expect me to choose them, only them and fall in love or some shit. Like that's going to happen. I can hardly hold a conversation with them never mind anything else like spending time with them outside of the bedroom. The only time I ever talk to them is to ask if they wanna shag, to which the answer is always yes if you are wondering. But Jessica is unusually persistent. She's my Saturday night entertainment, even though she doesn't last the whole night. Cos I'm that good. Would be nice to have someone with a bit of stamina though. Everyone here is 3 thrusts and you're out. Then cuddling. Except Edward Cullen doesn't do that shit. And the quicker they realise it the better.

Virgins are the worst. They want it to be special and think that I will make it that way for them. Well you can either have good or special. I provide the good and the doucebags like Mike provide the special. Which basically means that you won't get off. Why waste time cuddling and snuggling and all that, let's face it, you really just wanna get down to it. That's what I do, and I do it well. Not being conceited, just honest.

I decided to ditch and made my way to my beloved Volvo. The one thing that I would never treat badly. My baby. The beautiful polished silver and the smooth leather seats, it was perfect. When I ditch I get into her and listen to my music. Music. …My sanctuary. Just one song can change your mood or enhance it. I love all kinds of music which would surprise most girls. They expect me to be like the other jocks, listening to rap and all that crap. Not a chance. I may be good at football, hell I'm better than good but not the point, yet that doesn't mean that I should live up to the stereotypes. Don't get me wrong, the guys are great and are a laugh, especially Emmett. He's positively nuts. Has a peanut for a brain most likely but such a nice guy. Hmm, he hangs out with Bella, doesn't he? Maybe I can dig around a little. Not enough for him to get suspicious but I need information. I barely know anything about her, except that she lives next door and gets embarrassed easily. I could use that to my advantage...

When I pulled up my car in the parking lot this morning I had no idea what I was about to experience. I was unsatisfied after the disaster that was last night. Bella cockblocker Swan. How dare she even suggest that I would even risk catching anything? Especially from these Forks slags. It may be a small town but bloody hell have those cheerleaders got around, probably more than once. But I always, always, always, make sure I use protection. I would never disrespect myself like that. But, what's her name, Charley? Charlotte? Chloe? Yeah, Chloe. Anyway, she didn't see it like that. Nope. After that she didn't want to do anything! What's the point? Why take me all the way to hers only to tell me that she didn't want to do anything? I'm not a jerk or anything, I would have settled for a blow job or even a good hand job. But no. So I got home sexually frustrated cos of the cockblocking son of a bitch next door.

So after last night the last thing I expected to see when I got to school was Bella swanning about in a short ass dress with heels showing off her 'fuck-me' legs while not looking like a slut. How does she do it? The other girls could learn a thing or two from her. I got out of my car and lent against the car door. God, she's swaying her hips as well and her hair is just begging to be pulled while I thrust in and out of her slowly. God, even the thought of it makes me hard. There was no way that I would not be tapping that and God help me if someone gets there before me because I do not do well with being second or God forbid third.

So I waited for her in the main corridor hoping she would pass by me, if not I would look like a complete tool. Luckily, the Gods were with me and she walked by. She looked in her own little world and I couldn't miss this opportunity to look her up and down, once more. I wanted to give her the chance to apologize; after all, jealousy is a cruel emotion and can make you do harsh things like she did last night.

But it did not go as well as I thought it would hence why I ended up embarrassing her, skipping class and listening to Debussy in my beautiful Volvo.

I couldn't be bothered with the rest of school but the thought of seeing Bella at lunch as well as sitting next to her in Biology prevented me from ditching the whole day. Something about her intrigued me. Beyond the obviously smokin' hot body she was clever as well, I could tell from when we worked together in Biology, she was just as good as me, well nearly. She has always given off this sensuality, everyone noticed but no-one dared touch her because everyone thought that she had a thing with Jasper. Obviously not seeing as he's with the new girl who looks like a little pixie. Now with the whole sexy make-over she's like every guy's wet dream. All the guys will probably be after her. Which is why I need to get in there first. But I need her to want me, she has to give in first. And I will make sure she does.

I heard the bell for lunch and heaved a sigh before I left the comfort of my Volvo and headed into the zoo that is the cafeteria.

I got there just as the classes were letting out, providing perfect cover. I tried to scan the room subtly whilst I made my way to the table that was in the middle of the canteen. It was labelled the 'jock' table but I didn't like stereotyping. In my opinion, it was simple, I knew many of them in middle school, we played football together and sat together at lunch. It wasn't a matter of popularity or cliques, it was simply who you were friends with in my opinion, who you shared interests with. I really don't see the need to categorize people with specific tables and stuff. What's the point in it? It's a horrible system but that's what life is like in American High Schools. Girls throwing themselves at you with no dignity, they have no respect for themselves. If I'm being honest, I revelled in it. Find me one hormonal teenager who wouldn't.

I treated them badly and I admit that I still do treat a few badly but if they don't have any respect for themselves, how do they expect me to have respect for them? I was particularly picked out from the crowd cos I was hot apparently. It was very useful and could be used to get my own way, the guys say that I dazzle the girls but I don't care what it is as long as it works, and it has. That is until Bella came along; then again she has respect for herself unlike the other slags in this school.

I was brought from my thoughts by a clap on my shoulder. "Yo, dude." Jack came round to sit across from me.

"Hey." I replied, a bit spaced out. I tried to do a quick scan for those deep brown eyes but couldn't see anything yet. The others were making their way over. Abby sat with Jack, they had been the only couple that had been together for a significant amount of time, in high school anyway. Everybody else was either fucking around or it was fling after fling. I sometimes wonder how they do it, just stick to each other like that. They must get bored of one another, or drive each other crazy. Or maybe it's just me who can't stand to be tied to one person for the foreseeable future.

I tuned out the table conversation and took to looking out for Bella. I really need to see how she acts, I can't do anything without knowing about her behavior and what makes her tick in many ways. She obviously doesn't react or behave like the normal girls, which means that my usual crooked smile and panty-wetting winks won't work. And I need her to learn her lesson. I couldn't see her anywhere. By now almost everybody had settled down and a couple of cheerleaders were making their way over for their traditional throwing themselves at us. Jessica was practically knocking girls out of the way to get to me in an attempt to head off the herd. Why do I mess around with her again? Oh right, Saturday night special. Too bad she's opposed to the idea of me gagging her, otherwise she might not be as awful to be around. Why am I still here right now? A chance to see the 'fuck-me legs' again, that's why. I cringed at the sound of Jessica's shrill voice. I assumed she thought she sounded sexy. Not!

"Hi Eddie! Oh my gosh, I totally missed you in history class. Were you sick? I was totally going to go and look for you, but Lauren starting telling me about how she went to the mall and saw Stacy…" I had to just shut myself down at that moment before I got any more tempted to gently press my pizza to her face in an attempt to smother her. Now where was I? Ah, my search for my latest mission. Eventually Jessica got the message that I wasn't interested in talking to her and went off with her skank friend Lauren.

I really hope that Bella isn't off with some lad like she said. I know she wasn't serious but the idea of someone touching her in the way that she doesn't deserve makes me physically sick. She doesn't deserve to be treated like all the other slags, they don't have respect for themselves like she does. Thankfully though if anyone ever hurts her they will have Emmett and Jasper to answer to.

Some chick, whose name I can't remember, draped herself across me as if she had some purchase over me. They do this everyday and I put up with it, sometimes if I feel like I encourage it a bit but right now it was bugging me. It was distracting me from looking for Bella. She was twittering on in my ear, something about her coach being a bitch or something, I didn't take any notice but she didn't seem to pick up on it, still blabbering on like I actually care.

It was a few torturing minutes later when Bella finally walking into the canteen. She didn't look to happy and instead of going to pick up lunch she went straight to her table, oblivious to the amount of stares she was getting. I certainly was, glaring at any mother fucker who dared to check her out. I looked back at her and although I couldn't hear her from here I could tell she wasn't happy, she was using her hands to explain something and the anger was coming off of her in tides. I found myself caught up in her facial expressions, whatever it was must have really pissed her off, her face was flushed and she had her arms crossed. Emmett didn't look too happy either, in fact he was positively fuming! Jasper seemed angry too, although more under control than Em, yet the girls didn't seem too fussed. I was instantly curious as to what could have caused such a reaction. The only answer would be boy related. That would be the only thing that would get the two guys worked up, yet why was Bella just as mad? Could it be that she was still mad at me from the hallways incident? Were Emmett and Jasper going to get together and kill me? It couldn't have been that upsetting, it was just a little payback for her attitude earlier.

I was dragged back to the present by the mention of Bella's name. I focused back into the table.

The slut who was draped across my lap was glaring across the cafeteria. "She thinks she's so hot now she's put a bit of make-up on and dresses in semi-decent clothes." She snorted in an extremely unattractive way. The girl across from us, another cheerleader, agreed and suddenly all the girls were talking about how she is trying to be something she's not. Then some of the guys around the table started standing up for her, saying how hot she is. I don't know who I was angrier with the girls for bitching or the guys for looking at her in that way. I don't know why I didn't stick up for her but I was partly curious to think what they thought about her. Not anymore, I really don't care what they think about her, they can think she's a fake, whatever. It's not like they aren't fake themselves. They're all just stupid, blonde, jealous, hypocrites. Nothing more!

Throughout the rest of dinner I kept my eye on their table and didn't even focus on the conversation around the table. The slag stayed on my lap and I couldn't face the fuss of throwing her off.

Everytime I looked back at Bella she would look just as hot as the last time. She had her legs crossed which gave me a good look at her legs. How did I not notice how long and soft they looked before? Hm, there was a lot that i hadn't noticed about her before. But just because she may be beautiful, doesn't mean that she can treat me the way she does. Which brings me back to my point of teaching her a lesson.

I think the hallway incident was hilarious, but I really need to play it cool. I can't afford to have Bella hate me or think I'm a jerk if I plan on having my way. Other girls might find my arrogance appealing, but Bella isn't like most girls. Yet at that same time, I need to seriously teach her a lesson.

This is getting pretty exhausting, I've never focused this much attention on anyone in my entire life. The day went by slowly after lunch was over and I couldn't wait to slide into my precious Volvo and listen to Debussy on my way home. I walked out of the doors into the parking lot and there was a crowd of people near where my car was parked. I'm really in no mood to watch a fight or deal with any nonessential situation right now. I just wanted to get home so that I can further formulate the FBS(Fuck Bella Swan) project. As I got closer to the crowd, I heard people laughing their asses off and to my horror; I realized they were surrounding my car. I quickly ran over to my precious baby and got the surprise of a lifetime. In bright white paint, the phrase "STD's R us" was painted plainly across my windshield. I stood there frozen in shock. This couldn't be real. Who would violate my baby this way? What did she ever do to anyone except be beautiful and perfect. Over all the noise, I picked up the sound of an obnoxiously loud vehicle rolling slowly by me, and managed to pull myself out of my delirium. I looked over and saw none other than Bella Swan and her crew cracking up laughing. Emmett and Jasper were sitting in the bed of the truck with huge smiles on their faces. From Bella's smug expression I knew she was the one responsible for this.

"SWAN!!!" I yelled as she pulled off as fast as her prehistoric truck could take her. Luckily the paint was on my window and not the paint, but it'd still be a bitch to clean up and I have to give her credit for her ingenuity. I knew at that moment, this was no longer just a quest for sex, this was war. The ultimate battle for supremacy and I was determined to win no matter what.