Taaadaaaa! I'm back! And yes! I'm doing a Laven story. But don't worry. I have Yullen story in mind but I still haven't thought about it yet that much.

First of all, I would like to thank all of you who supported my other fic, A Long Lost Memory. I really love how it turned out.

Disclaimer: I don't own DGM or Allen and Lavi and Kanda and so on. But I would like to own a doll of them to cuddle with at night! XD

And now presenting…

Summary: Allen and Lavi were childhood friends and they had fun together. But after an incident, Allen suddenly changed and Lavi swore to bring the boy's true smile back. Will he be able to do it before it becomes too late? AU Laven

I Miss Your Smiles

"Aka-chan!" a 10 year-old white-haired boy called as he smiled and waved.


"Aka-chan! Come back here!" an angry white-haired boy shouted as he chased an older red-haired boy.


"Hahaha! Aka-chan! You look like an idiot!" the same boy said as he again laughed hard and almost fell off the chair.

"Hey! That's not a word for a ten year old kid like you to use! And stop laughing at me!" a voice said annoyed.


"Thank you Mana!" the white haired boy said as he tackle-hugged the man beside him.

The boy then turned his head at his right which allows it to be in the view while still hugging the man. "And to you too, Aka-chan. Thank you! This is the best day of my life! I hope we stay like this forever!" the boy then flashed his best smile to the one he is talking to and then everything stopped.

In a dark room with a little light coming from the television, a teenager with red-hair stared hard at the TV screen showing a smiling face of a cute little white-haired boy.

The red-haired teen then pulled out his wallet from his pants. He opened it and took a picture out and stared at it with unfocused eyes. It is an old photograph of two laughing little boys.

"Aka-chan! Hurry! I want to ride the Ferris wheel!" a 10 year-old white-haired boy called as he smiled brightly.

"Hai! Coming, Shiro-chan!" Lavi, a 13year-old boy with bight red hair replied as he approached the younger boy.

"Mana! You, too! Hurry or we will not catch the fireworks while riding the ferris wheel" Shiro-chan complained and pouted at his father.

"But before that, I would like to take a picture of you two together to remember this event." Mana started to rummaged inside his bag for the camera as the two boys stood side by side, the ferris wheel behind them as a background.

"Okay. Got the camera. Are you boys ready? On the count of three. One, two.." Mana counted.

But before the count of three was heard, chibi-Lavi placed his right arms around Shiro-chan's shoulder and tickled the boy's side using the other hand. Shiro-chan then laughed. His sweet and angelic laugh resonates at the surroundings.

"Three." Click.

"Aka-chan! That's not fair! Who told you to tickle me at my side?!" Shiro-chan complained as he lightly punched the older boy at his arm.

"Haha! Sorry. I really love your laugh so I can't help it." Chibi-Lavi said as he smiled at the boy.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's head for the ferris wheel then we can eat dinner" Mana then ushered the two boys towards the said ride.

"I really missed your laughs, Shiro-chan," An 18 year old Lavi said as he stared sadly at the picture of a chibi version of Shiro-chan and himself with the ferris wheel as the background.

A soft knock was then heard at the door but Lavi didn't move, as if he didn't hear the


"Lavi-san, you should leave for school right away, otherwise you will be late for class," the man said who poked his head inside the dark room.

"I'll be right there." Lavi stand up and returned the picture inside his wallet and turned the television off. He then walked towards the door.

Aka – red

Shiro – white

Just leave a review if you feel like it. But doing so will make me really happy. ^_^