Disclaimer: S.M. owns Twilight.
AN: Here it is, my next Twilight story. For those of you who read Trafficking, I thank you for sticking with me and I hope I didn't disappoint. For those of you who haven't read it, go check it out! And enjoy Purple Summer!
Thanks to Jess Meyer for setting me up with two wonderful betas!
Penname: Imbrtvll
Story Title: Purple Summer
Chapter: 1
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Belittled and verbally abused by Renee, Bella thinks poorly of herself. Heading back to Forks to live with her brother Emmett, will her friendship with Edward blossom into romance? Can he make Bella see that she's worth so much more than she thinks? AU, AH
Purple Summer
And all shall fade
the flowers of spring
the world and all the sorrows
at the heart of everything
- Duncan Sheik & Steven Sater
I dropped my heavy bag by the door, sighing in relief as the tension left my back. I had just gotten off of a seven hour shift at the restaurant I worked at, after having been at school all day. I was a senior in high school and having trouble coping with the stress of balancing school and work. It didn't help that I didn't want to work. I just kept telling myself 'a few more weeks', then I would be finished with high school. And then maybe, just maybe, I would make my escape – college.
This whole situation was new; previously I had been living with my dad and my brother Emmett in Forks, Washington. I was happy there. Emmett was three years older than me and while he never let me forget that, we had a great relationship. And then there was Charlie. He may not have been the most emotional guy, but he was a great dad. I had a comfortable life there.
I missed the both of them, and my best friend Alice Cullen so much. She was my confidant and a fierce friend. Definitely a little overwhelming at times, but my closest friend nonetheless. Then there was her older brother Edward, who was the same age as Emmett and coincidentally his best friend. And since the four of us tended to hang out together quite a bit, he and I were pretty close as well. No where near as close as Alice and I, but definitely good friends. He was almost like a second brother, and it didn't hurt that he was good looking either. His constantly messy copper-colored hair and striking green eyes, that could always tell when I was lying. It was no wonder he had every girl in his school chasing after him. I tried not to think about it. Truthfully, we just liked being in each other's company.
About four years ago, things changed drastically. My parents divorced shortly after my birth and my mother left my father with my brother and I when she moved out. Apparently Charlie wasn't good enough for my mother Renee. After almost fourteen years of no contact from her, Charlie received a phone call, which ended up leading to a lot of yelling. They were clearly fighting over something and I found out shortly after the phone call that that something was me. Renee was demanding Charlie send me to where she was currently living, Phoenix, after fourteen years of near abandonment. Neither Charlie nor I liked this, but Renee was threatening with legal papers.
After painful goodbyes and tears I arrived in Phoenix a week later and just in time for school. And in time to find a job that Renee demanded I get. She wouldn't have a "worthless" daughter living with her. Physically and emotionally, being overworked as I was, I was exhausted and struggling. I couldn't tell Renee, she would just tell me I was used to a life a luxury and needed to snap out of my lazy habits. She had used her connections to get me a real job as I was still under the legal working age.
At the sound of my bag hitting the floor, Renee's voice called out from the living room. "Took you long enough to get home. There's work here that needs to be done. Good for nothing girl."
I winced at her harsh words. I should have been used to it by now seeing as everything that woman said to me was negative and mean. There was no love in this house, just criticism.
Days had turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Not once had I heard something nice come out of Renee's mouth that wasn't doused in sarcasm. According to her, Charlie did a poor job at raising me; I was lazy and an embarrassment. Hearing her put down Charlie hurt me more than anything she would ever say about me. I was fiercely loyal to the man who had raised me.
The worst part was when Charlie passed away from a heart attack a year ago; Renee wouldn't let me go to his funeral. I cried, begged and pleaded but she wouldn't give in. I hated her for it. Of course I couldn't say that to her, nor could I act upon it. It would be unbecoming of a young girl to say such things to her mother, or so Renee would say. Neither Charlie nor I were worthy of a plane ride to Forks and I was starting to believe it. That was also the last time I had heard from Emmett.
My stomach growled, reminding me I hadn't eaten since lunch earlier in the day. Renee had heard it too. "Your dinner is on the counter. Eat and get your homework done. Then go to bed. You have a lot of work to do tomorrow."
I found my meager dinner, a sandwich with a single slice of cheese, waiting for me and I scoffed it down, barely tasting it. I absentmindedly began washing my dish, in a hurry to get upstairs to start my homework. I reached to my left to grab a towel to dry the dish when it slipped from my wet fingers and flew into pieces when it hit the tile floor. I stood frozen, not knowing what my next move should be. Renee appeared in front of me, knitting needles still in hand. "You foolish girl! You can't even do the simplest of things. You're worthless," she spat.
Tears pricked at my eyes as the ceramic shards bit at my skin and I fought to keep my emotions in check. Crying would just be another incompetency on my part. I scrambled to clean up my mess before grabbing my bag and running upstairs, eager for once to get my homework done.
Even after being here for so long hearing Renee criticize my every move was still difficult and painful. I caught myself in my dresser mirror, almost startled. I hardly recognized myself – I had aged overnight. I was thinner than I was before, leaving me with prominent cheek bones and purple circles under my eyes. My hair was unstyled and flat, the plain brown matching the hardened brown of my eyes. Was this me? I saw no trace of the soft youthful girl I once knew myself to me be.
It's because you're worthless, Bella.
Even in the sanctuary of my own bedroom, Renee's voice still haunted me. Maybe she was right. Maybe I was worthless and deserved this. She was my mom after all; she only wanted what was best for me. She must say what she does for a reason. I'd been here so long that I didn't know who to believe anymore. Myself or Renee.
I woke up the next morning with the same feeling of dread I had woken with every morning for the past four years. When I first got here, I used to dream of my father and brother showing up and rescuing me. Those dreams have long since faded, but the hurt in the pit of my stomach and the lump in my throat still remained. I continued on in spite of my unhappiness.
I quickly showered and dressed for the day giving myself plenty of time to get downstairs and put the coffee on before Renee awoke. She didn't like it when she arrived downstairs to find an empty coffee pot and me at the breakfast counter. She said it was irresponsible. With a flick of a switch the coffee was brewing and I poured myself a small bowl of cereal. Even though I was starving after my small dinner last night I dared not pour myself more than Renee allowed. If she found out I ate even the slightest bit more than the allotted amount, I would get the lecture of a lifetime and should I become what she termed a "fat slob", I would find myself ostracized.
Renee shuffled into the kitchen just as the last of the coffee brewed and eyeing my cereal bowl she gave me a knowing look. I shrank back further into my seat and lowered my eyes. "What time do you get off work?"
I cleared my throat of the residue from the milk and kept my eyes lowered. "Ten."
"Did you get all of your homework done? We can't have you falling behind; you're not the sharpest crayon in the box." Renee knew exactly how to upset me and I struggled to push back tears. Swallowing the last bit of cereal I nodded silently.
My heart thudded in my chest as I worked up the courage to ask Renee about college. Neither of us had discussed it and while the guidance counselors had helped me put together applications for various schools, I had yet to act upon them. "Um…Re-Mom?"
"What?" She squinted her eyes at me, a warning really. She wasn't going to tolerate nonsense.
"I was thinking. About college. I wanted to apply to a few places, see if I got in. Maybe take some classes?" I reflexively flinched as I stopped speaking, waiting for her stinging words.
Renee sputtered into her cup of coffee and nearly choked. "You've got to be kidding me." Her words were full of acid. If she hated me so much, which it seemed, why did she insist on me living with her?
"Do you really think you're smart enough for college? Or worth the money? If by some miracle you got in, you would be taking the spot of some poor deserving honors student. Can you imagine that Isabella? I won't allow it."
I stood as quickly as I could without letting Renee on to my dangerously teary eyes. I hastily washed my bowl and ran to get my backpack before running out the door. Only then did I let my tears fall. College was my ticket out of here. I was desperate; I was slowly suffocating in Renee's overbearing presence and cruel words of wisdom. It was now or never, I had to take this chance.
I finished my walk to school in record time and headed straight for my guidance counselor's office. I knocked on the closed door and waited for the kindly voice of Mrs. Fisher to beckon me inside.
"Come in." Her voice warbled through the thick wood door and I entered shyly, taking a seat in the corner.
"Ah, Bella! Good morning. What can I do for you?" She was shuffling through various papers and had yet to look up at me.
I hesitated, taking a deep breath and grasping for one more ounce of confidence. "I would like to send in the college applications I filled out earlier."
Finally her eyes pulled away from the large pile of papers and stared back incredulously at me. She seemed at a loss for words for a moment, before recovering.
"Well, that's wonderful dear! I'll finish them off and send them in right away. Good for you!" She smiled warmly at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I made it through school without much incident and I only tripped once at work. Besides Renee's little outburst this morning, today was a relatively good day.
I quietly entered the relatively dark house after work. If Renee was already sleeping I didn't want to disturb her. I could use some piece and quiet.
"How was your day, Isabella?" Renee's voice cut through the dark like a knife and I jumped, holding back a scream. I breathed heavily, trying to calm my racing heart.
"Um…f-fine." I had no idea where this conversation was going, but I could tell by the tone of her voice it would not end well.
"I'm so glad to here it," she sneered. "I got a call from the school today, from your guidance counselor. She just wanted to let me know she sent out your college applications today."
Renee jumped up and barreled towards me, her face contorted into one of fury. "You disobeyed me, you stupid, stupid girl! I told you, you're not good enough for college. You can't do it! And yet, you go behind my back and apply anyway. I'm done with you. I can't help you anymore. You're more hopeless than I though."
"Re-," she cut me off.
"Just get out. Get out and never come back."
I was dumbfounded. Would my mother really kick me out of the house over something as inconsequential as college applications? Just because I applied didn't mean I would go, or that I would even get in. I stuttered, but lost my chance to say anything to her when she picked up her car keys.
"I want you gone by the time I get back." She slammed the door behind her and I heard her car start up. I don't know why, but I was hit with an overwhelming need to cry. For once I allowed myself to as I packed up my few belongings. I didn't really know why I was crying, I mean, this was what I wanted. To get away from Renee and her cutting words. But it still hurt nonetheless.
It was just confirmation that no one wanted me. I was undesirable to everyone. Who would want a stupid, worthless, plain girl?
Not knowing what else to do, I called a cab company and told the cab driver to head to the first place I could think of, the airport with just a single suitcase and my small savings in hand. I was heading to the only place I knew I could go where I at least had the possibility of being wanted. I was heading home. I was heading to Forks.
AN: Please review and tell me what you think. I would like to know if I should continue and would appreciate and thoughts or ideas.