"Come on, Usopp! You're gonna miss out on lunch!" Luffy yelled to his partner in crime. The 'partner' was struggling with the ropes he had entangled when they were playing a game of human spinning tops. Eventually, he gave up and made his way into the ship's kitchen.

"Uwah! Amazing! It's a feash fist today!" the captain slurred as he drooled over the dishes.

"You mean," the navigator of the ship interjected. "a fish feast."

"Don't mind it, Nami-chan. It's natural," Robin warmly smiled, passing the plate of savoury grilled mackerel to the swordsman. "Eat up, now." Nami replied with a shrug. Sometimes she thought that Robin was too carefree in letting the boys go around with their comical activities.

"Ah, well this is a copious serving. Oh, Zoro-san, your drink has a bit more rum in it. Care to exchange?" the ship's musician asked. Zoro stamped on the gentlemanly skeleton's bony foot.

"You..didn't have to go that far!"

The swordsman cocked an eyebrow. "It's natural."

"Oi, Strawhat, that's my cola you're drinking!" Franky yelled as he threw a nearby book at the captain. The teenager dodged it.

"It's natural." he replied.


Sanji stiffened at the sound. He turned to Brook, eying him with suspicion. "Did you let out gas in front of the ladies, idiot?" The skeleton stared blankly at him, sipping his tea.

"But," Brook protested. "it's natural!"

Nami held her breath. These people are always thinking up of excuses. She rubbed her temple.

"Well, I guess it's natural."