
Life carries on long after these conflicts pass; and for Fox and all his friends nothing could have been different. Fox himself found time to retire permanently, he managed to eventually live out his dream of becoming a writer and has currently written two novels based on the Cerinian legends told to him by Krystal, as well as his personal autobiography. Within the first few months of being considered well enough to walk under his own power again, Fox and Krystal were married. Their honeymoon went on record as one of the longest known in popular society as they remained on Planet Sauria for three months in order to keep to themselves for a time. Lylat Face Magazine has recently voted them among the Accord's most popular and handsome couples…

Vixey Reignard became the proud grandmother of Fox and Krystal's twins; Marcus and Skye and has agreed to spend the remainder of her life catching up with her family. One which is larger than ever now thanks to Fox and Krystal's apparent decision to adopt Roxy, Silver, and Eve into their home. It is popular theory that the McCloud home is never without joy and laughter…it is mostly fact…

Creed and Jane of course married; and were shortly blessed with one of Corneria's only recorded cases of Octuplets. Of course to Creed's great displeasure all females. Jane has recently given up any claim she once possessed of the Marx heritage of the black market and was among a very private list of those to attend her father's funeral. Creed has since begun teaching his eight little girls to play Powerball, hoping to one day begin a team of his own. Jane is convinced that the idea will eventually bite him on the ass, as she has often done herself.

The young human swordsman was, through years of trial, granted amnesty for his past deeds in human society and was eventually granted sanctuary and citizenship as Lylat's first human resident. Though his relationship with Mika is strictly unknown, the two keep up a small fighting academy in downtown Corneria city which is attended by more than two hundred thousand students a year. It is currently one of the most accredited academies in Lylat and is considered a perquisite in most Special Ops cadets in the Flight Academy.

After an extensive search, Sia, the wild canine, was reunited with her next of kin. Though it took some time and hard work, she is now fully integrated into modern society and often spends time with the Cerinian people whom were granted a small settlement as per their wishes outside of city limits. Lia, Creed's kid sister, now spends most of her time helping the Cerinians, and has even found a mate with one of them. Creed frequently voices his disagreement but, can find no real faults in the boy. Julius has since promised to keep an eye on the two of them, and has himself found new meaning, and a new mate amongst the Cerinian survivors.

Vanity Rose eventually became the most popular of all the generals to run the Lylatian Council, and eventually even managed to strike a treaty with the human alliance. Wolf O'donnell was even given a seat on the council because of his work with the Lylatian military and for his irreplaceable knowledge of criminal behavior.

Fox McCloud still wonders day by day about the strange entity that had invaded his body. Despite his constant efforts to uncover anything like it, no other record of such a thing seems to be in any database. He still is in search of any information on anyone named Adreus, but, all efforts continue to be fruitless. The search was eventually turned over to Slippy Toad once he returned to the Lylat system, Falco Lombardi and Katt Monroe did not return with him, but, have since been spotted in Dan'jas, living a happy married life. They have yet to visit their old friend in the Lylat system, but, often send their regards…


AN: Wow, sorry that took so long all. I managed to get a bit of free time to punch out the rest of that last chapter and the epilogue. Hope you all enjoyed the last bit of this fic. It was a great fun writing it, and even more so reading all your reviews ^^ here's to next time everyone.

The Footsteps in the Darkness ~ SkullFox