Author's Note: Something darker than I usually write, but I felt it was important. Read between the lines; it becomes pretty self-explanatory towards the end.
Warnings: Language, Mature Content, Implied Sexual Content
"Joe, get the hell away from me."
"April, come on, don't be this way-"
"How am I supposed to act?"
"Stop and listen to me."
"You never listened to me."
"April, I'm trying to talk to you; please don't walk away."
"You walked out on me."
"If this is about it, you know it was best for us."
"It was best for you, not for us."
"Please April."
"Get away from me, Joe."
"April, listen to me."
"I think I've done enough listening from you."
"You know what I think? I think you need to look at me straight in the eye and tell me that it was our decision and not yours."
"You can't do it, can you? You son-of-a-bitch!"
"April, please, hear me out-"
"No, you know what? I don't need to. Every single night I stay up awake, okay? I'm a friggin' insomniac because of you... because of what you did."
"I didn't do it, April; it was a mutual decision. You could've stopped them, you could've walked away."
"At what price, Joe? I was scared to lose you and now I don't even know why."
"April, stop blaming this on me."
"It's your fault."
"Joe, you know sometimes I just stay up late at night and I wonder about it?"
"I never knew that..."
"Of course you don't! You selfish bastard, you don't care about anybody but yourself-"
"I've always thought it was a girl. And I named her Gina, just because. Just because I want her to have something... something. I don't know if I'm just crazy or if I'm just... hopeful."
"I wanted to bury her Joe! I didn't want them just to throw her away like that. She had hands, Joe! She had a face! And they just shredded her up and threw her away! I don't even know where she is now! If she's in Heaven or just... floating in between or something!"
"You killed her, Joe! I killed her! You made me!"
"April, calm down."
"April, don't cry, please."
"Just stay away from me, Joe. I didn't want to give her up, okay? I wanted to have her; I wanted to be a mother; I wanted to have a family!"
"But you knew it wasn't possible, April. I had a tour; I had things going on. I couldn't take care of you and a baby. People would talk-"
"And that's all you care about? You care more about your music than you do me?"
"No, I didn't mean it that way-"
"Then what the fuck do you mean?"
"I'm sorry, April."
"Well sorry's not gonna bring her back. You're too late."
"April please..."
"I'm done listening to you, Joe. I was done a long time ago."
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