Disclaimer: It ain't mine. :weeps:

Title: Gambling Man

Prompt: Gamble

Ed tilted his head back to study the evening sky. Purple and blue, pink and orange swirled across the horizon. He glanced at the man sitting on the porch steps. "Do you ever regret joining the military?"

"Not exactly." Roy turned his upper body to face Ed, yet kept his eyes fixed on the ground in front of them.

Ed's eyes were unusually calm. "I regret trying to bring my mother back."

Roy grimaced. "What do you want me to say? 'I hate my job, the horrible things I've had to do'?"

"What happens if you and I have to go to war?" Ed watched the pink and orange slowly slide from the sky.

"I don't know." Roy slumped forward, his head on his right knee, his fingers dangling down to touch the wooden step.

"We'd probably wipe out anyone we faced." Most of the sky in the west was dark blue, deepening to purple and then black in the east.

"Don't count on it." Roy's voice was muffled. "War cheats. It's a rigged game."

"Then we cheat too." Ed grinned as the last glimmer of light vanished.

Notes: I was originally working on this for a FMA contest comm on LJ, but it just wouldn't meet the minimum word count. So you guys get it instead!