
If anybody could die of feeling too guilty, it would've been me for sure. The next day seemed like hell because Allen continued his usual ways of being more than just nice to me, nodding at my every word, giving me quirkly "Allen-ish" responses, pretty much the way I liked it to be.

But at the same time, it kinda felt like heaven too, because Lavi was always nearby. He'd tease Allen for being "lame" and crack some stupid joke about his grandfather or my brother, and acted all natural about things. Everywhere I turned, I felt like I always kept seeing Lavi everywhere, not that I didn't like that.

Yet, we both know Allen was going to be a problem.

As we walked along the rest of the day, checking out stores along the streets, drinking fabulous coffees and indulging in awesome pretzels, Allen always tried to talk to me. Once, he even tried to slip his fingers into mine, only I'd told him there was sugar on them and pulled away. Horrible is a good word to describe how I'd felt.

And when Allen had his back turned to me and Lavi, Lavi would push my hair back, or catch me by the waist with a laugh, before letting go quickly. I knew exactly what was on his mind but I was clueless about what to do.


Night fell really quickly. It was like one moment I was in the shower and the sun was still setting, and when I got out, it was already dark. I didn't bother to dry my hair with the towel, leaving it wet and tousled.

Allen bust his way in, bringing along two cans of soda. "Here," he said, "Have one."

"Sure. But ever heard of knocking before entering?"

Allen stayed silent, gulping the soda down his throat.

"Lavi," he begun, "I'm not an exorcist for nothing. I can tell you like Lenalee too, don't you?"

Stunned I was but I also found myself feeling quilty as hell at the same time. "Don't like beating around the bush?"

"Answer me, Lavi. We'd been friends for quite a long time now. I won't mind if you told me."

I bit my lower lip. Should I run off telling my feelings to him? I wasn't one to open my feelings to anyone, with Lenalee being the exception, but this was Allen we're talking about.

"Yeah. But we all know that you've got a hidden agenda for her."

Allen looked terrible all of a sudden, like some bad aura had landed on him and was weighing on him. But I was tongue tied and I didn't know where to begin, or how to end this. Suddenly, the thought of staying a bookman rather than multi-tasking my ass off between an exorcist and that seemed much wiser. I preferred the sidelines. Not in the middle of the spotlight.

"Are you okay, Allen?" I asked, without turning to see his face again.

He sighed deeply, "I knew it. I just knew it. You and her acted so weirdly in a way this afternoon I just knew. I'm not stupid you know."

"And nobody said you were."

Allen gave me a stare, before proceeding to the door. "It's only because it's you Lavi, that I'll give up on her. For nobody else would I have done the same." He let the door shut quietly with a click, and I sat there dumbfounded.


I was sitting in my room, going through some of the things we'd gotten today when I heard a rap on the balcony door. It startled me to find Lavi standing outside, gesturing for me to open the door and come out.

"What is it?" I'd asked the minute I got out. He'd apparently hopped from his balcony to mine. Not a lot of effort needed might I add.

He told me about it, his eyes and face down. I knew he was upset that he'd done this to Allen, but did he think I'd felt any different? I never wanted to do this to him either, but I never want to lose Lavi either.

I cupped his smooth face in my hands and lifted it up to look at me. His eyes were sad, I could tell.

"Lavi, it was also thanks to Allen that we got together."

"I don't want to hurt him, Lenalee. He was the best friend i…we, had ever had. You know that too."

I smiled sadly at him, "I know. I know." I felt Lavi pull me in to hug me and I snaked my arms around his waist too, my head on his chest.

"We look like we're mourning for some dead fellow." Lavi said after a while, where I laughed and looked up at him.

"Yeah we do, don't we? But Allen really was something."

"Would you ever have considered being with Allen? If maybe, I don't know, if I had never showed up or…" Lavi said, before I lifted a finger to place on his lips to stop him from going on.

"That, I have no idea. But what's important is that we got together right?" I remarked optimistically. "But it's also in a way, thanks to Allen. We must treat him to a huge meal."

"Ah. My wallet is feeling the burn already. And once your brother and my gramps know about us, I would be feeling the same burn on my skin."

I'd never felt happier than being with Lavi, at that moment. He made me laugh, he made me mad and he made me crazier in each and every way. I tugged at a lock of his hair for fun before pulling him in for a quick kiss.

"Are you insane?" Lavi said, as he practically had to break us apart to get some air. "I swear, you need to get a doctor, Lenalee. We were just on Allen's case five minutes ago and now, we're all serious about the future like, now?"

I nodded, pulling him in to hug him tightly again. "Lavi, you make me crazy everytime I see you, hear your voice or even kiss you. Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

"Right. So it's my problem again?." He leaned down to kiss me, with that same old way he's always used to. His lips warm, his green eyes gentle as they gazed into mine and his hands on my waist.

I let my hands run along his wonderful red hair, thinking that I want nothing more than to be with him no matter what anyone else's opinion might be. He was Lavi, and he was all mine.

There. I finished it. Rushed it but hope it still turned out…logical? Hah. Enjoy! Wonder when will be the next time I'd write anything else again. &wish me luck for my mock papers! They suck but I still want them to turn out good. LOL! Till next time!;D