YAY FOR REVIEWS!!! Even if some people were ridiculously childish about something that's really not that big of a deal. Honestly, it was the one's who freaked out that made me the happiest. Not that I didn't like hearing from those of you who agreed with me or those of you who disagreed and told me so politely. If you fall in either of those two categories, I think you're awesome! But, I'm in an ornery mood right now, so you're ALL getting replies.
you're right. I should have cited the sources I used. :( but I went back later (after you said that) and tried to find them and couldn't. They were ridiculously hard to find in the first place.
And I've never actually read any Twilight Fanfiction, but I agree that it's cool that Twilight (however... umm... poorly written?) has encouraged people to read and write.
Diana Wolfskill
Thank you for appreciating what I had to say, even if you didn't agree with it. It says wonderful things about you as a person.
and the grammar? meh. It wasn't really a HUGE deal, but it was huge enough to annoy me. Every time I started to think that maybe Twilight wasn't that bad, she went and wrote something that I didn't particularly appreciate. It was just the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. :)
twilightsun01 , undercover leech , VegetarianVampire101 , Cassandra Ryan , Silver Winged Singer ,
Thank all of you for liking Twilight and not freaking out at me. I will be perfectly honest. When I first asked my cousin to post it, I really was expecting to get nothing but pissed off reviews in all caps telling me to go fuck myself with a pitchfork so I couldn't bring anymore opinionated bitches like myself into the world. But I was proved wrong and I couldn't be happier about it! :D You like Twilight? That's cool! I don't really care! I still think you all are awesome people who intelligent enough to know that Twilight is not the whole world, Edward Cullen is NOT God, (or Buddha, or whoever you happen to believe in) and that the world WILL NOT END if someone doesn't like it. Thanks again. :D
Emily Cullen 17
All caps? Really? Wow. And if you're trying to defend Meyer by proving the intelligence of her fans, you fell incredibly short. (Other Twilight fans, on the other hand, have most definitely proved their intelligence, and I think they're awesome.) Anyway, my point is that if you want me (or people in general) to take you seriously you should probably form complete thoughts and be mature about things, okey dokey?
And... if you knew my address.... what? would you come and teach me a lesson? Beat me up? Run me over with your car? Kill me? You have no idea how much fun I've had finishing that sentence you so tactfully didn't complete. I've laughed several times, so thanks for that! :D
I was going to say that I was sorry I pissed you off, but I'm really not...
I will say whatever I want. You can't stop me. And I may act like a know-it-all, but one thing you have to remember, (one thing a lot of you have to remember,) is that this is not a fact, it's an OPINION!! HELLO!!! Do I need to give you the definition? Maybe not, but I will anyway:
An opinion is a belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
Now before anyone goes using this to try to prove to me that I'm wrong, I'll flip it back on you. My opinions may not be supported by "positive knowledge or truth" but neither are yours. And I'm sorry, but I think I expressed my opinion much better than the people who say "OMFG TWILIGHT IS SO GREAT I LOVE IT EDWARD IS SO HOT I FREAKING LOVE HIM I WANT TO BE A VAMPIRE AND YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT UR SO STUPID OMFG" (Not that those opinions mean any less, I'm just making a point.)
You and I already had a conversation on this, didn't we? :D
twilight angel7
What's "SO stupid"? My opinion? I'm sorry you think so. Wait... no I'm not. :D
You freaking rock. 'Nough said. :D
"Just because you're famous and rich, doesn't mean you're talented."
I TOTALLY agree and I could probably come up with about 50 different examples, but I won't. Thanks very much!
And about Kristen Stewart... meh. I don't know anything about acting, so I won't judge. But does anyone else know that even the stars of the movie don't like Twilight? It's true!! (I think that's a bad sign).
If anyone's interested in reading just what they said you can go to:
but be careful, because there's some foul language in the article.
ANYWAY! Thank you all for reading what I had to say, even if you'll never read the reply and even if some of you want to kill me! Once again, I would love to hear what you have to say. :D
Please don't kill my cousin. She's just doing me a favor. And if I forgot any of you, I'm really sorry. :( If you're offended that I forgot you, let me know and I'll go back and reply to you, too! thanks!