Star Wars
"Your project is called… Star Wars?" Ivan blinked a bit blankly at Alfred as the younger nation settled into his seat. The American grinned at him broadly.
"Yeah, it's it an awesome name, right? My boss thought of it himself," Alfred practically bragged, closing his eyes and nodding as if to agree with himself. The larger man continued to just sort of stare at him before smiling back.
"Is that so? Because if I remember correctly, that is the name of a movie in your country, da? Quite the coincidence," he concluded, feelings his smirk only broaden at the indignant look on Alfred's face. Ivan laughed. "What, you did not think that just because we are not friends that I did not know about your movies, did you?"
Alfred snorted in faux disinterest. "Whatever. That doesn't lessen the fact that it's awesome."
"Is it now? Do you plan on making a big Death Star?"
"What… no! The bad guys have the Death Star, remember?" Alfred bristled, now rising from his seat. "If anyone were to have the Death Star, it would be you commies."
"Yes, perhaps," Ivan pondered, smirking. "But we would be sure to not build it so there such an obvious and fatal place for you to shoot. Which I suppose means that we would win, da?"
"I… well, no, cause I mean, I'm the hero--"
"But if it didn't have such a fatal flaw, Darth Vader would have certainly won."
"But… But he can't!" Alfred shouted. "He's the bad guy!"
Ivan sighed light-heartedly, and moved so that he was almost looming over the younger nation. "America, does your country really plan to make something like that out of your ridiculous movies?"
Alfred almost felt the need to shuffle his feet, but instead stared hard at Ivan's face. "Well, no, not exactly. It's more just to have satellites to shoot down missiles with."
"Right. Well then, I suppose that means that reality is not like your movie, is it now?"
"Well, duh, it's a movie. I'm not that stupid," Alfred retaliated. Ivan grinned.
"Then that would mean that just like your 'Star Wars' project is not like your 'Star Wars' movie, if my country were to make a 'Death Star' project, it would not be the same, da?"
"I…" Alfred started, stopped, and ultimately kept his mouth shut as he glowered at his nemesis. Ivan chuckled and started to walk away.
"You'll have to try harder than that America. Unless of course you want to join me. How about joining 'the dark side?'" Ivan stopped at the door and looked back at Alfred, smirking. The American rolled his eyes.
"What, are you going to tell me now that you're my father?"
"Hardly. A father and son wouldn't do some of the things we've done, now would they?" He couldn't help it as the smile of his face practically split his face in two at the wonderful look of shame and outrage on Alfred's face. "If you'll excuse me now, I must talk to 'The Emperor.'"
Alfred fell into his seat again with a 'humph,' pouting now that the older nation had left.
And then it hit him.
"Wait… how the hell do you know so much about Star Wars?" he called out. Upon receiving no reply, he jumped from his seat and raced out the door. "HEY, RUSSIA, WAIT! DID YOU WATCH MY MOVIES? WAIT A MINUTE, HEY."
Russia couldn't help the dark grin on his face as he heard Alfred racing towards his own room. Who needed Jedi mind tricks when the target was Alfred?
Reagan really did have a project that was called Star Wars after the movies that were popular at the time. It was a project to make satellites to shoot down nukes, so it was more defensive than anything. Nevertheless, when asked to confine the project to labs by Gorbachev in their negotiations about arms, Reagan outright refused to end his Star Wars project.
Why did no one tell me there was such a thing as Star Wars day? As soon as I saw people posting stuff here, I knew what had to be done. 45 minutes later and you have this. Short, and to the point. And far too much fun. 3