Wait for Me
A Naruto OneShot By Uzumaki Fenix
All he wanted was to rest. To finally be able to close his eyes for the final time and open them and find them in Paradise. His friends had died thousands of years ago while he had survived for thousands of years.
Sure, he had made many other friends over the ages, but they always died out on him. He finally stopped staying near people for the pain of loss was too much. He had lost too many friends to the silence of death.
He stared out at the night sky, his red eyes glowing in the moonlight and his golden fur (from absorbing the Kyuubi's chakra) blew softly in the wind. His eyes were old and tired as was his body.
"Tonight," he said quietly to no one. "Tonight I join my family."
Having said this, he walked toward the crystal lake and laid down on the soft grass. He lapped up some water with his tongue. He stared at the stars one last time and lowered his head, welcoming the comfort of death.
His body and spirit disappeared…scattered in the wind…
"Naruto-kun!" a familiar voice cried. "Guys! Naruto-kun has come at last!"
Naruto walked through the long grass; each step he took, he lost his fox-like appearance and turned back to human. His bones grew young again and his eyes shined once more. His face returned to the tanned face with whiskers he had had so long ago. His long orange coat with black flames on the bottom appeared along with his long black hitai-ate. He smiled with a happiness he hadn't known for so long.
"Honestly, it took you this long to die and join us here?" Sasuke asked.
"Shut up, Sasuke! We've been waiting for thousands of years for him. It's not his fault the Kyuubi merged with him!" Sakura said with a smile.
"Hey, gaki. 'Bout time you showed up. If you had taken any longer, Tsunade would've broken the barrier and brought you up here herself!" Jiraiya said with a smirk.
Tsunade hugged him tightly. "I missed you, gaki," she whispered.
Naruto fought back tears. "I missed you all, so much…" he said as tears fell down his cheeks.
By this time, the rest of his friends had arrived.
"Naruto!" Lee shouted.
"Naruto!" the others echoed, encircling him.
Suddenly, everyone was shoved out of the way and Naruto found himself being hugged tighter than anyone had ever hugged him. He looked down and saw Hinata. "Hina-chan," he whispered.
"Naruto-kun! I've missed you so much!" Hinata kissed him.
"I love you, Hina-chan," Naruto whispered as he kissed her back.
"Son." Naruto looked up and saw two people, one with red hair and a tomboyish look, the other was a mirror image of himself.
"Kaasan? Tousan?"
They nodded and Naruto ran up and embraced his parents in a hug. Naruto turned to look at his friends, who had become his family over the years. "You waited for me," he whispered.
"Naruto-kun, none of us went beyond the Bridge. We all waited for you. And we would've continued to wait for you as long as it takes," Hinata said, looking up at him. She had her arm around his waist.
"Kids, I hate to break this up, but it is time," Tsunade said.
They all joined hands and together, as one great family, they ventured over to the rainbow crystal bridge. "I hope we all meet in the next life," Naruto said.
"Naruto-kun, I know we will."
Naruto looked down at his wife. "I forgot to tell you, our great (times 10000) granddaughter has caused so much trouble. She's just like me!"
Everyone sighed. They knew that if Naruto and Hinata's great (times 10000) granddaughter was just like him…well, they prayed for the sanity of those on Earth.
"Let's go," Naruto said.
Together, they all crossed the Bridge and were enveloped in a bright light.