AN: And Chapter 2 is here! I'll also answer some questions that were raised, that, quite frankly, slipped my mind. 1. If Naruto and a Legendary, let's say Macavity, were to have a child, it wouldn't be a baby Legendary. It might be a new breed of Cat-type Pokégirl, or perhaps a Cheshire. All of Naruto's children would be mortals, for reasons that will be explained later. 2. There will be other Naruto characters, but not in the Harem, and there won't be any super-powerful ninjas either (beyond the occasional Kunoichi). Sarutobi, for instance, is a Pokégirl researcher, same as Stroak. If Itachi is featured, he'll be an undercover investigator for the League in a criminal organization. They look the same, and will be in similar positions as the manga, but they are still ordinary denizens of that universe. Get it?

Siegfriedzz: The 'Higher Power' bit isn't just running from an explanation. They do exist. That will be touched on more in the story, though, so that's all I'll say for now. As for the rest of your questions… it's a secret, kukuku! And the Alucard/Vampire thing… I thought about it, but eventually decided against it for two reasons, one of which will remain secret for now. The other reason is that there is already a 'Lucarda, the No-Life Queen Pokégirl'. Since I wanted the girls in the Harem to have original evolutions, I decided against including a vampire.

Ebony017: An interesting thought on Mikoto and the Uchiha clan. However, the Harem is already set, so she won't be making an appearance. She might be mentioned though. And as for Tsunade learning Mokuton, it probably won't happen. She's awesome enough without it, and Plant-types are too common anyway.

BrownPaperBag51: Not likely. The way I see it, no self-respecting Legendary would ever allow herself to be stuffed into a Pokéball, no matter what the circumstances. They might hang around him, he might even Tame them regularly, but they would never agree to call him 'Master'. Neo-Legendaries on the other hand…

By the way, lemon in this chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Pokégirls.

Chapter 2: Naruto's Not-So-New House

Naruto told them everything. The Kyuubi's attack, and subsequent sealing. His lonely childhood, and his academy days. Failing the exam, then being passed by Iruka after Mizuki's betrayal. His misadventures as a gennin, and the fateful mission in the Land of Waves. Entering the Chunin Exams, and his first encounter with Orochimaru. Interacting with, and defeating, Gaara. The failed invasion, and the death of the Sandaime. Traveling with Ero-Sennin (he still called him that, even five millennia after his death), and his bet with his Baa-chan. The induction of the Godaime, and his best friend's defection. Leaving his home for three years, and all the training he did.

He described his (not so) triumphant return, and the mission to save Gaara. The second retrieval mission, and his fight with Orochimaru. His redoubled training, and the fights against the Akatsuki. All culminating in his eventual defeat of Madara, who, in a fit of madness, unleashed the full power of the Bijuu. How he, in a moment of incredible bravery (or stupidity), absorbed all the powers, becoming the being he is today. And the next few hundred years of peace, as he watched over the world.

He told them that he had, when war broke out once more, decided to leave the world to itself, and took to hibernating, for centuries at a time. The world had eventually forgotten him, and he had resigned himself to fade away over time. But, then, Sukebe had appeared, and offered him a new home, in a new world. And he had accepted. He described his time with Sukebe learning about his technology. And, he told them about how he had been forced to rest, to recover from the strain of the trip around the time that the Revenge War began.

By the time he finished speaking, Tsunade was left sitting on the floor in a daze, mouth open and eyes glazed. Haku, on the other hand, was sitting next to, and slightly behind, Naruto on the bed. She had a thoughtful look on her face while she was absently stroking one of Naruto's tails. Now that he wasn't focused on telling his story, he was having a hard time keeping himself from purring at her gentle ministrations.

"Ne, Naruto-kun," Haku began, "can you teach us those techniques? The ones that our… other selves used?"

"Yeah," Naruto nodded, "I can help you figure out the 'Other Haku's' Hyouton techniques, and even some Suiton techniques. But, sadly, I never learned any sort of healing techniques, so I can't really teach those."

At this Tsunade looked up at him. "Why didn't you?"

Naruto shrugged. "The main reason is that I've never had the control necessary for those techniques. It's like trying to fill a thimble with water, by pouring it out of a beaker the size of the ocean. There is also the fact that I simply can't."

"Why not?"

"I'll explain that some other time," he said, waving the question away. "And besides, I have a natural healing ability."

"But, what if someone else gets injured, and you are the only one who can heal them?"

"Then, I would just give them some of my blood." At their confused looks, he decided to elaborate. "It's another of my abilities. It' called Tears of the Phoenix. It makes it so that my bodily fluids, tears, blood, even my saliva, all have healing properties."

"Why blood, then?" Haku asked.

"I haven't cried in over two millennia, and I figured blood would more acceptable than any of the other options." After hearing his reply, the girls nodded in understanding, before they both gave loud yawns, at exactly the same time. "Heh, looks like you two need some rest. You can share the bed for tonight, and we'll meet with the professor in the morning."

"Where are you going to sleep?" Tsunade asked, standing and moving towards the bed, all the while grumbling about 'a certain cousin's cold feet'.

"I don't need to sleep. I'll just use this time to look up a few things on my Pokédex."

"Oh, okay then. Goodnight."

"Sleep well."

When morning arrived, Naruto and the two girls found themselves standing before Stroak in the professor's lab, Maryanne standing behind him. "Well, what is your decision?"

Naruto looked at Haku, then Tsunade. When both nodded, he turned back to face Stroak, and replied, "They have both agreed to come with me, and join my Harem."

"They agreed? You mean, you let them decide?"

"Of course, it is their life, after all." Noticing the look on Stroak's face, Naruto frowned before continuing, "I know from personal experience what it is like to be treated as… less than human, Professor. I'll be damned if I treat anyone else like that without good reason."

Stroak, and Maryanne, seemed somewhat surprised at this, but he eventually smirked, nodding his agreement. "I see I made the right choice, entrusting you with them." He motioned for Maryanne to step forward.

"Here are some supplies for you, Naruto," the Ingenue said, smiling. "If you run out of anything, be sure to stop at the Pokémart to restock."

"I will, thank you."

"Now that all that is settled, I was wondering, what will you do now?" Stroak asked.

"We'll stick around the area for a bit, while I train these two," Naruto stated, gesturing at Haku and Tsunade. "After that, I thought I might travel a bit, maybe head for the Edo League. I'd like to meet this… Professor Sarutobi."

"I see. Well, there is a map and compass function installed on your 'dex, and the girls should be able to provide you with directions, so I guess all I have left to say is, 'keep in touch', eh?"

"Yeah. Thanks for all the help, Prof! See ya around!" And with that, Naruto and his new girls set out for parts unknown.

They stopped, just before sunset, in a clearing in the forest, several miles away from Pallet. Naruto looked around, and, satisfied by what he saw, placed his pack on the ground. The girls, however, weren't so happy with the idea of sleeping in the woods without a tent.

"What are we stopping here for? And why didn't you bring a tent, or at least some sleeping bags?!" Tsunade demanded. They had had a few run-ins with the native Ferals earlier in the day, and she was definitely not in the mood to be sleeping on the ground.

"Just stand back, and prepare to be amazed."

Walking forward a few steps, Naruto made a few hand-seals, and with a cry of 'Kuchiyose: Shichuuka!' slammed his hands to the ground. There was the trademark blast of smoke, but when it cleared, Tsunade and Haku gasped in amazement. There before them was a house, though it was really more like a small, two-story mansion. Naruto smirked at their expressions, before clearing his throat and speaking.

"Pretty cool, huh? The Mokuton: Shichuuka no Jutsu, or Four Pillars House Technique, is something I picked up from my sensei Yamato when I was young. I quickly learned, though, that no matter how skilled you were with the technique, it could only manipulate wood. That meant no glass in the windows, no electricity or plumbing, and no modern appliances or furniture. So, rather than using it to create a new house every time I stopped to rest, I simply created a single house, then furnished it and set up security measures to protect it while I was away. Then, all I had to do was set up a summoning contract of sorts, which allows me to call it to wherever I am, so long as there is enough room."

The girls were staring at him in awe. Tsunade was the first to shake herself from her stupor. "But, from what I remember reading, a summoning can be forcibly canceled. What would happen to the house then?"

"If the summoning is canceled, then the house, and everything in it, would be sent to my personal Pocket Dimension. It would remain there, in a sort of 'suspended animation', until the next time I called it out."


"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go inside, and I'll show you to your rooms. Once you get set up, I'll fix us some dinner." Naruto watched as the girls raced inside (well, Tsunade raced. Haku walked, but he could tell she was excited too).

The girls sat at the dinner table, eating in a daze, slightly in awe at all the things they had seen in the house. Their bedrooms alone were enormous, consisting of a sitting room (for relaxing, or reading/studying), bathing room (with standard sink, shower, and toilet, but also an additional hot tub), and private bed chambers. Naruto's Master Bedroom was even more spacious, having an additional game room, and a bed large enough for several people to fit comfortably (both girls blushed slightly at the sight). He even had a personal Mini-Pokécenter, added in during his time with Sukebe.

Naruto decided to interrupt the quiet. "We are going to begin training tomorrow, so you two should get some rest tonight, especially you Tsunade." At their quizzical looks, he elaborated. "You are both currently at level 10. According to the 'dex, Ninjettes evolve at level 15. So, I intend to have you leveled up and evolved by dinnertime, tomorrow."

"Five levels in one day?! Are you serious?!" Tsunade asked, disbelieving.

"Yes, I am. But don't worry, I won't be putting you through that level of training every day." Tsunade looked relieved to hear that. "After all, once you evolve, you should be able to handle 10 levels a day, no problem."


Haku sighed as she eased herself into the warm water in her tub. She had always loved to take long baths, ever since she was young. She figured it had something to do with her mother being a Yuki-Onna, and her inherited ice affinity. Though, she had been reluctant to do so since she underwent Threshold, as it would increase her libido, and accelerate her need to be Tamed. But, now that she had a Tamer, it wouldn't matter too much.

She had just finished washing her hair, and was about to start on the rest of her body, when a knock sounded on the door, and it opened. At first she didn't think much about it, expecting it to be Tsunade (she was sitting with her back to the door). Thus, she was quite startled when Naruto's voice sounded out.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have something to talk to you about. I wanted to catch you before you went to sleep."

Haku glanced over her shoulder, being careful to keep her back to him, and took in his appearance. His hair was slightly damp, as if he had just finished bathing himself, and he was wearing a pair of black sleep shorts, his tails waving behind him. 'Those wonderful, beautiful, golden furry tails… so soft…' she thought, blushing slightly. Yes, Haku had a serious thing for anything that was cute and/or furry. "Wh-what do you need?"

Naruto walked forward, and sat at the edge of the tub. Then, to her surprise and pleasure, he began to wash her back for her. "I was wondering… would you be opposed to being my Alpha?"

That caught her completely off guard, and she abruptly turned to face him. "Why? Why would you choose me over Tsunade?"

Naruto looked her in the eye and replied in complete honesty. "The Alpha of the Harem is, essentially, my second in command. I need someone who can think clearly, and keep a cool head at all times. Tsunade is just too hot-headed at the moment. You would be a much better choice, in my opinion."

His rather blunt compliment, compounded by her realization that she was, in effect, flashing him, caused her to blush quite intensely. It seemed the warm water was already affecting her mental state. She instinctively moved to cover herself, but he caught her arms before she could. "Wha-?"

"Don't. You're beautiful," he said, and her blush darkened even more. "Let me show you, just how beautiful I think you are." With that, he leaned forward and captured her lips in a kiss.

Haku was seeing white. Her mind had gone wonderfully, gloriously blank the instant his lips touched hers. He released her arms, and wrapped his own around her, drawing her in close. She, almost literally, melted into the embrace.

After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled away from 'The Kiss', as Haku's mind had dubbed it. He kissed her chin, then made his way towards her ear, blazing a trail of flames across her skin. Suddenly his voice was whispering in her ear, "Are you ready for this?" At her nod, he swept her out of the tub and into his arms, using his tails to dry her off (much to her delight).

Before she knew it, he had moved her to her bed, and discarded his shorts. She then caught sight of that which had been the object of her curiosity since she had learned about his various abilities and powers. For someone who seemed almost god-like in most respects, he was a surprisingly normal 7". As if he knew what she was thinking ('maybe he does, he is psychic'), he said, "I can control the size of any part of my body, but it's your first time, so I thought I should keep it from getting too big. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." She smiled at his thoughtfulness, while blushing at thoughts of what they might do with that ability in the future.

They locked lips once again, this time using their tongues to explore their partner's mouth. Naruto, Haku decided, tasted like amazake and miso ramen. Naruto discovered that Haku tasted mostly like strawberries, but he could taste several other sweet fruits as well. He pulled back from the kiss and watched Haku, face flushed and lightly sweating, as she panted and squirmed beneath him. He had been using his tails to gently caress her while they were kissing, and she seemed to be enjoying it immensely.

He descended once more, kissing his way downward to her neck, where he suckled her pulse point. At her appreciative mewl, he smiled slightly, before continuing down, eventually arriving at the valley between her breasts. He kissed his way over to her right nipple, and then proceeded to lavish it with attention from his mouth and tongue. Haku was practically writhing at this point, and let out a small cry, shuddering violently as she came, when he repeated the process on the left.

He stopped for a moment, both to let her recuperate and to observe her lovely face, before continuing on his way down. When he reached her small patch of hair, he nuzzled it affectionately, before settling his face between her thighs. There it was, her most secret place, usually just as pale as the rest of her, but currently tinged pink and glistening with excitement. He inhaled deeply, searing her scent into his mind forever. Haku gave a sudden cry as he dove in without warning, licking and sucking, nibbling on her outer lips for good measure. It was when he pressed his nose against her clitoris, engorged from the stimulation, while thrusting his tongue as deeply as he could, that she came for the second time, practically wailing as her juices cascaded into his mouth. Naruto found himself greatly enjoying her taste, and silently vowed to taste it as often as he could.

Moving back up to capture her lips for another soul searing kiss, in which Haku got a good taste of herself, and surprisingly found she didn't really mind, he settled himself between her legs. Looking deep into her eyes, he found no hesitation, and so began to slowly push forward. Soon, he was entirely sheathed within her, and he realized she felt like cool, yet moist silk. Getting a nod from a panting Haku, he began to move slowly, establishing a steady rhythm.

"Mmmm, harder… faster… Naruto-kun!" Haku cried out, embracing him tightly, as her inner muscles clenched around him. He began to move faster, thrusting harder and deeper, heeding her cries. He moved his hands, one onto her ass, the other placed on her left breast, and used his tails to caress the other spots he couldn't reach. Through countless orgasms, he kept pounding away at her, for four hours, without releasing once. Feeling the girl beneath him readying herself for her final orgasm, he allowed himself to come with her, as she clutched at him, screaming hoarsely before passing out.

Removing himself from her, he laid down beside her and covered them both in a blanket after wrapping Haku in his tails. Before he settled down to sleep, he looked once more at the beautiful girl in his arms. Smiling, he closed his eyes and drifted off.

Naruto's Harem:

Haku, Ice Maiden, Level 10 – Alpha

Tsunade, Ninjette, Level 10

Post Note: And, done! Whew, that lemon took more effort than I thought it would!

A few more of Naruto's abilities are revealed, and he hints to something bigger in one of his conversations with the girls. Can you find it?

About the Shichuuka: while I am a huge fan of Infernal Maelstrom's "A New Life", I have to disagree with how Naruto uses the technique in that story. It's a Mokuton technique, it wouldn't allow him to create a fully functioning house with soft beds, plumbing, and a functioning kitchen. The summoning is my way around that.

And for those of you who are wondering, amazake, also known as sweet sake, is a sweet-tasting, lightly alcoholic drink, often served with appetizers and desserts (it is even available to teens in places, the alcohol content is so low). Since Naruto doesn't really need to drink, and alcohol, as a poison, doesn't affect him, he would go for whatever tastes good when he does drink. Now, you can't say I never taught you anything!

Review if you want to.