Disclaimer: You know the drill, Hell's Aphrodite owns nothing.

Warning: Same as always.

Turned out the green-eyed man did indeed have more up in his sleeves than what the two thugs originally thought. Sam could not help but smile to himself as the handsome man smoked all three of them at nine-ball. Sam had always seen himself as a good pool player but compared to this man he had to admit that he was out of shape. Those green eyes were shining with amusement as he put down one ball after another and after only thirteen games he had won ten times, Sam being lucky to have won the three other games. The two thugs on the other hand did not look so happy to lose all their money to a pretty boy. And certainly not lose it all to a pretty boy who was young enough to be their son nonetheless.

"Unbelievable," one of them muttered as he handed over his money to the younger man. "Fucking unbelievable."

The other did not say anything. He was too busy digging after money while frowning over the fact that he just lost all his money. Finally, after what seemed like ages, he managed to gather enough money.

"Here you go," he muttered with an impudent tone to the green-eyed man and handed over the sum he owed the winner. The beautiful man grinned as he received his 'prizes' from the two men.

"Hope to play with you once again," he said with a teasing voice as the two thugs made their way out of the bar.

Sam felt a rush of bloodlust begin to flow through his veins as he watched the confidence on the man's face. For a moment he felt like just embracing the man and sink his fangs into that neck but he knew that would be the same as to challenge fate, for many reasons. Reason one; he knew the situation for vampires was not at its best. He was well aware of the fact that they were almost extinct; any goddamn vampire who did not know this would be one hell of a dumb one. Reason two; this was the best place in town to pick up their dinner. He had met that girl from yesterday… Emily or Emma, he did not remember… along with his previous victims too. And on this fateful day he meets this green-eyes god.

Yes, biting him now would be a bad idea.

"And what about you?" he now turned his attention towards Sam.

"What about me?" Sam asked with an innocent voice.

"Well, you did only win three games, which means you also owe me," the green-eyed man said.

Shit, he had forgotten about that. He did not have any money, well enough he did have enough to cover up for a couple of drinks but not enough to cover up for ten rounds of disastrous pool games. Yet he did not want to make himself look like a total fool in front on this man, not when he for once had caught such a beautiful prey.

"I'll tell you what," he said with his most charming smile. "How about we instead play a game of eight ball and the winner buys the loser a drink."

"You don't have any money, do you?" the green-eyed man said with an amused tone though you could find a hint of annoyance hidden beneath it if you listened carefully.

"No, it's not like that…" Sam tried but there was no point in arguing with the other man.

"You really don't," he said. "Well, since I'm in a particularly good mood for beating those two fucker's asses, I'll let you pass this time. Oh, and by the way… I only accept drinks from beautiful ladies and certainly not from kids. Does your mom know you're out tonight?"

Kid? Had the green-eyed man just called him a kid? Sam tried not to let the annoyance of being called a kid by a man who could not be older than 25 or something. Instead he continued to smile at the man. He could not help but like him. The man was feisty and offered him a challenge. Something he had not had for a long, long time and something he was in a desperate need for.

"Tell me… eh, what's your name?" Sam asked him out of the blue. If he was going to play games with Green eyes then he most certainly could not go around calling him 'Green eyes'. No matter how fitting the name was he doubted the man would agree to it.

The man looked at him like he had just proposed. Okay, that might be over-exaggerated but still, the look told Sam he was not about to reveal his name to just anyone. Not even to a 'kid'.

'Interesting,' Sam thought. 'Green eyes got something to hide.'

During his long lifetime Sam had noticed certain patterns in people's behavior. For example when a man was reluctant to give out his name to strangers, he usually had something to hide. Some women he had encountered had not given their real name just for the sake of feeling safer when encountering a stranger. But a man with a clear history would never hesitate.

"Well? I'm waiting," Sam said with a teasing voice.

"No offence, kid, but I don't just give out my name randomly."

Now the vampire's suspicions grew higher.

"Well then I'll call you 'Green eyes' for the rest of the evening then, what do you think of that?"

"Please don't." The green-eyed man said and looked as if he was trying to remember something, like a fake name he could 'randomly' give out to a harmless kid. At least he was a harmless kid for now.

"What about Esmeralda? It's Portuguese for 'emerald'." Sam said and had to choke down a laugh.

Oh the look on the other man's face. He looked like he was about to punch Sam.

"Okay, what do you say about 'Pretty boy'? Like what those two thugs called you?" Sam could not help himself when the man did not answer for a few minutes.

"You're kidding right?"

"Then what is it? Don't tell me you don't have a name? Everyone's got a name."

"Hector Aframian," the green-eyed man said with a look as if he just remembered whatever he was trying to remember. "My name is Hector Aframian."

He was obviously lying, but damn he was a good liar. Anyone else less experienced than Sam would certainly fall for that. Though he really should have picked a better name for himself than 'Hector Aframian'. It really did not fit him at all. He should have thought of something better, maybe something masculine with a feminine touch to it? Yes, that would have been much better. But if he did not want to give his real name then who was Sam to lure him out for it?

"Well, Hector Aframian, my name is Sam and as I was going to ask you, are you familiar with the saying 'Don't judge a book by its covers?'"

"Your point being…?" Hector asked him.

"Well I may look like a kid to you but let's not forget how those two thugs underestimated you and how you kicked their asses."

"Whatever man," Hector said with an annoyed tone to his voice. "I'll tell you what. We play a game of regular eight ball and if you win I'll buy you a drink. And if I win, I'll just walk away and you get to keep your money."

The offer was tempting; except for the part of the man walking away and then there was the problem with the drink (if he would be so lucky to win after all). He had not drunk alcohol since the time he was turned and he knew that to a vampire nothing else tasted but blood. If he revealed it to 'Hector' then the man would still walk away and Sam would lose his prey. Yet he did not want to let this man get away from him that easily, at least not for this particular moment.

But Hector was apparently not in the mood for waiting as he began to make his was to the bar disk.

"Okay, okay," Sam said quickly. "Fine, I accept your deal. Only problem is that I am not very fond of… alcohol in general. And I don't really like being in depth to anyone either. "

Good, though it was a bit stupid kind of, answer. Now Hector surely would think of him as a little kid who was barely even legal and he would lose the feistiest prey in a long, long time and not to mention the most beautiful one he had ever had.

"Fine, if you win I'll just give you some of my money and we can all forget about this."

Sam nodded in agreement. Better not let this man know what Sam was up to, what thoughts were roaring around his head and certainly not how hard he was trying to fight his bloodlust. Just watching as Hector bent down to pick up the balls and the rest of the balls from 10-15 to get the game ready. Sam had lived long enough to be able to control the bloodlust that was flowing through his veins, but this man almost made him not wanting to be able to control it.

"Want to break, kid?" he asked Sam as he was done with the preparations.

"Sure," the vampire answered and put down the white ball to make the perfect break and managed to pocket one of the solid-colored-balls.

In the end Hector still won the game, and despite the growing lust for the man's blood that tormented Sam's whole body, he had to watch the green eyed man walk away. Not wanting to seem too desperate he went back to sit with Becky, Zack and Emily. Jessica was still somewhere toying with Mr. Handsome-and-brooding.

"So Sam?" he could hear the amused tone in Zack's voice. "You decide one night to change your pattern from beautiful and virtuous girls to handsome and definitely-not-so-virtuous men and it ends in a disaster?"

"Who said it was the end?" Sam asked him with his usual confident tone.

"Sam, that guy rejected you completely and you still want to woo him?"

Woo him? Who said anything about wooing? Sam never wooed, he toyed, manipulated and he ate. That was his motto. He never used any romance and he never wooed. And despite the bloodlust he harbored for the green eyed man, the man was not the only attractive person in the bar.

"Sam, when will you ever find someone?" Zack asked him while he shook his head.

"I told you already, Zack, there is no human truly worth my attention. That man is clearly straight, fine, his loss."

Although they all knew that it was not true. Sam was not someone to step away only after a mere rejection. What Sam wanted he always got, in one way or another. If he had decided that the green eyed man was his next prey, then there was very little force in the world that was able to stop him.


Dean had no idea why he felt so uncomfortable just by sitting at the bar disk. He could not put a finger on it but there was a lingering feeling of being watched.

That was not something strange to him. He knew he was good looking and he knew that he easily drew attention to himself from both women and men alike. But this was different. This did not feel like the usual admiration staring he was used to. This was the feeling of someone looking at him and intensively taking in his whole appearance to the heart.

Taking a small sip of his whiskey, he carefully looked around the bar in case he would get some idea who it would be but noticed nothing that stood out of the ordinary. He saw the strange kid, Sam, sitting at a table with two other kids. There was something about the kid that made him feel edgy around him and desperate to get away. He knew how absurd this sounded but something about the way the kid acted towards him made him feel awkward.

"Excuse me, but is this seat taken?" a soft yet self-assured female voice said behind him.

It was a good looking woman, perfectly his type of girl to entertain himself with for a night. Perfect built and height and nice long legs.

"Of course not," he said with a charming smile. "There will always be a seat free for a beautiful lady."

The woman gave him a small smile back and ordered herself a glass of red wine.

'So she's a woman with class,' Dean thought to himself. 'Obviously she is not a feisty little wild cat. Oh well, classic chicks are fun too and smarter to talk to when you need information.'

"So are you here visiting or something," the woman asked him. "I haven't seen you here before."

So she was also an observant woman? Good, he could need someone like that right now. Although he had to this bar to mainly have fun, he was in this town to do a job. Same hunter who had told him his looks would one day become a curse told him then if he had the chance to mix the job with fun then he would be an idiot to turn it down.

"I'm here on a job," he told her.

She did not look curious or impressed. More like surprised if he had to describe the look she had on her face.

"Is it really that bad with jobs out there that you have to come to this tiny town to get a job?" she asked him.

Not wanting to draw attention to them he bent forward towards her and began speaking with a lower tone.

"Well, you know that a girl was killed in the forests during last night, right?"

"Everybody knows," she said. "When you live in a small town like this, everybody knows everybody and everything."

"So you knew the girl?" he asked her curiously. If she knew the dead girl then perhaps he could find out something about the victim and maybe get closer to the one who killed her. He still had a hard time believing it was a vampire but the more he thought about it the more sense it made. He knew John knew what he was talking about and would not just come up with any theory out of the blue.

"Knew and knew," the woman answered as she took a sip of her wine. "I didn't hang out with her if you mean it like that, but I have friends who hung out around her. She was a bit on the wild side for my taste of liking."

So the dead girl was someone who liked to party? Maybe some of this woman's friends could help him more.

"Do you mind if I talk to some of your friends about her?" he asked her. "I just want to ask them for a few questions, nothing more."

"I guess I could tell them," she said. "But just for your information, these woods are filled with grizzlies. Going out there alone is equal with suicide. Every once in a while someone is found out there, dead."

There was an accusing tone in her voice. Apparently she thought that whoever went into those woods alone had no one but themselves to blame and Dean could not say he did not understand the way she thought. If those woods were so dangerous then why did people go in there, especially alone at night?

"The strangest thing about it is that it is alwaysgirls who are found dead out there," the woman continued. "Every once in a while you can find a girl out there who has been drained of blood."

"So you mean always as in always girls and never men?" he asked her curiously. As far as he knew animals did not mind if they killed a man or a woman.

"Never a man, not as long as I've lived here and I've lived here my whole life," she answered with a bitter tone.

She paused and took another sip of her wine before she continued.

"Strange for an animal attack isn't it?" she asked him, this time with a much less snobby tone.

"What's strange?" he asked her back, although he had his guesses what she was hinting at.

"An animal which drains someone of blood, and always girls" she answered him. "You think that a grizzly would A) leave a bloody mess behind, a person completely ripped to shreds and B) not give a damn if it's a man or woman. I have never heard of an animal like that."

"You don't think it might be something else?" Dean asked her carefully, daring her to admit that she believed in something else, something less natural.

"If it's not an animal attack, then what could it possibly be then?" she tried to sound convinced but Dean could easily hear the doubt in her voice.

He had always gotten annoyed at how most people were so skeptical to the supernatural that surrounded them every day. Everything from the boogeyman to demons and all other fucked up creatures in the between, how most people denied their existence. That was why so many paranormal beings could make their way in the human realm. Since no one believed in them they had no problem causing chaos around them. No one would even come to think of questioning whether certain deeds were made by humans, animals or other beings. Children were so much easier to question. They would never question whether their eyes were just playing tricks or whether they were going insane. No, they would always know what they saw and would simply tell their story. Some older kids may think they had a nightmare but not very often. Unfortunately they would also grow up to become narrow minded fools like most adults were these days.

But he had no intentions in being mean to a lady, especially not to a woman who was willing to give her information on the attack and help making the job easier.

"I don't know," was his answer. "You could tell me what you think, I promise I won't laugh."

"Believe me, you would," she answered quietly.

"Try me, you might get surprised."

This time she did not take a simple sip on her wine but drank the whole thing in one, swift gulp. When she had drank everything she took out a note and a pencil from her purse and wrote something down. After that she bended towards Dean and quietly whispered in his ears:


With that being said, she took her purse and left. Dean looked at the note and saw that she had very neatly written down on the note some names and phone-numbers. Quickly, he put the note in his jeans-pocket and drank up the last of his whiskey and hurried out of the pub, eager to tell John what he had found out today.

Unfortunately de did not get far out of the door before he felt a pair of hands grab him and dragged him towards the nearest alley.

"Surprised to see me, pretty boy?"

~End of chapter~

So here is the third chapter in the story. I cannot believe I have managed to produce a third chapter already I was really sure it would get delayed with another three years. Thank you to everyone who has put the story on their favorite story list and alert list. I know I asked for constructive criticism but you are allowed to pop any comment you wish to tell. Reviews are highly inspiring.