Me: Hey everyone, sorry it took so long to work on this. High School, although it has sporks and straws, is hell with my schedule. All the stupid homework. Plus my Creative Writing class takes up most my writing time.

Sheena: You should assign each day a story to work on, and work on it when you can.

Me: Why didn't I think about that?

Sheena: (sighes) Appreintice does not own Tales of Symphonia.

Me: Oh, and I need to correct something. With or Without You is originally by U2, I beleive.


Slowly, with great effort, Kratos reached up, grabbing Pronyma's hand on his left arm and pulling dark magic that she had been using to paralyze his body disappeared from her hand. The auburn angel glared at her, wiping his mouth with the back of her hand. "Why the hell did you do that?" he asked.

Pronyma smiled slyly at him at him. "Oh, my Lord, I've always wanted to do that." She said coily.

"With Anna that right there? I know you knew she was there." Kratos spat.

Pronyma winked. "Of course, my Lord. That filthy rat needs to know that she has no chance. Why do you even care? That little human is pathetic." She said, shrugging her shoulders. Kratos walked away from her, looking back over his shoulder at the opening of the crates.

"I'm not interested, Pronyma." Kratos hissed, then disappeared.

With or without you


Anna's P.O.V.

I don't know how long I'd been crying when I heard a tap on the glass door of my cell. I looked up through tear filled eyes to see my auburn haired angel. "Anna, may I come in?" he asked gently.

"G-go away." I choked out.

With or without you...

Part of me was thrilled to see him, but another was scared of what he had to say. I laid back down, hiding my face in my arms. A few seconds passed before a hand landed on my shoulder, gently pulling me up into a tone purple clad chest. I buried my face there as I continued sobbing. Kratos rubbed my back gently as he 'shh..'ed.

"Anna, I believe that we could be of use to each other. If you would be willing to work with me, I'll explain everything." he said. I looked up at him, dumbfounded. "Anna, do you want to get out of here?" His question thoroughly shocked me.

"More than anything." I whispered in response. Kratos stood before lifting me to my feet. He walked out of the little cell, looking over his shoulder at me before jerking my head, telling me to follow. I ran until I was right behind him, nearly brushing against my angel's back I was so close. We headed towards the main building of the ranch, the Desian soldiers giving me foul looks.

It made me nervous to have my back exposed to them, but I guess Kratos picked up on it, since I suddenly was wallking in front of him, one of his hands on my shoulder to guide me. We passed through the control room, then into the conveyor belt room before I realized where we were heading. I balked, turning around to face Kratos. "Are you mad? We can't go in there with Kvar!" I whispered.

"Do you trust me?" Kratos asked simply. I hadn't known him for long. It was irrational, but I couldn't help but trust me auburn haired angel. I nodded slowly. "Then keep going." I turned around and continued, Kratos staying right behind me. We entered the warp room right before Kvar's chamber, where two Desian's were standing in front of the warp, guarding it.

I shrank back as we got closer to the Desians, both of them holding their ground. "Step aside, men." Kratos said, his voice cold as stone. Neither budged.

"I'm sorry, Lord Kratos, but we are not to let anyone pass." One of the soldiers said. I heard a clink of metal before seeing a purple blur pass in front of the Desians. I heard the clink again as dark red blood squirted from their necks.

"Go, Anna." Kratos urged, and I went onto the warp. Inside Kvar's room, Kratos took the lead, and I followed closely behing him. Kvar and some blond haired man, although I wasn't completely sure he was actually there. Both men were silent as we approached them.

"Can I help you, Lord Kratos?" Kvar asked. He looked annoyed. Kratos crossed his arms over his chest as he glared down at the man.

"Kvar, I wish to request to take the Angelous Project on a project with me." Kratos said in an emotionless voice. Kvar began to chuckle darkly.

"I apologize, Lord Kratos, but I can't allow you to do that. The Angelous Project has already had too much of a rest. She will be put back to work tomorrow." he said. Angelous Project?... Were they... talking about me?

"Is that so?" Kratos spat.

"Kratos," the blond haired man said. "Report back immediately." Kratos 'hmph'ed before he suddenly spun around and grabbed my wrist, running a lot more quickly than he should have been able to. I tried to get my legs to work with his speed, but I was mostly being drug along. "Soldiers, don't let them escape!" the blond haired man's voice suddenly had a more child-like timbre to it.

In the room where Kratos had killed the Desians, there was another there, kneeling next to one as he examined him. "My Lord, do you have any clue what happened here?" Kratos glared at him before he set off at a brisk walk, his hand still tightly around my wrist.

'Men! Do not let Lord Kratos leave the facility! He has the Angelous Project!' Kratos swore under his breath as the loud voice sent a shiver through me. Everyone on the Ranch probably heard that. The Desian examing the other two shakily got to his feet. "H-halt!" he yelled. A breeze blew through my hair before fire struck the man. He yelled out in agony as Kratos drug me out to the next room.

More soldiers than I could count were waiting for us. Archers made up the front line, and all had their bows aimed at us. Kratos pushed me directly behind him as he drew his sword, then, from I have no clue where, he came up with a sheild. "Turn over the Angelous Project!" I felt wind again as Kratos made more of the fireballs, sending them at the archers.

Earth erupted up from under the floor, creating a crater under some of the Desian's feet. Kratos slashed at an approaching whipmaster, who doubled over with his hand around his stomach as crimson blood quickly pooled on the ground. He fell about the same time a sharp pain pierced my shoulder. Looking at it, I saw an arrow sticking out of it, and panicking, began to tug at it, yelping as more pain coursed through me.

Kratos quickly glanced over his shoulder at me. "Anna, leave it. Stay right behind me." he ordered before charging at the Desians. He made wide, yet clean and controled swings with his sword, which made me a bit nervous as I trailed close enough for my forehead to touch his shoulder blades.

Desians fell in front of Kratos, yet he continued going like nothing had happened. I had to watch carefully not to trip over the corpses. Panting, sweat running down my back, I tried to go faster since space had begun to open up between Kratos and I.

I gasped as Kratos suddenly jumped over a hefty Desian. I jumped, but my tired legs wouldn't give me the height I needed. I hit the ground, and the impact drove the arrow farther into my shoulder. Waves of sharp, stinging pain, as my sweat entered the wound, as a pair of hands jerked me up to my feet.

My arm was torqued up behind my back. On pure impulse, I swung my elbow back, and with bruising impact, it struck the Desian's metal helmet. His hands released me, and on nothing but adrenaline, I took off after Kratos, quickly catching up with him as I somehow outmaneauvered the Desians' attacks.

As I was once more close enough for my forehead to hit his shoulder blades, we burst into the ranchyard. Kratos came to a sudden halt, and I smacked into his back, before falling onto my bottom. I peered past Kratos, and gasped. A whole army of Desians were waiting for us.

Kratos swore under his breath as he took a few steps back. "Lord Kratos! Either turn over the Angelous Project, or we'll take it by force." One of the Desians yelled. Kratos turned to face me, before kneeling in front of me. He looked me straight in the eyes as he tightened the grip on his sword.

Then, so quietly that I could barely hear him, he whispered, "Anna, I'm going to give you my sword. You may have to use it to defend yourself until I can help you, but we will get out of here." As said, he handed me his sword. I got a firm grip on it as he pulled me to my feet. I saw him draw a dagger from his belt and turn around before what looked like flying towards the army.

He was so fast that I couldn't even keep up with his movements, so I didn't even try. Instead, I focused on the few Desians that were approaching me. Uncertainly, I lifted Kratos' sword up in front of me using both hands, and my shoulder throbbed, reminding me of the arrow still stuck in it.

Gritting my teeth, I swung the sword at the closest Desian, and he jumped back to avoid the hit. Although his sword was foreign to me, I gripped it in my good right hand, and wildly swung it in front of me. The soldiers stepped back to avoid it as they tried to get close to me, and a second later, a purple, and I could of swore blue, blur passed behind the Desians, and they dropped. "Behind you!" he yelled, and I threw his sword blade first over my shoulder.

Turning around to retrieve it, I screamed. The sword had split the soldiers skull, and blood, and what could have been brains, oozed out of his broken gasket. One of his eyeballs came loose, before rolling towards my foot. The optical nerve, still attached, flipped onto my mocasin, splatering warm blood on my ankle.

I quickly grabbed the hilt of the sword, jerking it up and turning around before I vomitted. More Desians were closing in on me, so I slashed at him. I guess he wasn't expecting it, because the blade struck him. He stumbled back as I jerked the weapon back, guilt washing over me. I guess someone took advantage of that, because the next second, everything was black.


Me: Eh, a little short, but its still something, for anyone who might possible be reading. But I reached the end of the first verse! ^_^

Sheena: Was that the first or second verse? You were using Utada Hikaru's version. In her version, wasn't her first verse U2's first two verses?

Me: O_O Don't make me think Sheena. I had finals Friday.

Sheena: (Shakes her head a bit) Please review.