Me: Just a random idea I had after seeing the movie and noticing that Susan/Ginormica's uniform said "005" on it. I'll give a cookie to anyone that guesses the new monster's name correctly.

Bahamut: That isn't much of an award.

Me: One of Camille's cookies.

Bahamut: Alfergo! Bastio! Caladeon!

WARNING: STORY IS AlternateUniverse! MEANING CHANGES ARE MADE B/W THE FILM AND THIS STORY. Positive reviews are welcome. Flames will be used to roast smores.


Monster Zero

By Corvus no Genmu the Prince of Slumberland

An Angel

It was a dark and foreboding night with the moon gone from sight and the stars shrouded amidst as swirling blanket of rumbling clouds crawled across the horizon. Lightning lit up the black sky in brief flashes, making the shadows of the earth below twist and extend into the shape of nightmares. Rain started to slowly fall before increasing into a torrential downpour. Lightning, thunder, and rain battled against the other for supremacy in their natural musical performance that only truly sensitive ears could hear and appreciate.

Too bad such ears were currently occupied with seeking salvation from the thunderstorm to do so.

It was not there immediately nor did it choose to be. No, its entrance into the storm was granted by means of a strange light like those found in the northern regions of ice and snow. This aurora, small and localized in the center of the mighty storm, tremble like water before its cargo came flying out like a bat out of hell.

It was flying through the clouds, just above the rain line though it obviously hadn't escaped the torrential downpour unscathed as frost coated its dark surface. A long tail served as a rudder for shining wings of light that, through miracle of strength or technology, managed to keep it aloft through the powerful winds. A blast of lightning shot down near it and with a loud screech, let its shocked pain be known to all those below for its voice rose above the rain, above the thunder, and down onto the earth where many awoke with a start at the sheer volume of the unearthly scream.

Many would begin a search on the ground, thinking one of their own had hurt or worse amidst the raging storm. Some would at best ignore the scream as a dream of their mind's fancy and return to slumber's sweet embrace while others would sit up and watch the night as the storm continued through. None would ever look into the sky where a winged shape could be seen falling amidst the rain and thunder to ultimately disappear into the canopy of the nearby forest.


"We've… lost contact…"

"Warning… Warning… Severe d-damage to primary security sys-systems…"

"It's gone! It's all gone! There's nothing there but destruction and death!"

"Damages exc--d eighty p---ent of structural integrity…"

"The Project was a failure, looks like we'll have to look to the Japs for help after all…"


"I don't care if I'm tried for treason, I'm not going to sit back and watch as you let our world die!"

"Failsafe… Initiated…"




He shot upwards, hands grasping at the branches of trees, too scared out of his mind to truly comprehend his body's strange motions as he drove himself upwards past the canopy of the forest. He had no idea where he was or where he was going, just that he had to see. The world past in blurs of green and brown before the black was seen amidst a sea of stars and a silent floating moon hung just above the horizon where waves of orange began to rise like a curtain, signaling the beginning of day.

He breathed raggedly, still tired from the flight through the storm and his sudden wakening did not calm his nerves any. The sounds of the forest rung loudly in his ears, something he had grown accustomed to over time but the sounds confused him. The sounds of nature were a foreign thing to him, a concept beyond imagination for all his life he heard nothing but the roars of destruction and the echoes of death.

But… the sky was blue here, the air clean and, yes truly, pure! The trees and plants alive and basking with life under a shining sun. The sounds of people, real people alive and well, drifted on gentle, caressing winds. Unconsciously, wings spread out to catch the air, leather like sails spreading amidst bony fingers.

The sun cracked the horizon, sending its golden rays across the land.

He screamed, not because he was unprepared for the light but for its sudden intensity upon his eyes. He fell back to beneath the canopy, falling with the style of a feline through branches and leaves until he landed lightly upon the forest floor. He shook his head, dislodging fallen leaves from wire like strands of hair colored dark as fresh blood. He looked upwards to the heavens, trying to see the sky past the waves of green.

"What was that?" he spoke but paused. His voice was not his own, this was another sad truth that had become his reality but… there was something… wrong. The way his mouth moved, the way his tongue pressed against his teeth. It was wrong. He looked to the ground and heard more than saw the little insects crawling above and beneath the dirt. Hazel eyes narrowed and he knelt lower to the ground. His eyes could barely see the ants yet he could hear their every move with picture clarity. His eyesight was not much but he could still see as well as anyone else, even better when one took his advanced hearing into the equation so then why…

Why did he feel so blind?

An errant twitch at his back made him reach behind him for a good scratch but his serpentine tail beat him to it, flicking the odd irritation away before realization struck him. He had a tail and, dare he look… he turned and saw wings on his back, large and fully capable of lifting him to the clouds and beyond.

"No…" It was a soft-spoken denial for what he saw couldn't be true for if it was… "No, please god no." He ran, faster than human legs could go, wings and hands finding purchase on the ground and increasing his speed even more. The forest became a blur of green and brown, the foliage exploding around him as desperation drove him to something, anything, that could wake him from his darkening nightmare. It took some time but eventually, he had reached the outskirts of the small human suburb. He looked around, eyes narrowed against the harsh light, frantic and urgent for a reflective surface and saw an open window.

His ears told him of the interior of the house and quick as the wind, he was inside and crawling along the floor of the child's bedroom, moving slowly past toys and books left in the occasional corner. The young girl's breathing was even and slow, the sound of a heavy sleep. The day only just beginning, she would not wake on her own.

He rose slowly, the tip of his large ears brushing close to the ceiling despite him hunching over. He walked carefully, his ears primed for the slightest sound. His steps slowed as he approached the child's dresser with its large mirror angled just enough for his own reflection to be out of sight. His hand reached forward and he grimaced at maroon tinted flesh with fingers tipped in razor sharp claws. The hand that was-yet-wasn't his own gently grasped the mirror and tilted it down.


Roughly fifty years later…

"Please! Somebody! I don't belong here! Let me out!"

"Hey, hey! That's not a good idea—!"

"Let me ooouuuut!"

The doors slid open with a loud hiss as pressurized air gently blew into Susan's face. She took a few steps back as burning green eyes suddenly opened in the darkness and a guttural sound like a lion's growl magnified several times over shook her down to her bones.

"Who disturbs my slumber?!" The eyes narrowed as they focused upon her, hanging high above her head and still hidden in the darkness. Whimpering softly, Susan took another step back as the eyes drew closer before suddenly lunging forward and attaching themselves to her face. She screamed and fell hard onto her already bruised behind.

Wings colored like fine wine spread wide as fangs shining with pristine clarity opened in a vicious grin. A serpentine tail curved behind a man's twisted body fused with that of a hellish bat's own. Where the doctor was a man's body with an insect's head, this poor creature was no simple puzzle with two definable pieces. He was man and he was bat at a singular moment, neither yet both all at once. His hands were tipped in sharp claws, short but deadly and though he walked like a man, he hunched himself over like a bell ringer with mammalian wings hanging like a cloak over his muscular shoulders. His head was a terrible fusion between bat and human and Susan dared to wonder if Dracula were truly real, this would be his face.

His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed into thin slits against the bright glare of the lights. He grinned in a feral pleasure from where he stood balancing on her chest, tail raised high like a scorpion's own. "Do I frighten you, monster?"

The creature's ears suddenly twitched and he turned, scowling into the passageway in which he came. With his head turned as it was, Susan could see the collar attached firmly to his neck with a single green light shining on its metal surface. The monster turned to her once more and seemed to look past what normal eyes could see before snorting in disgust and flipping the sunglasses he wore back over his eyes. The monster moved to the small dinner table as a pile of uncooked steaks fell to its surface.

The monster had time enough to grab one of the steaks before the man that made his existence an everlasting torment entered the large chamber.

"Monsters, back in your cells!"

The bat monster's fist clenched tightly at the m-word but he made no move against the general. He grabbed a few more pieces of meat before retreating through the doorway that lead into his cell, sparing the giant woman a single accusatory glare before vanishing into the comforting darkness.


"Rescind Dr. Cockroach's toyblox privileges. Immediately." He growled low in his throat, knowing what was coming next. He flicked down his sunglasses just in time as the light switch on in his cell. He hung upside down from the ceiling, his wings wrapped tightly around him as he enjoyed the last bits of his meal. He turned to regard the giantess outside the thick glass wall that separated him from his freedom. He took the bone in hand and crunched it in half with his bare teeth, turning to suck out the marrow and ignoring the general and monster both. Though he listened as he always did.

"We had the uh, prison psychologist redecorate your cell. Try to y'all calm-like."

"But I don't want a poster… I want a real kitten hanging from a real tree… I want to go home…"

"Oh come on little devy please don't cry it makes my knees hurt. Don't think of this as a prison, think of it as a hotel you can never leave because it's locked from the outside! Oh, and ah, one other thing. The government has changed your name to Ginormica."

"How original, did you make that up yourself or did a five-year-old assist you?" he muttered to himself, tossing the bones aside. His ears twitched and his fearsome visage fell into a dark scowl. He moved to the wall the separated his cell from Susan's own. He pressed an overly large ear to the wall and listened. Tears. She was crying. He stepped back from the wall and jumped upwards to the ceiling, hanging from the bar that served as his bed. So what he heard was true…

"Damn it…" He muttered, his ears folding down in a vain attempt to block out the sounds of her sorrow. He clung to the ceiling and crawled along its smooth surface until he reached the airshaft. With great ease and familiar practice, he tore it loose and managed to squeeze his head through. He whispered softly into the air duct, the long airways amplifying his changed voice to levels he could no longer reach. It wasn't a song he sang that often, which of course wasn't as often as it had been once upon a time but… he was sure she'd understand. She always cared more about other people than herself…

"I wish I had your pair of wings… Had them last night in my dreams. I was chasing butterflies, till the sunrise broke my eyes. Tonight the sky has glue my eyes, cause what they see's an angel hive. I've got to touch that magic sky and greet the angels in their hive. Sometimes I wish I were an angel, sometimes I wish I were you…"

To Be Continued...