Chapter 1:Yep, that was one boring assembly
This story starts one a beautiful sunny spring morning. The birds were chirping, the animals were waking (grandma bone on the rampage) and the sun looked like a sunny side up egg on the horizon.
Charlie and his friends just had to be at Bloors. The only good thing was that it was Friday.
"Man, this stinks. I had to leave my favorite subject just to see a boring assembly." complained Olivia.
"Well, at least it's better than french." said charlie.
They sat quietly as they waited for the assembly to start. Finally Dr. Bloor came on to the stage and started speaking.
"Now everyone has to join this. It's the school board's idea. Not mine." bellowed Dr. Bloor.
He held up a flyer that only the first few rows could see. A confused murmur started to rise. It got to the back row where Charlie and his friends were sitting.
"Everyone has to join the Bloor's football team?" asked Emma, puzzled.
"I'm horrible at football." said Gabriel.
Dr. Bloor looked at the flyer. "Oops. Wrong flyer. You all have to join..." He held up a different flyer.
"The school camping trip?" asked Charlie.
"But my hair will get all frizzy!" whined Olivia.
"Now," started Dr. Bloor." You all have the weekend to get every thing on this list."
He held up a list with his forefinger and thumb.
"Oh, that doesn't look too bad." said Billy.
Dr. Bloor removed his forefinger and replaced it really quick. another list appeared. He did that three more times.
"Oh crap" they all said in unison.
I'll be handing these out at the exit. Now get back to work!" Bellowed Dr. Bloor.
On saturday Charlie asked grandma Masie if they had any camping supplies.
"Nope, we don't have any. Sorry sweetie," said grandma masie.
Charlie stormed back up stairs.
"So?" asked Billy when Charlie got to his room.
"We'll have to go out and get everything."
"You know," started Billy. "I've been looking at things list and it says that we don't have to bring a tent. It also says that we have to bring fish and small animal bait."
"Ether Dr. Bloor has gone insane, or this is Manfred's idea."
"But Dr. Bloor sad it was the school board's idea."
"I have a feeling that it's not."
So they set out shopping. After a while they met up with Tancred and Lysander at Cosco.
"hiya" Waved Charlie.
"Do you know where the tents are?" asked Tancred.
"We don't need tents."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah. We think Dr. Bloor has gone insane." Said Billy.
"No, it's Manfred's idea."
So, the four of them went to look for matches. They walked by an aisle and saw Joshua getting a tent from the top shelf. All of a sudden the store person dropped the box on his his head. He walked around loopy and slipped on a banana peel. Then he fell on his back and started to slide on the wet floor. And before he knew it, he banged into a pile of baby bonnets. Joshua sat up dazed, confused, and he was wearing a pink bonnet that said in gold, loopy letters little princess. To top it all off, Tancred caught everything on his cell phone.
Charlie and his friends were rolling on the floor laughing their butts off.
"Oh my god, how funny is that." laughed Lysander.
"Man, I really gotta put this on my you tube account." said Tancred.
"Come on," said Charlie." I bet something else funny is going to happen. Let's go get the girls."
When they walked into the book store they saw Emma an Olivia talking. Olivia had her normal clothes on but Emma was waring a frilly pink apron. The boys walked over to them.
"I didn't know that pink aprons with ruffles was your thing." snickered Billy.
"They're not. My aunt said that it looks more professional if I clean the book store with this on." Emma said.
"Any who, have you gotten anything on your list?" asked Charlie.
"No we haven't yet." said Olivia.
"Great! You can come shopping with us!"
"Alright. Let me throw this last dust pile away then we can go."
Just as Emma was about to throw away the dust a little kid was about to sneeze.
"Sweetie, cover your mouth with something." ushered the mom.
So the little kid ran over to the nearest couch, picked up a pillow, and sneezed right into it.
"Oh, so close." Emma snapped her fingers.
After Emma cleaned the sneezy pillow, a drunk man with stainable wine came in and stained the rugs and seats. You can imagine how THAT went.
After they cleaned that up (it took 72 smoke grenades, 6 gas masks, a fire alarm,19 lego pieces,a kitty pooper scooper,16 cans of shaving cream, and a bag of celery. Don't ask me why.) they went to the pet's cafe to get Fedelio and Gabriel to see if they needed help with their shopping.
Ding ling ling.
"Hey guys, over here!" shouted Gabriel.
"Hey, how's your shopping going?" asked Lysander.
"Great. All we need to do is stop off at Target." said Fedalio.
"Okay, let's go to Target."
Once at Target, Emma and Olivia started to ponder something.
"Has it ever crossed your minds that Dorcas, Joshua, and all though guys have different lists?" asked Olivia.
"Nu uh."
"Not really."
"Well, actually they have a point," said Charlie." If this is Manfred's idea then they probably do have..."
"I told you this is Dr. Bloor's idea!" wined Billy.
"Alright! It's settled!" yelled Tancred." we're going to spy on them. First, we need code names."
10 minutes later...
"Alright, now what should we be called?" asked Tancred?
"The Blues Clue Crew!" shouted Lysander.
Everyone slapped their foreheads.
So, they set off to spy on them. Once they found Dorcas, buying a tent and a propane stove, they started to talk to each other on walkie-talkies.
"This is little violinist and stormy to birdie and drama queen, over." said Fedalio into the Walkie-talkies.
"This is drama queen, we're in the shoes department, over." answered Olivia.
"Good, we were just an our way to the...Why in the world are you two in the SHOES department!?"
"Well, I thought I might find some Uggs or some other shoes..."
"Well at least we have some sense, going straight to the the camping department." cut in Gabriel.
" Hamster and Blues clue this is little violinist, what's on Dorcas's list?" asked Fedalio.
"A tent, propane stove, a whole lot of pre-packed food, yep, their lists are definitely different then ours."
"You know, while we're at Target, we can at least have some fun." commented Billy.
"Your right Billy, who's up for some fun?"
"All right!"
"Let's go!"
"I'm all game."
"Let's roll!"
"All right then, let's hit it!"