My go at the 100 word challenge

1. Dream

Sabrina's P.O.V

I looked around the clearing; I didn't know where I was, though it seemed vaguely familiar, so I started walking to the other side. The thing was I didn't seem to be getting any closer. I kept walking for what seemed like hours, and then broke into a run. It was irritating beyond belief; I was still exactly where I was at the beginning.

Suddenly a gaping hole appeared in front of me, I tried to stop but I was to slow. I fell in to the black pit and tumbled down for what seemed like forever, and then suddenly it stopped. I was suspended in a big black nothingness. And it scared me, I was absolutely terrified. I don't know why, I didn't think I was afraid of the dark, no that definitely wasn't it. But then what was?

I lay there on my back floating, silent and afraid, I could feel another presence. Like someone was lurking in that unbreakable darkness, watching me, waiting for the right time to pounce. Silently I sat up, awaiting my fate. But isn't this supposed to be when someone sweeps in and saves me, hopefully puck?

No, wait, wait, and wait once more. That's not right, I don't want puck to be the one who saves me. That was when the little voice in my head decided to chip in, yes you do! So naturally I fought back, no I don't, I don't care who saves me, no, but you'd prefer it to be puck. No I don't, that's riddi… my little mental argument trailed off when I felt something brush against my back.

I stiffened, then it happened again, I slowly turned around and looked at the thing behind me. All I could see was a cluster of giant glowing eyes, and then the light flicked on. Needless to say, when I saw the giant hairy tarantula in front of me, I immediately thought of Harry potter. No, that's a lie. What I actually did was scream bloody Murder. Everything started shaking suddenly, like it was in the middle of an earth quake. Then everything started falling apart, the giant spider in front of me crumbled to dust. Then I woke up.

Puck's P.O.V

I was on the way to the kitchen when I heard her scream; it was a blood-curdling, ear-piercing scream like she was being tortured in the worst possible way. So naturally I turned around and ran to the room from which it was coming, I burst through the door to see Sabrina, writhing around on her bed, screaming her bloody head off.

I was a bit worried about getting hit by one of her flailing arms or legs, so sat next to her and pinned all of them to the bed. I sat there for a while trying to figure out how to wake her up, then I finally figured out that shaking might work (I admit, it took a while, but no one was there to help me, they would sleep through a bomb scare, I swear.) so I shook her as hard as I could, which was probably a bit to hard, but it worked at least, and she woke up.

As soon as her eyes opened, she burst into tears, and I figured I should probably unpin her arms and legs. Bad idea, as soon as I let her go she noticed me there and her hysterics increased … a lot. I was completely out of my depth, if there is one thing I cant deal with it's crying people … especially girls … especially Sabrina Grimm. I mean, she's not that sort of person, she never shows her feelings. Well, not to me anyway. So, naturally I just sat there, waiting for her to calm down. Lets just say it took a while.