Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters (although I wish I owned Dean). They all belong to the genius Eric Kripke.

Warning: Sam is a vampire so he might be a bit OC, EvilVampire!Sam/Dean (NOT Wincest), abuse, possibly rape in later chapters. Don't like it, don't read!

She had no idea for how long she had been running and how far. For each mile she passed, she felt her legs slowly breaking under her, but she couldn't stop now. Not when she knew he was still after her, and he was only closing in to her. Deep inside her she knew she couldn't escape him, knew she wouldn't survive the night.

He could smell the blood, sweet, innocent, human blood pumping through the veins of his prey; he could even taste her fear as she tried to run away from him. Oh well, he could let her run for a while if she wanted. Sooner or later she wouldn't have more energy and her legs would break under her and he would catch up to her. Besides, his likeness for playing cat and mouse never seemed to ease.

Her breath was getting more and more irregular and her speed was slowly easing off.

'No!' she commanded to herself. 'Don't let him get to you! Keep running you fool!'

He couldn't help but smirk. His prey was a feisty one; she still thought she could escape him. Not that he minded; the feisty ones were his favorite kinds. Humans who just accepted that they would die and didn't struggle were never the kind of challenge he liked. No, he preferred the ones who were more desperate to stay alive. Like this pretty, sweet girl.

Unlike other vampires, who would choose the best and closest person to feed from, he was a little bit more the kind of vampire who liked to play with his prey before he fed off them. First he would set his eyes on an attractive person, no way he would feed from just anybody, no, he had some specific criterions on what kind of prey he preferred. Mostly it was girls that fell victim to his desires, but if he ever saw a good looking guy, he would simply go for it. He knew, with his tall and muscular body, long, brown hair and sexy brown eyes, that not many people would be able to resist him.

How he simply just loved being God.

She had no idea why the adrenaline continued to pump through her blood, giving her strength to keep running, even if they felt totally numb. She could hear the rustling behind her and knew that he was closing in to her.

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no,' she thought as a hand grabbed her hair with a strength beyond humanity. 'Please no, oh God, please help me.'

"God can't help you now, sugar," a cruel voice said mockingly behind her. "God wouldn't even lift a finger for you pathetic humans."

He loved the fear in her eyes, and he would be the one who would fill them with even more fear. This is his absolute favorite part of the game. The feeding part.

"Please, Sam," she begged. "I'll do anything you want… absolutely anything."

He gave out a laughter. A cruel, evil, mockingly laughter that made her blood froze. In pure desperation she had ripped the cross that was hanging around her neck, praying it would work.

However, her hope was replaced with utterly hopelessness as Sam's laughter only grew louder.

"Please, do you actually believe in this superstition? he asked, still laughing. "You humans never ease to surprise me."

Never in her entire life had she felt such helplessness, as she did now with her life in this man's, or whatever he was, mercy. Knowing that there was no one, no person and certainly not God, which would help her. She knew she only had minutes, if not only seconds, left to live. Yet she didn't want to scream, didn't want to show the vampire she was scared.

He saw she had stopped struggling. He felt almost disappointed; she had been so much fun these last couple of weeks. Why did she have to stop resisting now that the atmosphere was heating up? Now that the real fun was about to start. He had really thought she was the screamer-type, the one who screamed as he sucked out her life of her. Oh well, he had come this far now in his game and he always finished what he started.

The pain as he sunk his fangs into her pale, smooth skin was unbearable. She couldn't help but scream out in agony. She prayed to God it would be over soon and Sam would just leave her to die in peace.

Sam hadn't had such a good time in a long time. Her blood was so sweet. He had always enjoyed the taste of a pretty, young, innocent, virgin girl. And her screams. God, he was in heaven. That was another thing with him… he preferred his victims to be virgins. Virgin blood always tasted better than those who weren't which was why he never slept with his victims. It would only ruin the beautiful taste.

Once he had sucked her dry he let go of her, letting her rot there out in the middle of nowhere. He didn't care to clean up after him, she was hundred per cent dead so there was no risk in her turning into a vampire. He looked out in the cold night and saw a small flicker of light in the horizon, realizing sun was about to rise he decided to head back to the nest to his other comrades, some of them would probably already be there, if not all of them.

He took one final look at the dead girl lying on the ground before him. Despite his likeness for the whole "cat-and-mouse" game, he wished to find someone that would be worth to live with for eternity. Not as a friend or comrade, but more like a partner. One who didn't hang out with him because he didn't have much of a choice, but because he wanted to.

Sam knew that was a hopeless thought. There was no way there would ever exist such a person, but he never stopped hoping.

A/N So this was a bit twisted, I know. No need to comment that. I know Sam is a bit OC, but come on; he's a vampire after all. But feel free to give constructive critique.

Next chapter will be longer.