Thank you everyone so much! I can't believe I got 100 reviews! I'm really glad you all enjoyed this story; I know I did. And this story was popular even with the little known SakuGenma pairing.
And sadly, yes, this will be the final chapter of GenmaSensei. I hope you all enjoy it. :) It's a little corny, but what epilogues aren't?
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
Genma sighed lightly as he sat back in his chair. Glancing at the clock he had to smirk. It was the last day of the school year... summer would start tomorrow. That meant Genma could have a lot of fun.
After the dance, so many months ago, Tsunade had talked to both Genma and Sakura, and also Kakashi and Ino about their relationships. It was true everyone was above legal standards, but Tsunade still frowned upon the idea of a student having a relationship with their teacher.
After a three hour meeting about convincing Tsunade it was fine to have a relationship with a teacher, Sakura and Genma's relationship, and Kakashi and Ino's relationship were said to be okay... but there still were stipulations.
Genma frowned at the thought of these.
' 1. No sex in the classrooms
No living together at home
No dates outside of ones home.'
Genma smirked when the bell rang. Sakura was supposed to be on her way to his classroom so they could celebrate their relationship, properly. A little sex in his classroom wouldn't hurt... They had been seeing each other for over eight months, and Genma knew he never wanted to be with anyone else. Grabbing a small box from his pocket, he smiled once he saw the emerald ring inside of it.
"Todays the day," he told himself as he put the ring back in his pocket. Looking around the classroom, Genma noticed all his students were gone. Smirking, he pulled out a few candles from his desk, and began lighting them.
He walked over to his CD player, and began to play some Barry Manilow. He flipped off the classroom lights and began to strip off his clothes.
A knock came to the door, and Genma called out, "come in."
The door opened, and a choking noise was heard. "What the hell, sensei?" Neji said from the door. He placed his hands over his eyes, and tried to walk into the room. "I left something in here this morning... why the hell are you naked?"
Genma sighed. "Long story," he said as he walked over to Neji's desk. Grabbing the book from Neji's now old desk, Genma walked over and handed it to Neji.
Neji brought his hands from his eyes, but then put them back seeing Genma was still naked. Genma chuckled. "Seriously, kid," Genma said as Neji all-but ran from the classroom... Hands still covering his eyes.
"Ahh!" Genma heard Neji scream, causing Genma to cringe. Sighing slightly when Genma couldn't hear any more noise, Genma walked back over to his desk, and laid down on top of it.
Another knock came to his door, it was much lighter this time. "If you're not Sakura Haruno then you cannot enter," Genma called to the door.
He heard a light giggle from the other side, and the door opened to reveal his pink haired vixen. She had changed over the past months... everyday she grew even more beautiful to him. Her once short hair had grown out and was now at mid-back. Her curves seemed to have become even more pronounced, if that was even possible, and her eyes seemed to sparkle just a little bit more.
"Did Neji come in again, and ruin your 'romantic mood,'" Sakura asked with a knowing smirk on her face.
"And how did you know that?" Genma asked sitting up; his nude body no longer affecting her.
"Neji was covering his hands as he ran down the hall," Sakura said as she shut the door, and locked it. She turned back around and began unbuttoning her top. "I noticed he came from this room... so I just assumed."
"You're right," Genma said as he walked toward Sakura and grabbed her waist. "Neji did come here, but he didn't ruin my romantic mood."
Sakura giggled as Genma pulled off her skirt in one fluid motion effectively taking off Sakura's skirt and also setting her a top one of the desks in the room. Sakura threw her shirt off, and Genma immediately began attacking Sakura's neck with butterfly kisses.
Sakura's eyes widened when she heard the distant music playing in the background. "We're seriously... going to do it... while Barry Manilow is playing in the background?" Sakura asked.
"Most women would find it romantic," Genma said between kisses.
"You should know," Sakura said with a smirk. "I'm not like most women."
Jumping off the desk, Sakura walked over to the stereo and turned off the CD. She blew out the candles Genma had set up, and then walked back over to Genma. "I love you for you, not for your lack of romantic skills."
Genma pouted his lower lip. "I can be romantic," Genma said childishly.
"I don't want you to be romantic," Sakura said as she began trailing kisses across Genma's naked chest. "I just want you."
"Sakura," Genma growled out. He brought her lips up to his, and crushed them together passionately. Taking his arms, Genma began rubbing circular motions with them on Sakura's back. Sakura groaned into his mouth.
"This is why I love you," Sakura said once the kiss ended.
"Will you love me forever?" Genma asked quietly.
"Genma-kun," Sakura said looking into his eyes. "What are you talking about?"
"Will you love me, and cherish me forever until death do us part?" Genma asked as he walked back over to his pants and got out the ring. "Because I want to love you, and cherish you forever."
Sakura brought a hand to her lips, and stood there frozen. "Genma-kun is this?" Genma nodded. He opened the box, and Sakura was met with the sight of beautiful emerald engagement ring.
Sakura smiled, and ran towards Genma. She embraced him tightly. "Of course I'll marry you," Sakura said with a large smile. "Idiot."
"Hey, it's romantic idiot to you," Genma said with a smirk as he kissed Sakura's lips.
"I guess I was wrong," Sakura said with a smirk. "You can be romantic."
"Damn right, I can be," Genma muttered and kissed her deeply again. He slipped the ring on her finger; it fit perfectly.
"And to think you used to be just my Sensei at the beginning of the year," Sakura chuckled under her breath. "And a silly bet was the thing that got me to get involved with you. Wait... Damn it!" Sakura said breaking away from Genma's embrace. "Ino-Chan! You still haven't gotten me that damn job at your mother's flower shop!"
Sakura ran from the room and started screaming down the hall. "I know you're with Kakashi, Ino! You get your big ass out here, and get me that job!"
Genma chuckled as he started to put on his pants. He grabbed his shirt and carried it with him; Sakura would probably need it soon. "Should I tell her she's just in her undergarments?" Genma asked himself as Sakura turned a corner. "Nahhhh."