Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. Just this particular plot idea.


"Edward, are you ever going to get out of bed? You have things to do if you ever want to be king!"

I rolled over, groaning. Why did my mother have to come in screaming every morning for me to get out of bed? It wasn't even 8 o'clock yet.

"Edward, did you hear me?"

"Yes, mom. I heard you. I'm getting up as soon as you leave."

As she walked out, she threw me one of those you-better-not-be-lying looks. I smiled, rolled my eyes, and as soon as the door was shut, I threw the covers off and sat up. I had so much to do. In all actuality, it wasn't all that much. Just some basic things, like looking over all of England's laws, as if I hadn't been doing that all of my life. As I walked to the shower, I started thinking about where I was going to find a bride. That was my father's one condition to me becoming king. He had told me that no son of his would be king without a queen. So I had to find a bride. That should be easy, right? Wrong. I only had a month to find one, and too many of the ladies in London simply threw themselves at me. Who would want that? A loud, booming laughter answered my thoughts.

"Hey, Edward! You need to get going! We got lots of ladies to look at today!" Emmet said. Emmet and I had known each other for years, and we had only gotten closer. We met at Oxford during our sophomore year. We had become best friends right away.

"I'm going. Why don't you make yourself right at home, Emmet?" I said, trying to sound annoyed, knowing I really wasn't.

"Oh, don't worry, I will. Jasper will be meeting us at the park today."

That's right. I had forgotten that we were going to Regents Park today. We had been to just about every other place in the last couple of weeks, "women watching" according to Emmet.

"Let me take a quick shower, then we can head out," I told Emmet as I headed to the bathroom. I don't think he heard me. He had gotten into my cabinet of video games and was playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. I shook my head, laughing silently to myself.

After I got out of the shower, I could still hear Emmet playing COD. I quickly got dressed in some of my more down-toned clothing, so as not to attract too much attention, and went out into my bedroom. When he didn't so much as look up at me, I walked over to the video game console and pulled the power cord out of the wall.

"Hey! I was winning that game!" Emmet complained loudly.

"Yeah, and we have places to go, people to see," I told him.

He got up, still grumbling to himself, and headed towards the door. His attitude changed quickly, however.

"Come on Eddie! Let's go women watching!"

I followed, reluctant to have more women throwing themselves at me. I knew that eventually I would find the right woman, or at least one that would work. I had to. I didn't want my father choosing a girl for me.

When we arrived at the park, Jasper was already there. He was sitting underneath his favorite tree. He smiled and waved when he saw us walking towards him. Then he went back to women watching. Jasper was my cousin. My favorite cousin. He was the only one who ever saw any sense in things.

"Hey Jasper. Anything good today?" Emmet asked, sounding more like he was asking if the fish were biting then anything.

"Yeah, a couple of really good looking women. There was one who was . . ."

I interrupted him. "Was she honestly good looking, or was she just another girl who tries to look like the newest fashion model?"

"Well, she was honestly very pretty," Jasper said, glaring at me for interrupting. "She was tall, had dark hair that fell to about the middle of her back, and she was wearing short shorts that showed off her very toned tan legs."

Emmet whistled at that. That was exactly his type of woman. It was not mine, however.

"Jasper, honestly, that isn't what I'm looking for, and you know it."

"Yeah, I know, but I figured that if we are going to women watching with you, then I might as well look for someone that I like."

I smiled at that. "Yeah, I guess you're right. You guys should find someone, too."

"It's about time you realize that!" Emmet practically shouted at me. "Don't think that I just come to help you look for a woman. There would be no point in that." His booming laughter attracted more than one stare.

"Oh, would you look at that," Jasper said quietly. I followed his eyes, and they were on one of the most beautiful ladies that I had seen in a while. She was also headed right toward us.

"Hey. What are you fine men doing out here on a day like today without a lovely woman at your side?" She asked as she got closer to us.

I answered before Emmet got a chance to. "Well, it's just such a nice day that we wanted to hang out together in the sun. Regents Park just seemed like the right place to stay."

She smiled, nodded her head, then held out her hand. "I'm Tanya, by the way. I live in Spain, but I like to vacation here once every couple of months or so."

I took her hand and kissed the top of it gently. That was the most gentlemanly thing to do, right? "It's very nice to meet you, Tanya."

As I took my hand away from hers, she slipped a piece of paper into my hand. "The pleasures all mine. Give me a call sometime. That's the number for my hotel. Maybe we can get together sometime." With that, she gave me a wink and headed back the way she came.

"Oh man! Eddie, did you just get her number?" Emmet asked me excitedly. "She could be the one!"

"Shut up, Emmet. She might be, but she might also just be trouble. Every other girl you try to get me with has ended up that way. This is also just her hotel number, not her home number," I pointed out.

"Emmet's right, Edward," Jasper said. "She is the first lady who has approached you and not squealed about who you are."

Jasper made a valid point. Tanya was the first lady to come up to us quietly and politely. Maybe she could be the one. I wasn't going to get my hopes up, though. That would only result in some serious depression later on.

"Edward, you should call her," Jasper told me. "At least go on one date with her. If it doesn't work out, well, then you can call it off and we'll do some more women watching to find someone else."

That sounded good to me. "Alright. I'll do that. I'll give her a call tonight. For now, though, let's just sit here and do some more women watching. Maybe I'll find someone better."