Readers: (01/07/12)

I would just like to say, to those who may be aware that I am still alive but have had to neglect my fanfiction for an incredibly long time.

I am deciding to remove A Secret Worth Keeping/A Mystery Worth Knowing as the plans I had created for it went askew, and have been lost due to computer problems. I also think that writing it became more of a hassle than something that I had actually enjoyed writing when I'd started with it. Considering I started it without a clue where it was going, and was in the process of editing to improve it chapter by chapter, I think it has now become something I no longer want to work on.

I also think there is no use to it still being on this site, despite the brilliant and encouraging reviews I received for it so long ago.

If anyone would want to carry it on for themselves, I would happily offer up this fanfic for someone else to carry on and do with it what they will.

Green With Envy is, however, quite promising in being carried on even after all this time! I still have its plot outline, so I may continue with it in the near or distant future. If so, I will be removing the original and reposting chapters from the very start again.

Many sincere apologies to my old readers.

Little Miss Loony

(I may however decide to keep A Secret Worth Keeping on the site. But I will definitely no longer be carrying on with its sequel.)